The Legacy Item

As the stone door slowly opens, there was no shining light like last time that almost blinded Zen. Even though there was no light shining, Zen was still a bit paranoid.

Can't help it since he has lost 10 hours the last time a stone door opens. The trauma is still present and only time can fix this feeling of nervousness.

"Stop being a wishy-washy Zen and hurry up to the entrance. The aura is getting stronger and stronger. There's no time to waste."

Listening like a subordinate at work, Zen hurried up inside to see whatever this item is that could make everyone crazy for it.

Walking inside, everything is empty except for a rusty-looking sword in the center. So anticlimactic for something that everyone expects to be majestic.

"This damn rusty-looking sword is the whole mysterious item that even the empyrean is fighting for. Is this some crazy prank that the supreme being placed to fool everyone and waste their time?"