Vedova Nera Estate

The estate certainly looked on the outside as extravagant as if not more so than the one the Red Scorpions had. The only difference was it didn't look like they had as much land as Lena's family had. Most likely because they worked within a different sector. 

Jovani couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes when he saw that Alonso was already standing outside and pacing. Was he really still worrying that much even though they were on their way back? It wasn't like either of his cousins were any threat to him. Perhaps he would really need to force the other to take a vacation some time sooner rather than later once this latter had been settled. 

"I thought that I told you to wait inside for me and that I would call you once we got here?" Jovani told the other as he rolled down his window to talk to the man as he pulled up to the front.