

jehyun picked at the food his mom's maids served him. he didn't know why but he ended up coming home with his mom after a few minutes of debate, shouting and nearly cursing. glancing up, he caught the sight of his mom smiling brightly which was new and uncomfortable. don't get him wrong, he's happy that his mom is smiling but knowing that he doesn't know the reason is what is bothering him.

❝so mom, how was the US? ❞

❝it was fine jehyunie but I did wish you were there❞ the woman propped both of her elbows on the table before entertwining her fingers together.

Jehyun sighed. ❝mom we talk about this. I'm fine here and I know big Bro would want me to stay here as well❞

❝but don't you feel sick❞ his mom's smile turned to a frown. ❝everything reminds you of him. the places, food, everything reminds you of him❞

❝mom❞ putting down the fork he used, Jehyun pursed his lips. ❝big Bro never liked seeing me move especially when you and dad divorced❞

❝but he isn't here anymore! ❞ the woman let out an exasperated sigh as she watched he stubborn son glare at her. ❝it's true hyunie❞

❝mom! just because big Bro is dead doesn't mean you treat him like he's a stain that you want to desperately want to remove. I know you love him more than me and wish that I was the one who died instead of him but please mom. please try to let go. bringing me to the US won't bring him back to life❞

❝and dating a celebrity with a poor family status is going to bring him back❞ the woman spat, demeanor changing as she straightened herself up in the chair. ❝how disgraceful of you Jehyun. you're a Lee for heavens sake! a Lee who is the son of the owner of the biggest bank in the word. are you not ashamed for yourself!? ❞

❝what do you even know about him huh!? you don't even know him like I do so you don't have right to tell me that he isn't worthy to date me! ❞ Jehyun spat back. he was annoyed, no enraged that his mother had the guts to call Seojun and his background poor. as far as he knows, seojun's family owns a business in the lower district.

❝and you think that family meat business of his is something to be proud of? ❞ the woman scoffed. ❝get your head out of the clouds Jehyun. once his face expires, no one will hire him and he can no longer have a job. what will happen then? if you're that persistent on marrying him then might as well abandon the family name❞

❝I don't see what's wrong with that❞ standing up from his seat, Jehyun looked at his mother with warning eyes. ❝don't try to stop me mom. I'm no longer the Lee Jehyun you know❞

he then pushed the chair away before exiting the dining room. he bumped into a maid who hastily apologized but payed no attention to it. he had other things on his mind right now.

the two was left there chuckled bitterly. sheotioned one of her maids to serve her some wine. gosh did that child give he a headache. if she would have known that it would be like tgeis then she should have sent him to the US after her divorce. he wine arrived and she took a big sip. ❝what a brat❞

❝so your mom is saying that she want to take you to the US and that you shouldn't be dating Seojun because of his background❞ Jin pursed his lips. ❝what a bitch❞

❝jin! ❞ groaning, Jehyun took the awaiting mug of hot chocolate that was placed on the center table of Jin's living room. he doesn't know why but he just knew that he had to go to Jin for advice. he would go to his best friend Chen but he knew that the butterfly wouldn't take him seriously. he pouted, eyeing the marshmallows that were floating on top of the chocolate concoction.

❝what❞ Jin shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. ❝I'm not wrong though❞

❝but Jin, I'm not sure why she suddenly wants me to go to the US with her and why she want to break me up with Seojun. I'm the unnoticed child remember❞ as much as Jehyun hated to admit it, him mom never really noticed him when his brother was still alive much more not that he's dead.

❝isn't it obvious? ❞ leaning against the backrest of the couch, Jin waved his hand lazily. ❝she's going to send you off to an arrange marriage❞

❝what!? ❞ almost spitting the chocolate, Jehyun had his eyes widen at what his friend said.

