Chapter 3: The Tsukuyomi Sword Wielder, Kazumi Konomi

The three put on their battle stances at the woman that almost look exactly like Kazumi,

"Princess Kazumi, I ask you again, politely, to hand over yourself and come back home," The woman says,

Kazumi didn't respond to her, but she looked at the woman with disgust.

"Last chance, Princess Kazumi," The woman says as she points her sword at three of them, taunting them.

Once again, Kazumi didn't respond. The woman changed her expression from neutral to irritated

"You asked for it!" The woman says.

"Go for it, a woman who has the same looks as Kazumi" Tatsumi says as he guarded himself with his sword. The woman smiled at him and runs at him at speeds of a bullet train.

"Tch!" Kazumi scoffed and went to Tatsumi's position, blocking the speedy woman from his back.

'Shit, she's fast' Tatsumi thought.

The woman cackled and says,

"I'm still surprised that you can catch up to my speed, Kazumi"

Kazumi smiled at her and says,

"You're not even a single bit better than the last time, you're still predictable, Izumi"

Izumi backflips back away from Kazumi, Tatsumi thinks of a plan while Kazumi is holding off Izumi,

'This is gonna be reaaaaally difficult, this woman is fast' Tatsumi thought,

"Tatsumi! Come back to your senses!" Rin shouted at him as Tatsumi looked phased out.

'I don't wanna die' Tatsumi's thought changed from thinking of a plan to the fear of dying. These words repeated in his head to the point that he's losing his senses

"Tatsumi!" Rin shouted and slapped Tatsumi.

Tatsumi winced but he regained his senses back,

"Are you all right? I slapped you too hard!" Rin is worried about him.

"I'm fine" Tatsumi replied

Kazumi and Izumi are still at it, with Kazumi predicting Izumi's strikes and counterattacking Izumi but Izumi keeps dodging it by an inch. Izumi finally decides to stop striking Kazumi,

'I know I can't beat her but...' Izumi thought.

Izumi glared at Tatsumi and Rin, which are both open for attacks, Izumi quickly rushed at them both, getting past Kazumi's range. Kazumi looked back to where Izumi is going and finds that Izumi is gonna attack Tatsumi and Rin.

"Damn it!" Kazumi shouted and chases Izumi.

"Both of you!" Kazumi yelled at both of them and both of them gave their attention to Kazumi and Tatsumi realized what is going on,

"Fuck!" Tatsumi blurted out and armed his sword and blocked Izumi's strike in a nick of time. Izumi smiled creepily at him, which put a shiver down in Tatsumi's spine. Izumi disappeared once again, from Tatsumi's line of sight. Izumi reappears behind Tatsumi, again, ready to strike.

"Mirror's Edge," Izumi says and mirages of Izumi started to appear.

Tatsumi looks behind him, where he spots Izumi. He dodges the first strike by Izumi then blocked the 2nd and 3rd strike but Izumi speeds behind him and about to strike him in his back but,

"I got you this time!" Rin shouted as she used her glaive to guard Tatsumi, the blade on Rin's glaive and Izumi's sword clashed, making the atmosphere shook. Izumi frowns as her final attack got blocked but then,

"Tsukuyomi Burst," Kazumi says but with a disgusted tone as if she didn't want to say those words and swings her sword, building a red-colored projectile, aimed at Izumi that has an electrifying aura.

"Crap!" Izumi says with a scared look on her face. She moves away from Tatsumi and now instead of Izumi getting hit, Tatsumi is gonna get hit! Tatsumi panics and runs to Rin for protection but the projectile didn't go straight, it followed Izumi's track, Izumi quickly runs away, to the outside of the arcade door room.

The projectile hit the wall near the arcade room door and the projectile lit up the room with an explosion that made a huge smoke inside the room. Tatsumi and Rin coughed as they inhaled a bit of smoke into their lungs.

"Tch!" Kazumi scoffed with an unsatisfied look on her face.

"Was that..." Tatsumi says as he widened his warm and gentle brown eyes.

"Magic?" Tatsumi asked and Kazumi's face got even scarier as her glare starts to get intense, that made Tatsumi weep in fear and he hid behind Rin.

'She's scary!' Tatsumi shouted in his thoughts while his body whimpers.

"Tatsumi, don't ever say that again," Kazumi says as her expression starts to get milder.

"Or else" Kazumi continued and her gaze started to get intense again, once again, Tatsumi is frightened.

"Looks like that girl is gone, I'll order my servants to clean this up, dinner was ruined earlier because of her, so I'm gonna have to do it again, I'll probably be done in 40 minutes," Kazumi says as she left the arcade room.

Rin and Tatsumi are just standing in one position as the moment of silence continues.

"Rin, where is the library?" Tatsumi asks

"Oh, the one with the two big, wooden doors on the same floor as our room" Rin responds

"Third floor, right?" Tatsumi asks once again

"Yes," Rin replies as a reassurance.

