Mystery Girl

We hunkered in taciturnity as the play button anticipated our decision. "Press it; we have to know whether it's the information we're looking for," Angel said as her nails burrowed into my shoulder, but I couldn't feel the pain, only my heart hammering like a drum and my breathing quickening. Slowly but surely I played the video, it began with kids strolling into class and taking their seats; we didn't know any of them but one, and when I noticed her my heart froze. It was Cassy and she looked lively, the camera was propped up on what appeared to be the whiteboard and everyone's face came into view. She looked like her newer self, but her lips were full and bright red, her cheeks flushed with pink, and her eyes a beautiful almond brown. She was clean of any markings on her soft skin and her hair had volume to the point that it made her shoulders disappear under the sea of locks. I smirked a bit, quickly dropping into the chair so Angel couldn't see my admiration for such a girl, if she'd be alive now she would be in 11th and I would be close behind, wishing that I could hear her gentle song directed at me.

After some time of studying the records an hour had passed and the twins came to collect their meeting space. As we walked back to Angel's place to talk more clandestinely about what we observed I couldn't get Cassy out of my head, her beauty and her intelligence in class made her seem like a siren under the waves and I was her unknowing pirate, sailing in the unforgiving sea. Hopefully, we can bring justice to her death, but until then I'll keep the flash drive close, and Cassy closer.