❝Jehyun, you're the only son now. obviously she needs more money to expand her business and marrying you off to someone she knows who carry the big bucks would profit her.❞ Jin explained slowly. ❝if that wasn't the case then she wouldn't bother returning here❞

❝but jin❞ Jehyun groaned, running a hand on his face. ❝she knows I'm gay❞

❝does she care? ❞ the question earned a no. ❝then shs could care less if you're straight or gay. as long as she got the money then she's ok with life even if that means she has to sacrifice you to strangers❞

❝but jin—❞

❝there are no buts in here Hyun. one way or another, she's going to try to break you two up and this is were we'll see how strong your relationship with Seojun is. ❞ Jin seriously said. at that time he was looking at jehyun with strict eyes but softened them as he realized how conflicted the younger became. ❝I'm just scared for you Hyun. I saw my cousin go through that and—and I'm not sure I can see you go through it. you're different from her Hyun. she was strong enough to move forward but you Hyun can be... uh... soft? anyway, she was so broken when she learned her parents were doing it just to convince her that they love her. she thought that they finally noticed her, only to find out she was going to be used❞

jin grimaced as he remembered how his cousin tried taking her life once she learned the truth. how she pointed a gun on her head, tears falling continuously down her face. if it wasn't for him noticing his cousin unusual silence then it would have been to late. he also remembered how dead his cousin looked after the accident. she no longer smiled, her face and eyes bore no emotion whatsoever.

❝what happened after that? ❞ Jehyun grew curious At Jin's cousin's story.

❝I-it's hard to explain Hyun but Hyun promise me that whatever happens, whatever your mom says, don't break it off with seojun❞


needless to say Jehyun spent the night in Jin's house and probably a few nights more. his mom somehow brought all his stuff into her house in one night and he couldn't go back to his dorm since, well his mom told the landlord to not accept him back.

entering his classroom with Jin, he immediately went to his seat. he was obviously exhausted. he couldn't get that much sleep and the fact that he had to worry about whatever his mom was planning.

❝class rep! Seojun told me to give you this and tell you that he wouldn't be coming to school today. his van stopped on my way here and told. me that❞ one of his classmates said and handed him a bouquet of flowers.

❝oh❞ Jehyun blinked, he was so exhausted that he couldn't full process it. he even forgot that he was the class representative. ❝Seojun said that❞

❝yeah and he said I love you too! ❞

this earned teases from the class but Jehyun could care less. he was happy that his grizzly bear had the time to say I love you despite not him personally saying it but still the problem with his mother. he heaved a tired sigh before bashing his head on his table, making everyone else flinch from their places. he didn't bother to raise his head thus the class left him alone.

❝mom, couldn't this conversation wait? ❞ glancing at the woman across him, Jehyun heaved a tired sigh and let his eyes wander at the decorative furniture in the private booth his mom reserved for both of them.

❝Jehyun, I know you're upset for me telling you to break up with that celebrity but—❞

❝mom, I'm not breaking up with him because you said so. it's my choice if I want the break up with him and newsflash I'm not❞ Jehyun snapped.

❝then it's my choice to reveal the truth as well❞ his mom didn't care if her son would get hurt after knowing the truth. the truth behind his brother's death. ❝two years ago your brother left two notes. one that you read and other that was hidden in his journal. the second one was lengthier and more detailed. he stated there why he took his own life. the person who pushed him to take his own life❞

❝w-what? ❞Jehyun sat their in disbelief. there were two notes. one was the one the police saw and gave him. it was full of all his hopes and dreams, apolody, and last words to him. Jehyun remembered crying every time he read it. not only that but it caused a great impact on Jehyun. he wouldn't leave his room for a month. if it wasn't for his mom's men breaking down the door then he would have done the se thing as his brother did.

❝do you want to know who that person is? ❞ the woman didn't wait for her son to answer. she pursed her lips.

❝Seojun. Kim Seojun is the reason why he committed suicide❞

❝w-wha—❞ Jehyun couldnt believe it. his boyfriend isn't a murderer right? no it's just his mom lying so that he will break up with Seojun. yeah, this is all a joke. it can't be true.

❝Jehyun❞ the woman called, ❝I'm not joking. here's the letter if you won't believe me and a video. it was taken by a trainee who the company framed so that Seojun wouldn't be questioned❞

throwing an envelope that she kept on her lap the entire time, her eyes softened at the sigh of her child shaking as he took the envelope and ripped it open.

she wasn't lying. if only the person her son was dating not her older son's murderer then she wouldn't intervene in their relationship but her older son needed justice. the celebrity should be behind bars for what he did for her family.

