Chapter 9

A week later...

This school week went by normally. You made some more friends with the volleyball players and in classes. But Kageyama and Kanoka were your best friends still. You and Kageyama talked yesterday, and this morning he was gonna walk with you to school.

He came to your house and knocked on the door, "Hello!" But it was your dad who opened the door. "Huh? Who are you?" he asked. Kageyama stood there for a second, "I'm Kageyama. Y/n's friend." You finally got up from the couch and said, "Dad don't worry. He's just my friend and we're walking to school. Bye!" You grabbed your bag and took Kageyamas hand and left.

As your walking you can see Kageyama looking at you. "What?" "What?" he replies. "What are you looking at?" you say. "Nothing" You reply, "you sure?" "Yeah?" he says while staring at the ground. You stop and turn to him grabbing his arm. "What?" he says while blushing. You ask, "What's up dork?" He smiles and says, "nothing!" You guys keep walking but it was awkward.

As you get to school you see Kanoka and she runs up to you. "HEY!" she says while giving you a hug. You hug her back and say hi. Kageyama was staring at you guys as you talked. You realized he was staring but didn't think anything of it. All three of you walk into school and have to go to first. You guys say bye to Kanoka and head to math.

Y'all sit down and Kags was being quite. You were bored, and you started playing with his hair. "W-what are you doing?" he asks. You reply with, "I'm bored and your not talking to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize, just talk to me." you say. He nods his head and y'all talk.

The day goes on and now your at volleyball practice. Today the teams weren't practicing together, and you were heading home. As your going home Kanoka runs up to you. "Hey, can I walk with you?" she says. You smile and say, "Sure!" But in your head you knew Kageyama would've wanted for you to walk with him. You see him from the corner and he looks at you, he walks toward his house. "I'm allowed to have other friends, can't I." you think to yourself.

You get home and invite Kanoka inside. You guys go up to your room and start on homework. "So what's with you and Kageyama?" she asks. "What?" you reply. She says, "What's with y'all?" "Today or in general?" you asked. "Both I guess."

You say, "Normally we're friends. Today he seemed upset with me, but I don't even know what I did?" "Yeah that's why I asked. This morning he seemed jealous? Or something." she replies. "I think he just wants me to be his best friend." you say. She replies with, "Yeah but like he's kinda weird." "He's alright, just has some issues." you say.

You guys work on your homework, have dinner, and then she leaves. You go to sleep, but your still confused about Kageyama. "Why would he be jealous of Kanoka? I hang out with him more than I do with her." You spend the rest of the night trying to figure it out.