Chapter III

Ekon wakes up to see the girl of his dreams sleeping peacefully beside him, he still can't help knowing that last night was the best night they both ever had.

He kisses Anna's forehead before getting up from the bed and wore his clothes and went outside to the balcony to see the view of NYC or at least...what it should have been.

Its been a year since the attack conducted by Bluelight and the Invasion of the US by Russian forces shortly after.

The attack was swift, the US had little time to react and now it is no longer but reminiscent of its past.

"Novaya Amerika" or "New America" as what it is known now, well that is... in most part.

The attack came from the west and east, technically the US still exists but only consisting states such as North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, the Free States they call themselves.

For now, the Russians stop their offensive even tho there are still skirmishes along the Free States-Novaya Amerika border.

"Morning Ekon" A voice calls on behind Ekon.

"Morning babe" Ekon answered as he put his arms around Anna's waist.

"So what you gonna do today?" Anna asked.

"Well, I have something that I need to take from a friend of mine" Ekon answered.

"Who?" Anna asked.

"Well, it's somebody" Ekon Replied.

"Okay then" Ekon then kiss Anna before going inside to prepare himself to meet his "Friend".


Ekon would arrive in a Scrapyard where he would be meeting his friend.

"Yo Eko" A voice called out.

Ekon then turned in the direction of the voice, to notice his friend Zeke waving at him.

"Hey Zeke" Ekon greeted.

"I'm assuming you are here to pick up the parts?" Says Zeke as he smirked.

"Yep," Ekon answered.

"Be right back" Zeke then went into this small shack behind him to grab the parts that Ekon wanted, He would then come out from the shack a few minutes later with a box in his hand.

"here you go," Says Zeke as he hands over the box to Ekon.

"Thanks, man" Ekon Replied.

"No problem" Zeke answered.

"Listen Eko. I'm not gonna be around for a while" Says Zeke as he let out a distressed smile on his face.

"Where are you going?" Ekon asked.

"Houston" Zeke Replied.

"You do realize that the Russians are watching our every move right? Says Ekon.

"Well, I got someone that would help me get inside" Zeke answered.

"Okay then, make sure to get back alive cause I still need you on something's" They both chuckled.

"Will do chief" Zeke replied.


Ekon was walking down an alleyway which is kinda a shortcut that he used to avoid Checkpoints.

"Well well well if it isn't Ekon" A voice called out to him.

A man steps out with a baseball bat in his hand which Ekon Recognizes to be Johnny Carmell.

"Listen, Johnny, I don't want any trouble," Says Ekon as lets out a glaring look on Johnny's face.

"I know you don't want, be we do" Johnny answered.

"We?" Suddenly Ekon felt a heavy blow on his back which made him collapse on the floor.

There was a second man that Ekon doesn't recognize. Shortly after the man hit Ekon again with a baseball bat which made Ekon scream in Agony as he felt a sharp pain in his chest due to the impact of the hit. Ekon felt dizzy and little by little his vision began to fade away.

"This will be fun" just as the man is about to hit him again, The man was tackled by an unknown person wearing a hoodie which afterward gave him a heavy blow to the chest and made him collapse to the floor.

"YOU'RE A DEAD MAN" Johnny charges at the man but he too was outmatched by the man as the man soon evade and kicked Johnny to some sort of a sharp object attached to the side of the alleyway wall killing him instantly as the object pierced thru his chest.

The man soon walked slowly to Ekon which is on the brink of falling into a deep sleep. He then kneels down and looked at Ekon before saying "You"ll be okay Ekon" everything then went black for Ekon.


Ekon groans as he slowly opens his eyes. It took a few tries due to the heaviness he felt went trying to wake up, once his blurred vision began to fade, he could see that he was in some sort of a cabin.

Ekon slowly gets up from bed but wince due to the sharp pain he felt in his chest. He then went to look at it being a bandage and stains of blood can be seen around the bandage.

He then walks to the door and opens it to see a man standing there looking at images and maps pinned to the wall.

"It's been awhile Ekon" the man called out.

"Who are you? How do you know me?" Ekon asked.

The man then turned around and Ekon froze and let out a shocked look as he recognized who the man was.

" I must be dreaming," says Ekon as he was still shocked.

"J-Jay?" Ekon stammered.

