026 Let My War Begin

The water flooded back into the well once again concealing the entrance to Otto's domain. We had stepped out just as the sun had begun to slowly make its descent from the sky and onto the depths of the horizon. It gave everything around us a brilliant red orange golden sheen.

After taking a moment to admire it I began to walk down the main road of the town with Ventus in tow.

Luckily for us, during this time of day there were hardly any individuals on the streets. If they weren't already in their homes they were rushing there.

Thanks to this we managed to avoid many unwanted stares. Although that would not matter. Soon everyone will be talking about what is to happen.

As we walked through the familiar and once busy market district of the town, I decided to engage Ven in conversation.

"We are going to be flying by the floor bosses Ven. I've defeated all but the one on the 100th floor. They mean nothing to us other than additional experience."

She nodded as I continued.

"This means that our actual focus and concern should be on the followers of the Three Kings that are stationed by the transportation portals. Do you know on average how strong those individuals are and if they are on every floor?"

Without missing a beat she responded.

"Generally they have about the same strength it takes to clear that current floor. Their individual strength is nothing crazy but they guard it in mass so it makes it difficult for anyone to sneak by and use it. As far as the frequency, if I remember correctly it's every five floors where you see a group of them."

"I see."

In other words with our current combat capabilities we shouldn't run into any problems for a quite a while...

"Em, I'm pretty sure once we start it's not going to matter as the Kings are going to notice and just mobilize everyone they control in order to persecute us. They are going to stop us before we even progress."

"You're probably right, but I get the feeling this is going to be a bit personal for them. I believe they are going to allow us to move forward until we reach them. After all I'm who they want."

I smiled back my answer.

She responded with bewilderment.

"What do you mean by that?"

I had not given a response as we had finally arrived to the city entrance without her noticing it.

Ven had been so focused on the conversation that when she came to her full senses she took a step back in surprise.

I couldn't blame her as I was enthralled in our back and forth as well but the seething rage I possessed deep inside would not allow distractions.

An all consuming bitter spite filled hatred that I had been holding back since my second arrival was about to be unleashed even if for a moment.

As I peered ahead I saw that the two asses that harassed Ven and I when we first arrived into Lilly were standing guard to keeping watch.

Excellent. I had been praying this to be the case.

Ventus finally noticed them as well and tensed mid stride but continued walking. I took the lead as we finally approached them.

They moved almost in unison. The guard on the left walked to the middle of the entrance in order to block it. Meanwhile the guard on the right approached us from afar and began speaking.

"And where do you both think you're going?"

"Outside the town obviously." I responded with a short tone.

The guards face curled up in disgust at my answer. Clearly he was itching to cause a commotion.

"You can't leave town." He retorted.

"And why is that?"

I was quick with my responses. I had no plans to quiver beneath this piece of shit.

"Orders from the Third King Quinn, The Magical Zennith. Curfew is being placed into effect as of today. Anyone who is caught outside their home once the sun is down shall be caught and tortured."

He gave this explanation with too much joy as he moved his hand towards the hilt of his sword.

The bastard continued.

"Last I checked, the sun is down."

He used his other hand to point to the horizon. The sun was still peaking over the edge providing faint illumination. It struggled in a losing battle trying to stay afloat as it ultimately continued to descend.


I began to laugh at the absurdity. My mocking tone echoed down the empty streets and around us.

Honestly all this was pathetic and the scene they were trying to cause was too much.

Fury boiled inside the guard and it finally exploded. Cutting me off.

"What do you find so funny you bastard! You are clearly violating the law and if you don't want to pay the consequences I suggest.....you offer us your friend over there."

He had turned his head towards Ven. Deep disgusting lust was roaming within eyes as he savored and took in Ventus from top to bottom.

The armor was extremely form fitting so anyone could tell Ventus was an unparalleled beauty beneath the fierce armor Otto created.

How Fucking dare he! The anger inside was starting to surface.

She took a step back in disgust and slowly began to move towards a battle stance. Raising her hands in preparation of beginning incantations.

The guard saw all this and was simply licking his lips in anticipation. Clearly he expected resistance on our part.

The second guard by the entrance was in a similar state as he continued where his colleague had left off.

"Of course you can't forget to give us that fancy looking armor as well! After all you have to compensate us for the troubles you are attempting to cause."

