
Chapter 18–Getting Settled In

It's been a couple weeks now and I've finally started to settle in at the academy.

The hallways have become less and less daunting. While I'm aware there are some places that remain undiscovered, I can more or less find my own way around the academy now.

Marshal and I have been getting on great as roommates as well, and little by little Kate is seeming to get a grasp on her lightning. She still struggles sometimes, but she can manipulate it without contact for short periods and that's progress.

Though as far as her progress with forming weapons—it's not going too well. Anything she does form is highly unstable and resists its form. Marshal suggests cycling her lightning—like he does with his water—but that of course is easier said than done.

Kate would have to design a weapon, memorize the weapon's shape, then practice cycling in that shape's perimeter. Finally, she'd have to maintain that consistent cycle whilst swinging it around. Marshal was honest about how difficult it'd be because Kate didn't seem to be able to form a solid core to use for reference. Despite this though she decided to keep at it, and she's been working really hard lately.

The club she joined seems to have also sparked a new self-interest in her affinity. Now, when I compliment her or bring up some theories she seems genuinely happy to hear them which makes me happy.

As far as my own clubs I'm enjoying them immensely. I've picked up a lot of useful survival skills, and I enjoy the activities as well as my clubmates. Unfortunately, the club would be "ending" soon. Unlike most clubs, Survival Basics doesn't run all year with a budget and activities like a normal club. Instead, it's a one-shot course that teaches everything in that category—then ends.

I'll be a basic survivalist in two months or so, and while there are two other variations of this club—Advanced Survival Tactics and Survival Club—I think I'll look for a new club instead. If I'm honest I'm seriously considering Kate's club—the Research Club of the Unique and Anomalous—and it's not just because I'd enjoy spending more time with her.

Seeing her so excited has reignited my interest in the Myths—something I was quite obsessed with in my childhood. After hearing her talk about them, it made me realize most all Myths are anomalies. Though if I thought about it they're called "Myths" because of their unmatched skill—among other things—and the documents her club leader has must be detailed. I learned new things about Myths I thought I knew inside and out.

Every late-night stroll or dinner side chat she drew me in more and more, and before I knew it I was ensnared in interest. I'd learned and pondered mysteries that never crossed my mind before. And I find myself counting the days a little more until Survival Basics end. I haven't told her any of this, but I doubt she'll be in for much of a surprise when I eventually do.

'Perhaps I'll do it one day after we finish cooking.' I think.

I'm then treated to my wishful self proposing to Kate—asking if she'll go to her club with me.

The three of us are currently heading to the gym. Marshal is currently rambling about how much he'd like to see an Angel Spawn—a creature we learned about in Nature. From the illustration, they looked to be truly terrifying despite their name. Their fluffy almost angelic black wings do not give tribute to their withered bodies and needle-like teeth. They feed on shadows and blood despite looking like they've not a drop of their own. The only perk to their diet is that they've developed an immunity to the Shadow plague.

They also are big players in the ecosystem—among other creatures in their vein— as they keep untamed shadows in check. Though they almost immediately undo their good service because they release untamed shadow from their wings to aid in flight as well as camouflage.

I chuckle as Kate and Marshal's argument seeps into my fantasy. My wishful self now finds himself in the kitchen not only with "Kate" but also a tall Angel Spawn that grapples with a Barchuin—a small bunny-like creature that secretes an oil that allows it to repeatedly explode. I chuckle at the odd scenario playing out in my mind.

Kate pauses the argument looking at me—coy. "What are you laughing about," she asks—curious.

Catching me mid-thought like she often does, I say with a silly smile, "A fight between an Angel Spawn and Barchuin. Wouldn't that be cool?"

Puzzled by my question she looks taken aback in thought. "I suppose that'd be cool," she says, smile going smug, "And I know my Barchuin would win."

"Angel Spawn beats your little fluffball any day of the week," Marshal sneers unconvinced.

"Explosion beats that starved bat every time," Kate retorts.

"Keep dreaming, princess," Marshal says voice lightly echoing as he enters the stairwell.

"We both know explosions are better," Kate whispers to me conspiratorially just before we enter the stairwell.

I respond with only a smile in interest of not hearing this argument continue.

Though I did think explosions were pretty cool. The plants Mr. Ranviel set to explode in a small presentation of the Barchuin's ability were exhilarating. I also had the feeling that after that class Kate—starry-eyed—would swap her lightning for explosions in a heartbeat if she could. Though it wasn't too hard to imagine, I could see her wielding explosions. How it'd work if it really were her affinity beats me though.

'A Magic scholar probably would.'

We make it to the bottom of the stairwell making our way to gym two. "Joint sparring," Marshal says, barely containing his excitement as he rubs his hands together, "I can hardly wait."

'That's an understatement.'

While I had to admit the idea of seeing how much our fellow first years have improved was exciting, Marshal kept me up nearly all night just talking about it. We're up against gym 4. More or less it would be like a normal sparring session, the only difference is we wouldn't be fighting our partners at the same time as everyone else.

Instead, we would go in turns for the first-hand experience from fighting and the second-hand experience from watching. I'm interested in who I will be fighting, though.

After entering gym two, I see there're a lot of students present despite us being early. Though I'm exaggerating, there are usually not this many present. Especially since we started coming a little earlier than necessary. As for the increase in students, that of course is because gym two is hosting this joint class.

We start our warm-up as we wait for the rest of the class to filter in.

"I've been practicing a new move…I hope I can try it out today," Kate mentions as we're doing our sets of high knees.

I muse, "Oh?"

"Yeah, me and my club have been experimenting and I think I've figured something out," Kate says.

"I can't wait to see it," I say.

Kate smiles exasperated, "We still haven't figured out how to quiet the attack though, so forewarning."

"Sounds like an attack with a kick to it," Marshal says.

"Yeah but it takes a bit of time to set up so I might have to show you another time," Kate explains.

"Aww no way you don't think you'll lose before you set it up, do you," Marshal asks.

"No no, it's just a difficult move in it of itself," Kate responds.

"I see," Marshal says.

We finish up our warm-up and by then my excitement has boiled to what I imagine Marshal's was at last night. The anticipation of my own fight added with whatever Kate's new move was.

'Today is just going to be full of surprises.' I think as Mr. Ron calls everyone to the seating area.

I grin.

'Sorry, my soon-to-be opponent. I don't think I'll be able to hold back.' I think, my hand lightly brushing my sheathed blade at my side.