
I feel his hot stare on the side of my face and he continues to come in closer his arms still wrapped around me. I can't move in shock but when he moves in closer I turn my head again and meet his eyes. Our gazes shift down onto each other lips and I find myself unconsciously fluttering my eyes closed. Moving in closer I take a deep breath waiting for impact when a loud knock on the door startles us and we move away from each other in a flash.

Minho's Manager comes in and asks us if we want some coffee before we practice some more. Minho is star struck and opens and closes his mouth awkwardly. I hold back my laughter and quickly intervene before he says something and gets us in trouble.

"I'd like some coffee please" I say and look at Minho who nods like he's in a trance

As soon as his Manager leaves I walk past Minho who's still standing there like a statue and go to the bathroom. I think it would be too awkward to look him in the eye so I rush to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror.

"What was about to happen?" I think staring at my flushed reflection in the mirror

I splash my face with water to cool down and then exit the bathroom. I see Minho sitting on the couch on the other side of the practice room sweating profusely. I stand in the doorway trying my best not to smile at his obviously red face. He looks up to see my face dripping with water staring at him and lets out a soft laugh. I look away but sense him standing up and taking a step towards me. I shift my head up to look at him and see a strange look in his eyes. Before we know it the door opens once again with Minho's Manager bringing us coffee and I see Minho roll his eyes and jump backwards into his seat again.

His Manager tells us to take a quick break as we're both red and sweating and we nod reluctantly. I see Minho smirking with a knowing smile on his face as the Manager continues to go on about how hard we're practicing that we've ended up this way.

This time when he leaves I see Minho stand up once again but he heads straight for the speakers and puts on a soft song. He takes a seat again and motions for me to come sit next to him on the sofa. I walk over hesitantly and take a seat on the other side of the sofa next to him gently. He hands me my cup of coffee and I take a sip of the cold liquid.

"I feel like a failure" says Minho quietly with a sense of humor in his tone

Although I know what he's talking about I decide to ignore and continue drinking my coffee. He slowly moves closer to me in the sofa and I look up to see him smiling satisfactorily.

I watch him secretly as he snuggles into the sofa with a beautiful smile on his face and at that moment begin to feel like a humorous failure myself.