His vile words were dripping envy as they fell on my ears. The guard in front of me momentarily broke out of his trance with Ven at the mention of the armor.

"Yeah, that's some pretty good looking armor! Go ahead and take it off now!"

We stood motionless and silent. This pissed them off even more.

The guard spoke up again with new found anger.

"Are you going to listen to what I am saying!?"

I continued my silence standing stead fast as he began to cover the distance between us.

"I'll ask one last time dipshit. Do you plan on complying or are we going to have to get violent?"

He took out his sword from the sheath at his hip. Holding it menacingly the guard took a fighting stance with his arm as he continued forward.

I smiled and finally responded.

"Now you are finally saying something I agree with."

I turned to Ven before I continued.

"Ven stay put for now."


She dropped her hands to her sides. She didn't seem to happy about this. Still Ventus listened to what I said.

I began slipping my left hand into my pocket space. I slowly pulled out the Wrath Of Invictus.

It's power and beauty knew no parallel. Slowly the never ending blade made its way from my personal sanctuary and into this mortal plane.

The guard that was walking towards me halted as he took in my weapon in all its glory. Fear slowly began to encroach upon him.

I pointed the long blade towards him.

"To answer your question formally, no I don't plan on listening to you or following that bullshit law."

He clenched his teeth. Finally he was seething with uncontrollable rage.

"You bitch!" That was all he could muster as the veins on his neck began to bulge out and he began to see red.

Grinning I continued.

"I do however plan to get violent. Very violent."

The last word had only just left my tongue when I dashed forward with untraceable speed.

The force of my propulsion was so immense it left a massive crater where I was just standing.

I dashed forward with my weapon pointing straight ahead.

No human or inhuman eye could follow me. It appeared as if just vanished from existence and reappeared in front if the guard.

Almost too easily and with absolutely no effort at all Invictus made contact.

Purposely Piercing through his chest and left lung with a powerful thrust, I lifted the guard from the ground and into the air as Invictus collided with him.

The impact forced him to drop his weapon. All the air he had in his lungs was instantly forced out of his body. The cruel agony he had just begun to embrace sobered him up within seconds.

I held him high above me. His blood dripping down the sword and on to both the ground and myself.

He clung to life, but only because I willed it to be so.

The guard struggled to breathe as his lung capacity had been reduced by one.

Several of his ribs had audibly been broken as well upon impact.

Moaning and howling in pain he began to beg fruitlessly as he held onto the blade.

"Ple..ase...sto..pp...he...lp! I...am...so..rry."

He spat a mouthful of blood to the ground as he revolted and took in the dire agony.

I wanted to savor this, the first of many moments.

The beginning of my revenge.

The start of my rampage.

The birth of my war.

I Turned my gaze from this useless piece of shit to the guard in front. Slowly step by step I began to walk towards him as I held his friend high in the air with my sword.

He was stuck too deep in fear to even move. The second guard had lost all control and even pissed himself due to fright.

It only angered me further as I thought about all the extortion and manipulation the followers of the Three Kings had done.

Within seconds I appeared right in front of the second guard. He began to whimper.

I moved my arm slightly back and slashed Invictus forward towards the guard.

Attacking him and flinging his friend back toward him simultaneously.

The force from the strike caused the first bastard that was stuck on the blade to be sliced in half vertically from the chest all the way down his groin.

He was clinging to life but unable to move due to the deep shock he was in. After several moments he finally laid lifeless on the ground. A crimson pool splashed all around him shimmering in the now moonlight.

The blade was not done with its job as the strike had also torn apart the second guard. Cleanly slicing from his head down his chest.

He was dead before his muscles had given out and his body hit the floor.

Pathetic useless shit. The both of them.

I flicked my weapon forcefully to my side so that all of their disgusting blood would fly off of it before I put it back into the pocket dimension.

Ven calmly approached me from behind as together we faced the exit to the town and the now night sky ahead.

I turned to look at her face. Was there any sign of disgust at what I had just done? Any contempt? Hate?

I found none of those things.

Instead I was welcomed by her radiant smile and beauty.

"Shall we get started Em?"

She spoke with a soothing tone that calmed the ire I had been drowning in.

"Yes, let us finally begin."