Not So Fast

Alonso did his job. Once it was confirmed the information went through successfully, he paid Cane. The mercenary could have whatever he wanted so long as the other didn't have to deal with him again. 

Of course, he didn't let the other leave until he made sure the promised amount hit his bank account. No way would he let that kind of money escape him. Such a simple thing such high pay. 

"Now that you have what you want and help me to get what my boss wanted, we don't have to see each other again." Alonso packed up his things to leave. Except, one of the other men suddenly blocked his path. 

"Ah ah ah. Not so fast. You didn't really think you could leave already? You and I have hardly had any time to catch up yet." Putting his phone away, Cane stood up and put his arm around Alonso's shoulders, pulling the other closer.