"Yes, Ekon... it's me" Jaycent answered.

"Wha-i thought your dead?! I saw your room was ransacked and I thought-" Ekon suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his injured chest and almost collapsed to the floor but Jaycent manages to catch him "Woah Woah Woah take it, easy buddy, you took a hard hit" Says Jaycent as he slowly helps him to sit on the couch next to the room where Ekon came from.

"No shit sherlock" They both chuckled.

"But still, where have you been?" Ekon Asked

"Well, it's a long story," Says Jaycent.


(A year ago)

"Mmm...fuck me.." Jaycent woke up to the sound of his phone alarm.

He then went to the door and opened it and was shocked by what he sees.

"What the hell happened" Jaycent look around to find his living room and office room ransacked by someone.

"Hey there Jaycent" a man's voice calls out to him.

Jaycent then turn his head to the direction of the voice and saw a man with a black shirt and a black cap standing there

"Who are yo-" Suddenly Jaycent Felt a Heavy Blow on his head before he collapsed and fell unconscious.


Jaycent would wake up hours later tied up to a chair confused and afraid. He then look forward to see a man sitting in front of him

"So you're awake" The man greeted

"Who are you? And where am I?" Jaycent asked with a distressed look on his face.

"Call me Kyle" The man Replied.

"Please, I don't want trouble!" Says Jaycent.

"So do I, but trouble seems to find its way to you," says Kyle as he began to get up and walk around Jaycent.

"Now tell me Jaycent, how much do you know about Blackout," Kyle asked.

"I swear, I don't know any-" suddenly Kyle socked Jaycent, creating a bruise on his face.

"I don't like lies, Jay," Says Kyle as he Let out an evil grin.

"Please...n-" Kyle then socked Jaycent again resulting in Jaycent coughing blood.

"Well then, if you don't want to talk now, might as well we talk later, take him away to cell boys," says Kyle.

Jaycent then Felt a Sharp Blow on his back and Fell Unconscious.


Jaycent groans and slowly opens his eyes to see a young man staring at him.

"You okay?" The guy asked.

" long was I out for," Jaycent asked.

"A day" The guy replied.

"O-ok...names Jaycent" Jaycent introduced himself.

"Huey" The Guy replied.

Jaycent then leaned himself on the wall "where are we" He asked.

"Well, no one really knows, we just call this place The Cell" Huey Answered.

"So how did you get yourself here?" Jaycent asked.

"Well I guess the same way as you, finding out Bluelight's dirty secrets," Says Huey

Jaycent chuckled before answering "Should have guessed".

Time fly's and Days turn into months, everything seems bleak for Jaycent as he started to think that he wasn't going to get out anytime soon. Not to mention the attack on the US doesn't make anything for the better.

"Hey Jay, you saw the news on the canteen TV?" Asked Huey

"No, what is it about?" Jaycent asked.

"An attack on one of Bluelight's facility" Huey answered.

"Well, that's the first" Jaycent replied.

"Do you think they can free us?" Huey asked.

"Well, if they have the right equipment and know where we are then yes but the way I see it, no...I don't think so" Jaycent answered.

"Yeah you might be right" Huey then walks away from Jaycent with a sad expression on his face.


Days went by and Jaycent's eagerness to escape this hell hole he is trapped in grows.

"Hey J" Huey Kylo greeted.

"You know what Huey," says Jaycent as he turns to look at Kylo

"What?" Huey asked.

"We have to get out of here" Jaycent answered.

Huey laughed sarcastically at Jaycent's proposal before answering "And how in the world do you think we could do that huh? It's Impossible! I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E IMPOSSIBLE!".

"Well finding out Bluelight's plans doesn't prove impossible" Jaycent replied.

"Well yeah, cause we got equipment that we can utilize while here we have notin!" Huey answered.

Jaycent went silent for a while, having thoughts on what Kylo is saying but then looking back on what he has been through while being stuck for months in the "Hell hole" he is in, he then realized something.

"Earth to Jaycent are you fucking there?" Huey asked while snapping his fingers on Jaycent's ear which by then Jaycent snapped back into reality "Y-yeah wha- sorry, I was thinking of something" Says Jaycent.

"Of what?" Huey asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Give me a few days and I'll tell ya" Jaycent would walk away from Kylo afterward.

