"I don't care who vouched for him. Humans are the bastards who got us into this state. We will not kowtow to one of them for their assistance." Barked the man with whom Peter was arguing. Anger flashed across Peter's face as he stared at his opponent.
The man returning Peter's glare with just as much determination was a wolfman. Upon his head sat a pair of triangular grey ears. They stood straight up, tilted slightly back as his ears reflected the passionate feelings brought around by the current argument. Though the wolfman towered over the rabbitman, Peter was no pushover. Rolling his eyes at the wolfman, he proposed a way for the wolfman to see firsthand what I could bring to the table. "Amaruq, prejudices such as yours are what has led the world to such a state. Yet, I know that you are a man who appreciates strength. So how about you spar with our guest, then judge his utility."