


"so what's the plan bro" Jayden asked, turning to Seojun who sat on the floor of their practice room in thr Company. both were drench in sweat as they were practicing for their company's yearly family concert.

"plan in what? " Seojun wiped the sweat on his temples with his towel before turning to back at Jayden.

"you know, the party. who's your valentines? "

"Jehyun obviously" the younger rolled his eyes. it was obvious on who he was planning on taking for the party. although he hasn't asked yet, he was set with being partnered with Jehyun. "but, now that you mention it, how come we aren't that stressed about this party"

Jayden stopped wiping his face and let out a face of realization, mouth slight ajar and eyes staring above. "you're right—wait why aren't we stressing!? "

taken aback at the older's reaction, Seojun shot a confused look. "and why should we be stressing about that? "

"bro, we haven't even plan on how we're asking them out" Jayden deadpaned

"well you aren't but I do. I got it all planned out" Seojun patted his shoulder, happy that he thought of this week's before. Jayden gave Seojun a look. "really? "

"yup! "


"for the last time Jayden I'm not going to be your partner" Junghoon snapped for the nth time that day to the soloist who trailed behind him. fortunately Jehyun was always there with him as well as Seojun, meaning Jayden couldn't do devious ways to get him to say yes.

"oh come one my chihuahua, what's so wrong about being my partner? " Jayden leaned on the locker near him, arms crossed while raising a brow.

This made Junghoon heave a sigh, closing his locker and turning to face the older, he copied what the other did. "one don't call me chihuahua and two, I'm the council president for heavens sake. I have to watch over the whole event"

"and how are you supposed to enjoy? " Seojun asked from his place, back hugging Jehyun who simply hummed at the older's affection.

"I'm not supposed to enjoy" tearing his gaze from Jayden, Junghoon found the urge to roll his eyes at the two. he fake a loud cough. "no pda on school property please"

"oh shut it you mutt. you're just jealous that I got jehyun" Seojun snapped back, this cause Jehyun to slap the arm around his waist and smile apologetically at the senior. Jayden on the other hand stumbled on where he stood. "you got rejected!? "

Junghoon sighed the second time, "not the point jayden"

"but still! "

"my goodness Jayden just shut up! " Junghoon snapped before snatching Jehyun away from the actor and dragging him to the gym where the rest of their friends were waiting.

Seojun rolled his eyes. fighting the urge to lash out on his best friend who looked offended. walking closer, he slung a hand over the older's shoulder. "cheer up Jay, there's plenty of birds in the sky"

Jayden pinched the arm on his shoulder. "buttcrack, that's fish not bird! "

Seojun shrugged nonchalantly, "same difference "

"it's things you dufoos! "

"—Jehyun will you be the man who would I want to spend my life with? the man who would bear my children grow old with. if so, will you my boyfriend? " Seojun asked, smiling. "what do you say lion cub? "


frowning, he turned around and faced his best friend. brows raising, as if asking why the older was here. if he remembered correctly, it was only him in his classroom.

"diphit, I was here an hour ago. I got to witness how idiotic you look when you confess. heavens, you're basically asking him to marry you" Jayden deadpanned, eyes on his phone as he got enough of the younger pacing around the empty room.

"well, isn't that where it's heading" Seojun pouted, "and anyway! I'm sure that we'll last longer, longer than you and junghoon"

"excuse you but have you forgotten that you're a celebrity and he's a son of some rich dude. you're never gonna stay long" Jayden pointed out.

"so what? not like I don't come from the same family line"

Jayden had enough of the younger'S barter and decided to click his phone off before staring straight at him in the eyes. "diphit, I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about Jehyun"

Jehyun lifted an empty box before handing it to one of the decorating committee member. wiping off the sweat that formed on his temples, he looked at Chen who was busy cutting some confetti. since the butterfly was a vlutz and a walking disaster, the group decided to assign him with cutting confetti, that way no decorations would be set on fire.

"what's wrong Hyun? " glancing up from the what he was cutting, Chen turned to his best friend who plopped himself beside him.

"I got a letter" the younger simply said.

"and? "

"it's from mom"

this made Chen pause and widen his eyes, alarmed. "what did it say? "

"she's coming home" jehyun proceeded to cover his face with his palms. "I don't know how I'm going to face this Chen"

Chen opened his mouth but closed them, having no idea on how he should respond. this made the gears in his brain turn. now how should he properly respond when your friend suddenly says that his mother, who left for years to America, is suddenly coming home like everything is normal and expect her son to welcome her in open arms.

sighing he turned to the paper he used for the confetti, fumbling it. "look Hyun, I know it's hard but try—try to hear her out. we can't just jump into conclusions. she's a mother, of course she would react that way. imagine if you were in her place"

what the butterfly said made Jehyun sigh, pulling away his face from his hands, the younger leaned on the backrest of his seat. "I just—I just don't know Chen. it broke me okay? it just broke me"

chen's eyes softened placing down the paper and scissors, he wrapped an arm around the younger'S shoulder and brought him close. "we all have that kind of pain Hyun. I have, Jin has, Hiro, even Joshua who we envy has. it's just part of life I guess"

"but what if you don't want it to be"

"well, we can't really change the plan can we? we just have to find a way to face it. you can't keep running away you know "

"I know Chen. I really know"


closing the gigantic front school doors, Jehyun heaved a sigh. tired from stressing about his mother. he didn't even realize that Seojun was behind him, the older was wearing a face mask and was hesitating on hugging him because of his tired state.

