077 A Haunting Past

The relentless downpour devoured every inch of earth that it came into contact with. The ever burning flames greedily took all that they touched. Meanwhile the dark energy permeated throughout the landscape draining the life essence of everything.

The two worked in conjunction showing no mercy or discrimination to any inch of earth or the barrier that was almost all but vanished.

Truly it was a frightening spectacle. 

Swing after swing I continued. An unbridled fury burning from within forcing me to keep going in a spell of blind outrage. I had become lost in the bloodlust and just as Phinn sought my demise so did I his. 

A guttural cry-No a bestial scream emanated from below. 

Momentarily I paused my onslaught and witnessed Phinn proudly holding up with his shield defending him as has back was being consumed with my flames of perdition.