I'm the winner

Abigail's POV

I'm not afraid of anything that might happen today. I don't care if I break the friendship between Jackie and Jessie. I just want to be honest, and don't we have a quotation that says, "Honesty is the best policy." That's what I want to happen. I went to school a long time ago. I'm really proud that I brought a good story. I immediately went upstairs to my classroom and called my whole classmate.

"Classmates, I have something to say to all of you. You will be really amazed. For sure."

They all approached without the two; Jessica and Jackie will be the center of attraction in my story.

They all gathered and surrounded me. My other classmates actually took their chairs just to listen to what I had to say. I'm sure it's good, and they'll be happy, one shouted. I took a deep breath before I spoke. The others stare really hard at me.

"This is a very new story of mine. When I found out it, I couldn't believe our classmate could do it."