Chapter 044 : Jongharng Chioujen

Chioujen waited for a few minutes. He hesitated to get out of the box. He didn't want Hannrong suddenly entering the room just as he came out of the box. Chioujen also didn't wish Hannrong to see him when he left the room. He thought for a while. He didn't know where Hannrong was. After about ten minutes, Chioujen finally got the courage to come out. He planned to run straight out through the back door of the building. After that, he would exit the building through the gate in the backyard. He planned to hide there for about ten to fifteen minutes before going back into the building. Chioujen knew that this time he was betting on fate. If Hannrong caught him later while he was trying to get out of the building, he would come up with an excuse to explain it. Right now, Chioujen hadn't thought of a proper reason. Hannrong didn't seem as stupid as he had previously thought. Therefore, the explanation that he would have to put forward must be completely reasonable.

After planning, Chioujen opened the box from the inside and quickly got out and closed the box again. He walked towards the door of the room. Balancing speed with silence is not a simple thing. He must move quickly but as much as possible not make a sound. As he was about to head for the door, Chioujen turned his steps. He went to a corner of the room. That was when something caught his attention. There was a large shelf. As long as Chioujen remembered, Hannrong always put his bag there. After arriving right in front of the large rack, Chioujen grabbed Hannrong's bag. It wasn't difficult to identify Hannrong's bag, as it was the only bag there.

Chioujen opened Hannrong's bag. Nothing was special or conspicuous inside the bag, but a brown envelope caught Chioujen's attention. Chioujen himself didn't know what made him not afraid to do something like that. Furthermore, he then ventured to take the envelope. The envelope contained about twenty photographs. Among the photos, three photos made him very surprised. The three photos were pictures of their house in Pyngyuan. Of the three photos, there were two photos that not only contained pictures of their house but also the people who live in it. One photo showed Shannchyuan standing right outside the gate, the other photo showed Iren and Yihshyong opening the gate to enter the house.


Chioujen put the photos back inside the envelope. Then put the envelope back into Hannrong's bag. Wasting no time, he moved towards the door of the room. With a strong bang, Chioujen opened the door of the room. There didn't seem to be anyone outside. He walked over to the reception desk. Hannrong wasn't there. Maybe he was upstairs or in the front yard of the building. Chioujen hoped Hannrong wasn't in the backyard. Hannrong ran towards the back door of the building. When he got there, he quickly opened the door. With all his might, he ran across the backyard. There was a door on the back wall. Behind the door was a not-so-wide alley. One end of the alley was very close to the entrance to the subway station.

Hannrong looked right and left. Quiet atmosphere. He breathed a sigh of relief. There was no one in the alley. Chioujen was squatting right in front of the door where he had just come out. It's not going anywhere. Just curled up in that place.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour in that place, Chioujen got up and walked back into the building complex. He crossed the backyard at a slow pace while still looking to the right and left. When he looked up, he saw the towering Dafeisy building. He realized that if Hannrong had been upstairs and happened to be standing by the window facing the backyard, Hannrong might have seen him as he ran across the building. It was even possible for Hannrong to see him crouching in the alley behind the back wall. Chioujen only hoped that this time luck was still on his side.

Chioujen, with a pounding heart, walked into the building. He kept walking all the way to the reception desk. There he saw Hannrong sitting. The young man seemed to be working as usual.

"Good morning, sir!" Hannrong greeted in a friendly manner.

"Good Morning Hannrong." Chioujen smiled.

"How are you now? Are you full?"

Chioujen hoped it wasn't a trick question Hannrong had deliberately asked to see his reaction.

"I only had a little breakfast. This morning I have a bit of a lack of appetite. But as soon as I walked back here, my appetite suddenly came back. So maybe I should eat some more soon. Hahaha..." Chioujen laughed hard.


Chioujen praised himself.


Hannrong nodded his head. He also laughed at Chioujen's words. "I have something to report, sir!"

"About what?" Chioujen's heart was pounding again.

"It turns out that your suspicions are correct. The person trapped in the elevator was Mr. Duanmuh. He wasn't even alone in the elevator. There were other people there too."