Everyone Said I Was Bad

Cain didn't have to be told how urgent the situation was. Yet, he didn't take action right away. Who in their right mind would without observing the situation first? Not that Cain had much of a right mind left in the first place. He'd lost that long ago when he signed up to be a mercenary. 

"Whatever your name is, you'd be better off going back to where I came from and keeping an eye on the baby cousin. I told my men to keep an eye on him, but it wouldn't be great for him to see this situation." Cain rolled his sleeves up. Dealing with crazy people was one of his specialties. More than one person involved would only complicate the whole situation more than necessary.

Jovani didn't seem to care about anything else going on around him, the drug enhanced raged made him focus only on the target in front of him. To his credit, Alonso did a decent job of pushing back against the unrelenting force.