I still Don't Like It

After they got out of the water, Samuel ended up giving Lena his short since it was still dry unlike hers. He had offered her his pants as well, but she rejected those as she already knew that they would be far too large for her. She was just going to deal with the ones she had one for the time being until they went back. The warm air and sun might be enough to dry them on the way back. 

The princess ended typing her hair back with some of the rope that she had used to secure the picnic basket on to the motorcycle. It was pink which she wasn't thrilled about, but it was better than letting her wet hair keep sticking to the sides of her face. 

Her fiancé had enjoyed it too much to offer her an honest apology for what he had done. If he had the opportunity at another point, he would do the same thing all over again. He was certain that his affectionate nature would help the other to not remain upset at him for too long.