Aaron was struggling to go out of there. But a woman runs up to him.
"Sir, do you need any help?," She said, trying to calm him down.
"I need help getting out."
The woman was slim and beautiful. She was wearing a long dress and a hood. She looked like trying to help out.
"I am Paula. I was long stuck here, trying to survive the demons up here. And I think I found a new way out. We need to run in a cave, that might get you out."
Aaron was surprised by this woman and her way to get out. So he decided to come with her.
"You know, sir.. A lot of people tried to get out of here, and I survived the longest at this hill. It seems you are brave. A lot of people commited suicide after being tortured in there.. It must have been painful for them... My sister did commit suicide after visiting this place, too. She did not do anything wrong, she was tortured and used to be in a living hell right there. She was acting weird, asking me why my eyes are buttons, and why I look like a porcelain doll." She talked a lot, but she knew a lot of stuff about the Demon Hill.
"You know a lot, but I need to hunt down the demons."
"You forgot that the most demons don't die? You can't kill them all down.," she said. She tried to help Aaron know about this place. The most of the demons could not die. Aaron was thinking about the demon he attacked previously.
'Does that mean.. That stretched demon it's still alive? I wonder where did he go..'
The most of the demons did not die after attack, so it meant the hill wasn't safe forever.. Everyone could die in there. Paula was stuck for a very long time, and it was very hard to survive.
"Paula, why did you got in there. You already knew you'll die."
"I came here for my sister's soul. Maybe she is up to Heaven, or not. Or maybe she's still there, I need her back." Paula looked like she was desperate to get her sister back to life.
They ran into the cave.
"Sir, we might be safe in there. Wait.. You're Aaron Combeto, the demon hunter?!"
"Yes, I am." Then, the cave closes. Paula was laughing. Then her eyes glow yellow.
'Oh no.. She's possesed?!'
Then, something like a giant needle stabs her in the head, and comes out of her mouth, and then, a creature like a plant covers Paula's body all up, and eats her. A like a pool of blood into the cave. It was Paula's blood.
Aaron ran away, full of fear and guilt.
'...Paula's gone.. She was stabbed and eaten. The demon looked like a plant?! I should have told her that there is no way out.'
The plant demon was following Aaron, trying to eat him. Aaron tried to crawl and get fast on some rocks. He had a bite mark.
"Did this plant demon just bit me.. I wonder if anything happens to me..."
Aaron started climbing on the rocks until trying to get upper to get out.
'I need to keep climbing, it's for my life. I won't give up..!'