Tatsumi leaves the arcade room and walks to the stairs to go to the third floor, Rin follows him. As Tatsumi noticed that Rin is just following him, he says,

"Rin, you don't have to follow me, you can go to our room and do whatever you want," Tatsumi says

"No, it's fine!" Rin says

"Besides, I have nothing to do anyway" Rin continued

"Suit yourself," Tatsumi says as he shrugs.

Meanwhile, Kazumi as she walks to the kitchen, thought of what Tatsumi said

"Was that..."


As she thinks about that, her expression turned gloomy and her eyes lost it's vibrant and turned dull.

"Kazumi, I'm sorry," A voice, that sounded gentle and warm said those words in her head.

"Leo, why?" Kazumi mumbled as tears started to fall from her dull, red like ruby eyes.

"W-why did you have to..." Kazumi sobbed as she falls, knee-down to the floor.

'Die?' Kazumi continued to say it in her thoughts as tears gush down from her eyes


Tatsumi opens the two big wooden doors that lead to the library. As the door opened, a wonderous sight is to behold.

"Whoa!" Both of them exclaimed the library is very large, with its cream-colored walls that brighten up the library, a huge aisle of shelves appeared right before them and that is only a tenth of the library's space!

Tatsumi immediately asks as he got overwhelmed by the number of bookshelves in the room

"Rin, do me a favor, please? Help me find a certain book, ok?" Tatsumi hastily says.

Rin got overwhelmed by how fast he talked so she was speechless,

"Okay, thank you!" Tatsumi continued.

"W-wait! What kind of book are you exactly trying to find?" Rin slows Tatsumi down as he talked too fast.

"Uh..." Tatsumi says as he puts his finger on his jaw, thinking.

"I don't know?"

That made Rin slap him in the face

"Ow! What was that for?" Tatsumi winced

"Sorry, you were so irritating that I had to slap you" Rin hissed

"Alright, I was kidding, I'm trying to find a book about magi-" Rin covered his mouth as he was about to say magic.

"Tatsumi! Quiet down!" Rin whispers to Tatsumi

"Why?" Tatsumi whispers back.

"You don't know, do you?" Rin says

"Magic is a taboo in this world!" Rin whispers to Tatsumi's ear

"Whaaat?" Tatsumi is shocked as he had thought it wasn't.

"So there's no such thing as a book about magic in here"

Tatsumi scratches his head,

'Then why did they use magic?' Tatsumi thought.

"So is that all you wanted to check in this library?" Rin asked as she distances herself away from Tatsumi.

"Lady Rin and Sir Tatsumi, dinner is ready. Please come down to the dinner table." A woman that had a black dress with a white apron overlapping the black dress, with a white headband outside the library door says as she bowed in their presence.

"Oh, alright," Tatsumi and Rin both say in unison.

They follow the maid that will lead them to the dinner table. As they arrived at the dining table, they see incredible-looking food, such as Ribeye Steak and Potato Soup, Chicken and Pork Cutlet Bowl, and more, laid down on the table.

"I can already tell you guys are hungry, ready to eat it," Kazumi says as she walks out of the kitchen. They both nodded in excitement.

Kazumi, Tatsumi, and Rin sit down in their chairs and began to eat. The maids and butlers were on guard.

"Your servants are really protective, huh?" Tatsumi says as he eats a slice of the Ribeye Steak.

'Woah! What is this! This is delicious!' Tatsumi thought as he took a bite of it. The texture of the Ribeye Steak is very tender, very smooth. The taste is so good, very juicy and flavorful. The taste and texture of this steak blew Tatsumi away as back in his world, he is only used to eating instant noodles and burgers. Tatsumi cried tears of joy as he took that bite.

"Is it good?" Kazumi asks

"Yes! Very! Thank you!" Tatsumi replies with a very bright smile and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm glad," Kazumi says, although she didn't look that very happy, she is happy but didn't look like she is happy.

They finished eating dinner and Tatsumi and Rin said to Kazumi that they are gonna chill in their room.

"Kazumi, can you do me a favor?" Rin asks Kazumi as Tatsumi leaves the dining room.

Kazumi turns her attention to Rin and says, "What is it?"

"Can I please change my room to the next room?" Rin says

Kazumi is confused when Rin said that so she asks,

"Aren't you guys boyfriend and girlfriend? That's why I put you guys in the same room" Kazumi says.

"Well, we're not in that phase yet" Rin makes up a lie, once again.

"Okay then you can take the other room, I guess." Kazumi says.

Rin nods at her and went to her new room, which was next door to Tatsumi's room.


"Sir, there's a very powerful magic presence that appeared in a mansion near the Yuki Territory"

"Interesting, and what?"

"Sir, it seems it has the same level of magic intensity as Kazumi Konomi, the wielder of the Tsukuyomi Sword"

The man grinned as he heard the name, "Kazumi Konomi". As he steps out of the dark, shadowy environment, a man about the height of 160 centimeters appears, wearing a suit.

"Kazumi Konomi..." The man says

"We finally found you" The man continued as he grinned menacingly.