Deja Vu

The first thing that Lena reminded herself as she looked at her phone was that she needed to breathe. Losing her head right now wasn't going to do any good, especially since her father wasn't there. 

"Bring Hester in here." She barked at Clive as she called her father back. It would be easier to tell him over call rather then texting him what was going on. 

"I'm fine. Something is going on with Samuel, I don't know what it is right now, but I will call you back later when I have more information." She hardly waited for him to reply before she ended the phone call. Her hand was shaking from a mixture of the fear and anger that was fueling the adrenaline that was running through her body. 

"You really think that it was worth it to wait to say anything until this point?" She asked Evalyn, fixing her with a very cold look as she spoke.