A Very Mafia Christmas Pt 4

Lena wasn't sure how long they stayed outside playing snowball tag. All she knew was that by the time everyone was ready to go back inside for a brief break and some hot chocolate, her hands were completely numb despite the gloves that she was wearing. 

They could only hold out so long against the cold before the wet started seeping through them. She would need to let them dry for a while before she was going to be able to put them back on if she didn't want her fingers to freeze and fall off. 

Alonso had disappeared to go and change his coat. It had gotten rather wet from the numerous times that he had ended up falling on or landing in the snow. It wasn't made for this kind of messing around. 

The only one who had protested about coming back inside was Jovani's little cousin. The kid seemed to enjoy being out in the cold and acted as though it hasn't phased him at all. Must be nice to have that kind of endurance.