Jaycent began to learn the guard's habits, their routines Basically anything that would provide useful for his plans.

He realized that the number of guards decreases during nightfall. He would stay up all night memorizing the time where the guards would be back.

He would also get himself some tools he stole while working on a canteen job that might be useful for later on.

Days pass by and with all the resources and info Jaycent gathered, he can finally put the plan into motion.

"Hey Jay, you still thinking about the plan?" Huey asked

"Well, if everything goes in order, we can escape tomorrow night" Jaycent answered

"Really?" Huey asked

Jaycent nodded before answering " Yeah, you coming?"

"Well I got nothing to do here so might as well" By then it is settled, both of them would be escaping tonight


Nightfalls and The two began to set their plans in motion.

"You ready?" Jaycent whispers

"Yeah" Huey answered

They both had been hiding in the laundry room since noon waiting for the right moment to begin their escape, They both soon got out from the laundry room, they then proceed to the guard room which surprisingly isn't locked, there they see the guards sleeping and they then slowly walk to the Sports Court when suddenly he heard a voice calling out to him "Hello Jaycent" He then turned around and felt a sharp blow on head before collapsing to the floor.


Jaycent would wake up like he was months ago, Tied up in a chair and Kyle sitting across the table in front of him.

"You're awake I see" Kyle

"It's been a while Kyle, where you been," Says Jaycent jokingly with a smirk on his face before out of nowhere, Kyle punches him in the face before turning around and answering "Yeah, It's been a while".

"Well, could you at least do it more appropriately when it comes to greetings!" Says Jaycent as he spits out blood from his mouth.

" Could have if only you don't decide to try to escape" Kyle replied.

Jaycent giggled at Kyle's response before saying "Well, at least I know your so-called "Supermax" shithole has a lot of flaws" Kyle wasn't amused by what Jaycent said so then he socked Jaycent, creating more bruises on his face.

"You are not the type of guy who likes to cooperate well with people don't you?" Kyle asked as he began to take a brass knuckle from the table in front of him.

"Well just when it comes to you buddy" Kyle then hits Jaycent with the Brass Knuckles due to the response made by Jaycent which causes him to feel dizzy and his vision started to blur.

Jaycent then looks up to him with a smirk on his face before saying "That's the best you can do" Kyle then repeatedly punching Jaycent face till it became swollen and he began to lose consciousness.

"Well, I guess you are no use to use anymore" Kyle was preparing to end Jaycent with one more hit before suddenly the alarm on the facility came to life.

A man could be seen running to the door and barge in " We have to evacuat-" a sudden huge explosion knocks the three to the ground.

a woman carrying an Assault Rifle could be seen coming into the room alongside 4 men seemingly checking on them.

Jaycent could hear one of the armed men saying Kyle and the other guy dead before the women notice Jaycent before yelling "We got a live one here!" After that, everything went black.


Jaycent groans as he tries to open his eyes, he slowly regains his vision when an unfamiliar voice called out to him "Hey... you're awake"

"Where am I? how long was I out?" Jaycent then tries to get up but he then winces in pain "Take it easy new blood, you've been badly injured" She then helps him sit down before answering "You've been out for almost a month now, some of us think you're dead" Jaycent jaw dropped as he was shocked at her answer "almost....a month?"

"Yep," the brunette smiles.

"Well...okay" Jaycent answered.

"We have been looking for you Jaycent" The woman asked.

Jaycent turned his face to the woman as he was confused about how she manages to know his name "How do you know my name?"

"As I say, we been looking for you," The woman says as she smiled at him.

"Well, since you know my name, do you mind telling me yours," Jaycent asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Call me Lucy" she answered

"Okay, then Lucy" Jaycent smiled at her.

Lucy blushed a bit before answering "Well when you are ready, meet me outside, and oh...Welcome to the Silver Aegis" She then walks outside.


Jaycent would go out a few minutes later, there he saw lucy leaning to the wall and looking down to the floor "I'm here" Jaycent greeted. She then raises her head and looks at Jaycent before answering "Alright, follow me" Jaycent soon followed Lucy into a room with a sign written "Chief's Office".

Lucy would open the door where a man can be seen looking outside of the window, the man looked old considering the grey color on his hair and his goatee, the man then turned around to greet Lucy "Oh Lucy come in" They both entered the room "Please, take a sit" The man ordered. The three soon sat down.

