Let's talk to Him First

"This isn't one of Jovani's suggestions is it?" The princess then asked flatly. She could see that this would be something that older cousin would come up with. Both because it was a chance for him to do something and an opportunity to rest how effective his cover. 

"No. I brought it up to Julius and Hester first." Samuel replied.

"Jovani didn't want to give it to me until I talked with you and even then he seemed a bit hesitant to agree to it." He explained honestly. 

"I guess there's a first time for everything." The princess remarked. Jovani was actually approaching the situation from a logical perspective for once. She might have to applaud him later for that. 

"What made you think that this is something that you would want to do in the first place?" In the back of her mind she partly wondered by things like this tended to happen at odd times when she was asleep.