Understatement Of The Century

Lena's idea of speed and the other man's seemed to be somewhat different. Certainly, the princess did enjoy flying down the freeway on her motorcycle. The feeling of the wind brushing against the body was absolutely amazing. That same feeling though couldn't be recreated in a car. Not even with the windows rolled down. 

Lena didn't open her mouth to tell the other to slow down. Due to how late it was, the road happened to be fairly empty which decreased the risk of a crash. Not to mention the driver seemed to know how to drive well at such high speeds. 

"Do you know where we're going? It might be a little hard to tell with how dark it is." Lena glanced over at the man without fully taking her eyes off the window. 

"I Have a general idea though the dark does make it hard. I am not sure why you want to go this way. Earlier you said our destination was more east of here." Lena bit down on the tip of the pipe. It would need to be refilled again soon.