"So you must be Jaycent, we been looking for you for a very long time," The man says.

"But why tho?" Jaycent asked.

"Well before I answer that question of yours, let me introduce myself.

My name is John Ferner, leader of the Silver Aegis or just SA for short" He then continues "The reason why we been looking for you is that you are the only person in this godforsaken country that uncovered Bluelight's plans".

"But that's kinda too late now isn't it" Jaycent replied

"Not at all, you know more about Bluelight than any of us, which includes classified projects, names, plans, and many more which makes you a highly valuable asset and at the same time target," says John.

"Target?" Jaycent asked as he raise an eyebrow

"Well high bidders, mostly Bluelight of course" John chuckled.

"So what do you want from me?" Jaycent asked.

"Well, I would like to offer you to join our cause and by doing so, I would let you be my Head of Intelligence Division but of course, we would train you in combat just incase" John answered.

Jaycent was shocked at his offer, considering he woke up not knowing where he is and just a few minutes later he got offered to be the SA's head of intelligence.

"Woah Woah Woah let me get this straight, I just woke up, not knowing where the heck I am, finding out a few minutes later that I am a valuable "Target" and now you want me to lead people that I barely know?" Jaycent asked still having that confused glare on his face.

"Well yes, but I'll introduce you to your team" John replied

Jaycent sighed before asking"Can I have at least some time to think about this?"

"Of course, I'll give you a day" John Answered.

Jaycent and Lucy soon left the room and Lucy escorted him to his room "Take your time, I know how sudden all of this to you but...we need all the help we can get"

"I'll think about it" Jaycent answered

Lucy then left the room, leaving Jaycent to make his decision


The following morning Jaycent would meet up with him already made up his decision.

"So what's your answer?" Lucy asked

"We'll meet John first, I'll answer there" Lucy Nodded and they both went to John's office.

"He's here sir," Says Lucy as she opens the door for Jaycent to come in

"Ah Jaycent, I hope you already have your answers" John smiled as he directed Jaycent to sit "yeah I do" Jaycent answered as he sat down.

"I'll join you but, we would do this my way," Says Jaycent. he then continues "You're right, I know Bluelight more than you do and because of that they would be trying to find me, considering I'm no longer held captive by them and because of that, I maybe possibly be their primary target and because of that, I'll be the one evaluating which to target"

"Very well then, It's settled, Welcome to the Resistance Jaycent" John answered.


(Present day)

"and that's how I got myself into this, they trained me, I met new friends, and headed my own team," Says Jaycent as he sighed.

"so..what are you doing here then?" Ekon asked.

"Well, this is my FOB if you can say so" Jaycent giggled

"FOB?" Ekon asked

"Forward Operating Base" Jaycent chuckled

"Well it's getting late, C'mon I'll give you a ride home, I'm pretty sure Anna is worried"

"Yeah...wait the minute...OH SHIT ANNA!" Jaycent chuckled at Ekon's expression before patted his shoulder as he stands up to help Ekon get up.


They both would arrive an hour later at Ekon's home. Ekon would get out of the car before turning back around to look at Jaycent "wanna come inside?"

"well sure, it's been a while since I saw your lover," Says Jaycent as he smirk

Ekon would rolled his eyes in annoyance before answering "C'mon"

Jaycent would turn off the car engine before exiting the car and walk side by side with Ekon towards the house.

"Anna you home?" Ekon yelled as he hold the door handle but soon notices that it was left slightly open. He then slowly turned the handle to open the door and was shocked at what he sees.

The house was ransacked by someone They both soon came in to investigate and it was then when Ekon saw a little note at the dining table as well as a card written "Bluelight"

""๐™„๐™› ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™–๐™œ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ, ๐™ข๐™š๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™ช๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐˜พ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™ก ๐™‹๐™–๐™ง๐™  ๐™ž๐™ฃ 2 ๐™™๐™–๐™ฎ๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™š๐™ญ๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ก๐™ฎ 11 ๐™‹๐™ˆ"

Jaycent was furious and he smacked the table before staring at Jaycent " They got her"

"C'mon, I'll take you to the resistance, I'm sure they can help" Ekon nodded and they both rush to the car and head straight to the SA Headquarters.

"Please be alright" Ekon muffled as tears began to form in his eyes.