Seojun decided to just take the lion cub's hand and bring it up to his lips, kissing the knuckles. he lowly chuckled as this made Jehyun snap back to his senses.

"hey" he muttered softy. "what's wrong? "

"nothing" Jehyun lied. he didn't want to ruin what they are now. a pair slowly taking the next step. he smiled softly, turning his body towards the older before wrapping his hands around seojun's neck and bringing them close. "I'm just tired"

replying with a hum, Seojun wrapped his arms around the lion cub's waist. he didn't have to worry about people seeing them since it's 6 in the evening and he didn't have to worry about his manager since he asked the man to not pick him up and he would go home by himself. "why do we have dinner"

"where? " jehyun somewhat found himself snuggling at the older's neck. "seojun... "

"you where do you want? "

"I don't anything fancy. I just want something simple"

"then I got the perfect place to go to"

"this place is good Seojun! " Jehyun cheered, taking a bite of the meat Seojun grilled. he didn't expect the older to take him to a barbecue place he used to visit as a trainee. "I didn't know this place existed"

it wasn't a lie. the place was situated somewhere in the public market of their city, where if course children of the rich would not dare to come but who was Jehyun to follow rules.

"I'm happy you like it" Seojun was shock at how the younger reacted when he brought him around the market. the younger glued himself beside the celebrity and would panic whenever someone would brush past him. he guessed right that it was his first time coming to a place like this. "I was hesitant but hey at least you're enjoying"

"how did you find this place anyway? " it made Jehyun wonder how the grizzly bear came to know a place like this. if he was right, the celebrity grew up with a silver spoon.

"ah, me and Jayden tried to eat some meat when we were kids. of course it was hard because of the diet they put us. so one day we decided to explore and stumble upon this place. this place serves the best meat in affordable prices thus the reason why we came here often. " Seojun explained, chuckling as he reminisced a 11 year old Jayden and his 10 year old self. "and guess what, this table happens the same table that Jayden almost burnt"

"I can imagine" Jehyun chuckled. this was because the soloist ended up burning the table outside the gym while trying to check the candles they bought.

the two ate their dinner in delight, exchanging stories to lighten the mood. Seojun would flip the meat occasionally before placing some on jehyun's plate and watch the younger eagerly eat.

"James? "

turning to the old lady that stopped in front of their table, the pair gave her different reactions. Jehyun raised his brow questionably while Seojun smiled and looked at the old woman

"hello Mrs. kim" he waved at the old woman enthusiastically. he turned to jehyun who looked at him back quizzically. "Jehyun Meet Mrs. Kim the owner of this shop"

"please to meet you young man" the old woman gently waved at the younger and earned a shy nod from Jehyun. "James dear where is Jayson? "

"Jayson? "

ignoring what his partner said, Seojun gingerly answered. he knew he had explaining to do later. "he's busy but Mrs. Kim I was wondering if there's a festival happening soon. seeing all the booths and things"

The old woman snapped her fingers. "yup! and I think it's the perfect place for the two of you but if you don't mind me asking, who the offense and who's the defense? "

"so defense huh" Jehyun sneered, crossing his arms over his chest as he ignored Seojun who trailed behind him like a lost puppy. he didn't even glance behind him when the older wrapped his arms around his waist. "and James? what else are you hiding from me Kim?"

"lion cub I didn't mean it to sound that way and James is just some random name Jayden spouted the time she asked for our names when we were kids and lastly, I'm not hiding anything from you lion cub" Seojun made sure to tightly wrap Jehyun, making them pause from walking. spinning the lion cub around, Seojun cupped the younger's cheeks before letting their noses touch. "and why would I hide something from you? "

"I don't know, because you have a huge ego" Jehyun snorted.

Seojun mentally sighed, a lopsided grinning on his face before letting go of the cheeks and intertwining their hands and motioned for them to walk again. "I thought we talked about that"

"we did" Jehyun pouted. "but I still can't help but think you're hiding something from me"

the two walked to the park, the same park where Jehyun slapped and left Seojun after the older announced he would get into fights so that Jehyun would treat him everyday. the place was lit with brightly colored heart shaped lamps and fairy lights. tents were set up and people were flocking around. balloons were being sold and couples were seen everywhere.

Seojun brought them to one of the balloon sellers and bought one heart shaped before giving it to jehyun . "lion cub, no matter what happens I am not going to hide something from you"

although he knew he was already. it was a lie that they could be together. his company would terminate his contract and basically drop him. but something about Jehyun made him want to risk it.

"really? "

"really" Seojun smiled softy before bringing down his mask and kissing Jehyun on the lips. he wanted to forget that he was a celebrity for now and think he was a normal person who has fallen in love. "I like you lion cub"

"I like you too grizzly bear"