An update and a quick question of my dear readers

Hello dear readers. As you can see it has been quite some time since I last updated this book. This is due to an assortment of reasons. 

1. I just finished moving house and getting a better computer so I can actually write without my computer crashing and causing problems. My free time is still questionable however. 

2. I ended up getting a full time job because bills are a thing and money sadly doesn't grow on trees I can harvest it from. Not to mention the life of a chaotic, disorganized writer such as myself is a poor one. 

3. physical and mental health has become a trial for a number of reasons. I am working on sorting this out but it is slow and steady work. 

I am getting back on the writing train however slow it may be. Roses & whips is getting a makeover and will released at the start of next year. Dear Richard will take the center stage for this. Don't expect any spoilers however from Arranged Marriage. Richard will be living his own best dark life.

Now for the main reason I am coming to write this note. I want to ask my readers a question:

Would you prefer I continue this book in it's current form of an absolute shitshow of a train wreck. I probably have 100-200 chapters to wrap it up. 

Or would you like me to do a rewrite before I wrap it up and fix all the crazy plot holes, pull the lost characters and pieces out of the ditches and pit falls they fell into and put the train at least half back on the tracks? 

Either way it will rewritten, it is just a matter of what my darling readers prefer me to do. You can comment on this note I believe and let me know. 

I will work on the backend while waiting for responses and give it until the end of the month. If there are no replies, I will go ahead and assume that you want the train wreck to continue in it's current state and try to pull the chaos into some semblance of a satisfactory ending with sex, death, secrets, intrigue and plot twists.