

Curly hair, red lipstick, pink foundation, and I will never forget to put mascara on my eyes. I have to be beautiful in Zack’s eyes. Why else does Jackie have to be with him and then with her best friend Jessica? Instead of just dating Zack and me, other people came along. Zack loves me. I feel that. There was a chance that he looked at me differently. Stares that he indicates that he loves me thoroughly. But Jackie was always a hindrance. She said I was daydreaming. Zack does not like me. If I only knew, she would only envy someone like me.

I was happy to ride in a taxi. I get to sing the song being played on the radio. I also could not stop my foot from dancing a bit.

"Ma'am, is it okay for us to take another road, it is traffic?" Said the driver. I agreed although, I did not know that the taxi would turn far away. I also traveled for a few hours until I reached the mall we were talking about.