

Lianne looked up from her bowl of salad for dinner to look at the beaming teen celebrity. she found his behavior weird. the celebrity on usual occasions would be frowning whenever they punish him or put him on time out. Somehow unlike Normal occasions, the celebrity is enjoying his stay in the school.

"seojun" lianne placed Her fork down and expected a reply from the younger. the celebrity, unfortunately, did not hear her. gaping in disbelief she turned her head to look at his manager. "Jisoo! "

The celebrity's manager, Jisoo, looked up from his own plate to return the look. "I don't know"

The two then looked at the celebrity who sat on the other end of the table.

Seojun, as mentioned before, was beaming. He left school with a wide smile that his fans fainted as he passed them. He even carried his bag all the way to the news editor's office, even greeting his superiors. What made him more peculiar was when he proposed having dinner with his manager and noona.

"uh... Seojun! ``Lianne raised her voice to snap out the teen. "how is school doing? " she wanted to ask if he was fitting in or if he's having a hard time. with that, she can relay this to the CEO.

"fine noona! " Seojun exclaimed, raising his hands as if he was preaching.

"f-fine? ``Lianne stared wide-eyed at what he said. turning her head to his manager, she gestured to him to speak to the celebrity.

"what type of fine seojun? '' Jisoo Asked, voice hesitant as he did not want to ruin the mood the celebrity was in. handling a happy Seojun was paradise while handling a grumpy Seojun was hell.

"marvelous" Seojun simply said, leaning into his seat, unaware of the alarming looks that his companions were giving.

"Why is that Seojun? " prayed that it wasn't it. she can't have him—

"I got a friend"

"a friend? " lianne sighed in relief. "just a friend? "

Seojun shrugged from his seat. "yeah just a friend" Jehyun is just his friend like hiro. well, he wouldn't really call the Japanese his friend since he learned that the other was training to be an actor and the fact that his father happened to be an actor as well.

lianne and jisoo noticed the celebrity's change of mood. alarmed, they decided to switch the topic. "So what do you like about the school? "

"nothing but going home late and the sports team is something"

lianne felt her eyes twitch. it's obvious that the celebrity was hiding something from her. she shot a glare at his manager who responded by zipping his mouth. she scoffed as she realized that she was being left out. "anything other than that"

"nah~" Seojun played with his food. "but noona..." he looked at her for the first time during their dinner, "can I skip practice tomorrow after school? I plan on going somewhere with my friends"

"and where would that be? " she asked him. she wanted to know where he was going and who he was going with. "and with who"

"the friend I mentioned"

"you said friends and I still want to know who and where" lianne crossed her arms. "I just want to make sure"

Seojun understood her hesitance thus making him comply with answering what she was asking. "Lee Jehyun, I don't know their Surnames but Chen, Jin, Joshua, and you should know who this Hiro is"

"Sato Hiro? " his manager suddenly asked which got a nod from Seojun. "yeah him"

lianne on the other hand frowned. Why does the jehyun kid's surname sound familiar and if this Jin is the same Jin as she knows. she knew she shouldn't dread the idea but...

"So noona Can I go? " she snapped out of her thinking. right he wanted to go out tomorrow. "yeah just make sure to bring one of the guards with you"


Seojun for once was genuinely happy. after finally being able to take a break from his hectic life and to able to actually be like a teen his age made him realize how fast-paced his life was.

at the age of 3 he started modeling, at the of 5 he started acting in a kids show, at 8 he landed the main role at a movie, at 10 he signed as a trainee under C9 entertainment, he was 15 when he got his lead role in a drama, 16 when he got his first scandal.

speaking of scandal, he forgot parts of it but what he remembered was that it was the first time he met jehyun and the reason why he wanted to ruin the cub's life. if only he didn't walk into his noona who was talking to the detectives and jehyun while crying, then he would have not given the cub a hard time watching him.

"yah can you stop smiling like that"

he let out a sigh, regretting to call the person he was currently with. out of all people he could contact this Saturday morning, he just had to pick this—

"yah Kim Seojun! "

Seojun groaned as his companion hit him in the head. "yah why did I even call you here Jay"

Jayden Park. A soloist under C9 entertainment who happens to be older than him for a year. despite being troublesome like him, Jayden rarely gets scolded since he makes sure that he resolves the problem before it gets big.

Jay sighed as his friend started spacing out. why was he here again? because his 'best friend' called him in an ungodly hour of 3 in the morning to announce that they're spending Saturday morning in a cafe to 'catch up' "aish! "

"yah seojun" Jay leaned onto the table. "I didn't force myself up and accompany your ass here on a Saturday morning! "

Seojun clicked his tongue and leaned onto the table as well. "yah I just proposed the idea. I didn't ask you to come here"

and this is the reason why Seojun rarely caught up with Jay and the reason why he regrets doing so. fighting the urge to cause a fight, he let out a sigh of defeat before leaning back onto his chair.

"aish never mind" Seojun suddenly stood up from his seat. Jay on the other hand looked at him in disbelief. "y-yah! Kim Seojun! "

Seojun completely ignored the shout of his friend and the attention he was getting. this is normal, people would look his way because of charming looks and impeccable aura. ah he's such a star.


Jehyun groaned, accidentally hitting Chen's face with his foot. his phone kept on ringing and it bothered him so much. why is it so hard to sleep in on a Saturday?

"yah Lee Jehyun " Jin groaned from his spot on the bed beside the twins. "answer it. I don't want the twins to wake up early"

so without a choice, jehyun had to get up, the blanket Jin offered pooling below him. he stretched out to grab his phone that was a few meters away from him.

"aish Lee Jehyun answer it" Chen groaned with his eyes close.

Jehyun let out an annoyed sigh before checking who was calling him this early in the morning.

"yah Kim Seojun " he groaned

'how's my favorite lion cub doing? '

Jehyun wondered how someone could so enthusiastic early in the morning. maybe it's because he isn't a morning person that's why he is irritated.

"what do you want anyway? "

'ah, I'm thinking of inviting you to the mall. you did say that it's a perfect place to hang out after school'

did he say that? jehyun tousled his bed hair and tried to remember when he said that. did he really say that? if he did why can't he remember?

'I'll take your silence as yes then. bye! '

the other line went dead. jehyun checked his phone and realized the celebrity already ended. letting out a breath of disbelief, he threw his phone, unintentionally hitting Chen who Let out a loud groan.

"yah Wang Chen" He turned to his best friend before violently shaking him awake. the butterfly groaned before grabbing the cub's shoulders that were shaking him and using them to hoist himself up. "what? " he asked with his morning voice before letting go falling back to the floor.

"get up we're going to the mall" the cub shook the butterfly again, Chen (again) hoisted himself up and looked at the cub straight in the eye. "what do you mean we? "

"you heard me, we're going to the mall! "

"Why would we—"yay mall! " the two best friends turned to look at the wide-awake twins who were jumping in excitement on jin's bed. the two-bit their lips as they heard a groan from the sleeping half-Chinese. they were surely going to get scolded.