044 The Ancient One

With no regard to the system notice, the prideful beast followed up his respond with a deep bellowing boom.

"I am the the beginning of all calamity. The father of knowledge and the everlasting pinnacle of mana."

It began to shift itself so that it could stand tall and carry his name to the full extent of its weight.

"I am Hel, The Primordial Dragon."

At his words, Hel's eyes began to glow. Instantly the remaining darkness was dispelled, bringing a mass of light to the area around. Immediately after, the cubic room we were in had disappeared. We were no longer in a small enclosed space but rather the inside of a temple complex.

I was flooded with rapid disbelief at the sight.

Ventus and I had walked into an illusion!

We strolled right into such a facade and no warning bells had gone off. This was no good, since either of us failed to notice the falsehood, then that meant he was clearly leagues stronger than the both of us and anything I had ever faced before.