003 Slime Of My Life

After moments of being trapped in what felt like perpetual darkness, light began to pour out of nowhere and overwhelm my sight. Accompanied by a gentle breeze, I raised my arm to cover the excessive light and looked around to take in my sights.

The Plains Of Luna.

Looking around I saw what seemed like endless fields of tall green grass. I could see mountains in the distance. When Facing the opposite direction I saw a village some ways away right next to the edge of a tall forest.

It really is the beginning I thought to myself. I took a moment to enjoy the warm sun shining down on me as the gentle scent of flowers danced freely in the air.


A sharp sound pulled me away from the illusion of peace and I looked at the system tab on the top left side of my vision. A red dot hovered over it.

The player system was something we all received when we first got here. It is built like any video game RPG. Honestly it's quite easy to follow as it keeps track of our progress. Measuring our stats, what equipment and abilities we currently have. It's very useful.

Anyway, so much for enjoyment I guess it's time to work. I needed to come up with a plan to move forward properly. Autumn said I sealed my soul right? If that's the case and I'm starting back at the beginning then did I lose my stats as well when I sealed myself? With concern and worry rising in the back of my throat, I selected my player window to check my information.

I opened the menu and saw red dots on several sections indicating new information. Let's start from the top I guess.

[Player Name- Em]

[Status- Sealed]

[Title- None]

[Level- 1]

[Health- 50]


[Defense- 10]


[Dexterity- 9]

[Equipment- None]

[Spells/Skills- None]

After seeing the display my heart dropped.

It took me ten years to get to level 577. Now I'm starting back at level one. I ground my teeth against each other and cursed at myself for my recklessness. Everything is sealed until I get my soul back. Damn. I really will have to start over.

It seems like I have no choice other than to grind harder than before.

"It's ok though." I thought to myself.

I know this entire world backwards and forward. I know all it's secrets and hidden puzzles, I can power through certain areas and abuse others to speed up my growth. It's not impossible to regain everything.

A smile crept its way onto my face as thoughts of revenge were starting to surface. I had to become stronger to carry out my plan.

Back then I only thought of graining enough power to clear floor after floor but now I can't do that.

Xavier, Fate, and Quinn. The three bastards that betrayed me. I have to gain unheard of amounts of strength to kill each of them slowly. My best friend, my lover, and my mentor. Fury burned in my eyes as I savored the thought of my soon to be revenge. We cleared the dangers of this world together and now it's my job not just to destroy everything they hold dear but to make sure they suffocate slowly in my wrath.

"I'll make them pay eternally for betraying me."

The ire I felt kept growing as I meditated on my revenge. Breaking me away from these thoughts I heard a strange noise.


Startled, I quickly turned around and saw a familiar foe.

A green round blob stood not too far away from me.

It was called Slime Jr.

A monster so weak that most people ignored them or fed them grass to keep them as pets. Later to be discarded for better pets.

This round green blob looked at me. As it's black circles met my eyes, I started to focus on the situation. Preparing myself to attack it I stopped when a thought came to me.

Wouldn't it be easier to hunt with a pet? You get more experience right? Being able to fight more monsters with two instead of one. In the upper floors there are plenty of players that have beasts such as a Hydra or even a Phoenix to help them out. I never kept a pet because it was a hassle to raise them but right now I needed all the help I could get, especially with this time constraint of getting my soul back.

I positioned my body ready to charge at it. The green blob started to look at me cautiously. Unsure as to jump and attack or jump and run away.

I don't see any other slimes and I can't waste my time. Let's take advantage of this.

Kicking off the ground and charging it with all the speed I could muster I ran towards it. As the distance began closing it started to compress its body getting ready to jump.

The slime seemed like it decided to attack me by springing up and forward in my direction. It planned to land on me and do blunt force damage. Tracing its descending arc I ran a bit more and swiftly caught it from the air.

Quickly before it could have an opportunity to attack we rolled onto the ground and I held it down with one arm.

How do I tame it? Do I beat it to submission? Maybe I should be nice to it? Friendship is based off of trust right?

Then what should I do?

After giving the situation a few moments of thought

I pulled some surrounding grass from the ground and started to furiously shove grass in-in what I assumed was it's mouth...

Food is always helpful no matter the situation...I think.

Minutes passed by as I continued to feed it grass but I still received no message saying I've tamed it.

"What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't the system say it's tamed?"

Looking back at the slime I started to think maybe this hassle of having a pet isn't right for me. This is clearly impossible.

After a moment I dismissed that train of thought, I needed all the help I could get to grow fast. Just keep feeding it to befriend it right? Food always helps when making new friends.

With newfound determination I shoveled even more grass in its mouth at a much more alarming rate.

Hours passed like this and now the sun was starting to set. I think I reached my wits end. Crying out to it I finally gave up.

"Why won't you love me little blob? Is it because I'm weak like you?! Be my pet! We can conquer the world together. I won't throw you away like all the other players. I'll even let you get revenge on those who bullied you."

The blob raised its gelatinous body towards me. The slime had grown about ten times its original size. Maybe from all the grass? Or could it be from my extreme desire to tame it?

It started to slowly move closer and it wrapped itself around me.

I was exhausted from feeding it all day. There was nothing I could do to defend myself.

This is it I thought. The sweet embrace of death. I made it fat and now it's taking my life. Truly this is what I deserve for being terrible with pets.

After a few moments I noticed something strange going on as I wasn't dying.

Wait! Was it-was it hugging me?


[System Alert - Pet Acquired]

[Slime Jr. Tamed Successfully]

[Please Name Your Pet]

A name? I didn't really think about that. Does it really need a name? What do I even call it? Its just a green blob right? I started to study the slime. It had let go and was attempting to bounce with its newfound obeseness around me.

It was green and had black dots for eyes. It made Bloop Bloop sounds every time it moved.


After moments of contemplation I had it! The perfect name.

"I name you Sir Blob."

[System Acknowledged]

[Slime Jr. Is now "Sir Blob"]

[New Status Section Created]

"What's this? A new window?"