Chapter two

After schooling at the community center had ended, Evelyn Sat outside of a bench,  a book in her lap as she nibbled on the pastry Flo made her. Whenever everyone else had gone home, she stuck around for a little bit more time and studied since she can't do much of it at home when her parents are arguing. Medicine was a hard topic to cover, she often found herself struggling most times. 

    ''Evelyn!'' Yelled a voice, she looked up and saw her childhood friend, Luke Sivan jogging towards her. Luke had been her friend ever since she saved him from drowning when they were kids. He has ash brownish hair and icy blue eyes and is over 6 feet tall. Her eyes wandered to his clothes. He was still in his white fencing uniform, he must be coming from the practice she thought to herself.

     ''What are you still doing here? Isn't past your bedtime?'' Luke snickered to himself. If there's one thing she disliked about luke, was that he was quite arrogant and spoilt. His father was a high court judge, both of them were high-classed while she wasn't. His father pampered him since birth, so he never grasps the hardship others have to endure. At times,  she wonders if she wasn't his best friend, or if she hadn't saved his life when younger, would he still liked her anyway, or would he look down on her like he did with the others?

     ''You're not funny anymore, and I'm still here. I thought you left.''

Luke smacks the fencing equipment stacked on his back.'' I just finished practice. I was about to leave but then I saw you. '' 

Luke was studying the art of the swordsmen. Not because that was what he wanted, his father made him think that there are no other alternatives. It's ridiculous how parents forced their kids into abandoning their dream in pursuit of theirs. His grandfather was a swordsman, his father, himself, and therefore must be one as well to continue the family tradition. And though, every male in town was also practicing fencing, why not? Being an accomplished swordsman is the most available prize in town. Even though it only takes a few months—with the proper teachings of course. 

    ''You know what would happen if soldiers caught you outside of the curfew right, little ladybug?'' Evelyn used to hate the embarrassing not to mention, cringe-worthy nicknames he gives her. But after fourteen years of devoted friendship, it doesn't bother her anymore. If anything, she likes it now. He treats her totally from other girls he encountered, and that made her feel special.

     ''I know but it won't come to that. How was practice?'' She asked, not looking at him.

     ''Mmm, it was fine. I learned a few things, like this perhaps.'' Luke unsheath his fencing sword and used it to tilt Evelyn's chin towards him. ''Pay attention to me at once, little ladybug, or risk losing thy delicate neck.'' 

Her eyes widened when she felt the sword under her chin and Luke now gazed deep into her eyes. Her throat thickened, she wanted to swallow but she couldn't move. What was he doing?

Luke's mouth slightly parted as he took in the beauty in front of him. She was magnificent in every way, a gentle flush of pink had arisen to her that made her look vulnerable.  As if in trance, Luke took in her appearance. Her moss-green eyes were so alluring but behind them, he could see a bit of fear deep inside her soul. 

He quickly withdrew the sword, sheath it, and slightly hung his head in shame.'' I'm sorry ladybug, I sometimes  go overboard with my pathetic antics.''

   ''It's ok, you don't have to apologize. I know you didn't mean to scare me.'' She replied softly. And this was why she liked him and enjoyed his company because he cared for her, no matter her stature.

Luke sat beside her, his hand on his face. 

He moved them downwards so his face was stretched finally resting his hand in his lap.'' I shouldn't have done that, I know you missed your grandpa. It was awful of me.''

   ''Luke, forget about it, I don't want to talk about it. Please.''

It pained her whenever she thought of her favorite grandfather, who had died from a sword fight

even years ago—that was all she knew. 

That her grandfather died from a weapon like swords, she's been terrified of shape weapons ever since. 

Luke touched the side of her face, moving her hair out of the way. She didn't flinch, this was pretty normal to her. She welcomed all of his soft touches, for there was nothing behind it but brotherly love.                            

''Okay, honey—''

   ''I told you not to call me that!'' She cursed, hitting him on the arm. ''Anything but.''

   ''Ow!'' Luke yelled, rubbing his sore arm.''You can't hit me like that.''

   ''Well, next time I'll use my ninja skills on you.'' She said, smiling. 

  ''You know, you're the only girl who doesn't feign her gender.'' He countered, his lips drawn into a pout, Evelyn chuckled and threw herself over his back.

    ''But you like me, right?''' She whispered to him.

The lines in his forehead became more prominent, a smirk appearing on his lips. ''Yes, honeybun—

    ''That's it.'' She climbed off his back and threw her hands up in the air.'' I'm heading home.''

He likes playing with her.

   ''Yeah, I was wondering when you were going to. Do you want me to walk you home? A lady with exuding beauty as you aptly portrait shouldn't be walking home alone by herself?''

She shoves her book in her satchel and paused.'' Don't flatter me with those meaningless words, you live farther than I and I don't want you to get caught in the curfew so no.''

    ''Accompany you halfway, I could.'' He insisted, absently starting staring at her.

    ''I'll be fine.'' She mused. ''See you tomorrow then?''

Luke nodded his head as she departed. He stared at her until she was out of sight, then he turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.