Don't Do it Too Late

By the time Lena did decide to make her way back to the room, Julian no longer seemed to be there. Temporary departure based upon the fact that all of his items still seemed to have been left behind. The princess snorted at this. Could she hold grudges? Absolutely. She'd not forgiven Jovani for everything after all. Even less so after recent events. When it came to family? Maybe not so much as others. Her uncle didn't actually get anyone killed even if she almost did it herself.

"Father. I wonder what you would have to say if you knew what was going on out here while you're away inside your head." Lena spoke softly, sweeping the hair out of her father's face.

The doctor had come by earlier to remove some of the tubes but there were fair too many for the Princess's liking not to mention he still couldn't breathe on his own. It would be another week. Maybe two before anything would change. Lena tsked as she took a seat next to his bed.