This is a bugged chapter, please do not buy!

"This means that his in a worse condition than ever, and your healing...might not even work."

Oumu said those words, and what he said was reasonable and the truth.

Lucifer just unleashed his wrath and went out of control for like a few seconds, and after that, he ended up vomiting blood.

That could only mean that there was something wrong with his body if he would just buckle down just like that after a single out burtst, especially when he is the Hell God, Lucifer.

And now that Oumu has confirmed that Lucis is really the Hell God, Lucifer, then he also confirmed that there is something wrong with his body that even the Blood Guardian would not be able to fix.

However, it seems that the Blood Guardian did not think that way.

Well, it was only natural that the Blood Guardian would not think that way.

Why? It was simple. It is because it is insulting to him.