❝no no no! ❞ shaking his head, Jehyun tried to deny what was written in the letter. Seojun isn't a murderer and he knows he isn't but the letter from his brother said otherwise. his brother, his brother that he loved so dearly killed himself because of Seojun. it's unbelievable. ❝that can't be! ❞

❝it can be Jehyun! ❞ the woman shouted back, slamming a fist on the table. ❝you're brother was being bullied by that boyfriend of yours. why do you think he goes home with cuts and bruises!? why do you think he wanted to leave that company!? he wanted to leave Jehyun but he couldn't since he was bound to their contract. Jehyun, the only way he could be free was if he-he killed himself❞

❝but Seojun wouldn't so that! i know he is scandalous but he would be the reason that someone like big brother would kill himself! ❞

❝what do you really know about him Jehyun!? he only came to your life a few months ago! and are you sure he loves you!? what if he's playing with you!? I don't want to lose another child because of him❞

Jehyun felt his head pound. it was too much. Seojun being the reason why his brother killed himself, the letter that is proof, and his mom trying to push the idea of Seojun being a murderer. ❝no❞

❝jehyun❞ the woman said calmly, ❝I don't care when you are going to believe but if you have more doubts then watch the video on the phone. I'm not going to force you but for the sake of your brother, please get away from him❞

Jehyun sat on his old bed in his mom house, well mansion. yes, somehow he ended up skipping school and go back to his childhood mansion. he didn't bother calling Jin who he knows is worried. he also didn't bother answering any of seojun's calls and texts. he's still conflicted. gripping tightly the phone that held the video, he contemplated if he should watch it. he's shock as it is and would be more if he watches the video but at the same time he's curious. should he?

❝young sir❞ peeking behind his bedroom door, Jehyun caught the sight of a timid maid. ❝madam told us to serve you dinner❞

❝oh❞ it surprised Jehyun that his mom was being kind and payed attention to him. the last time he felt someone paying attention to him was when his parents were still together. it was his father who he hasn't seen since he was 7. sad but that's how it is. ❝just place it on the table❞

he watched as the maid pushed a cart that had hid dinner and placed it on the table near a window. she also poured a cup of water before pushing it back to the door. she didn't forget to bow at him which he returned with a nod. watching her finally close the door, Jehyun heaved a tired sigh. he realize he didn't ask her how the mansion was while his mom was in the US while he was in a dorm.

❝sir❞ entering the room after knocking, the family butler entered the younger'S room with his eyes scanning the room. ❝madame is asking if you watched the video❞

❝why does she need to know❞ Jehyun spoke sourly. ❝ill watch it when I want to❞

❝yes sir❞ the butler said before leaving the room.

❝I-i should just watch it❞ Jehyun said after an hour of contemplating. with shaking hands, he unlocked the phone and directly when to the video app where one video was saved. the video dated a few years back, close enough to when his brother was alive. ❝s-should I be doing this? ❞ was he ready to see the truth? yes? no? maybe? yesn't? I don't know.

a young boy, probably the same age as Jehyun at present, was simply walking in the back alleyway of C9 entertainment. it was the road that trainees usually take when leaving the building.

he hummed a cheerful tune. practice ended earlier than usually, meaning he could go home early and play with his little brother who's probably waiting for in front of the front doors. he was so happy that he didn't notice the group of five mean looking trainees waiting for him. this resulted in him colliding with one of them and falling on the ground butt first.

❝hey jaehyung❞ the one he bumped into called, pulling him up by the collar. ❝boss told me he caught you bad mouthing him. Is it true? ❞

jaehyung was confused because one, he doesn't know anyone who with alias boss and two, he hasn't said that much today. ❝I'm sorry but who are you referring to? ❞ why isn't he panicking? because this happens almost everyday. like a normal routine.

❝I'm the boss❞ the fice trainees moved to the side and showed a 15 year old Seojun who was busy chewing gum. ❝a little birdie told me you've been talking shit about me❞

jaehyung tilted his head in confusion. ❝I'm sorry but—argh! ❞ feeling his gut being punched, he let out a painful groan as another one was placed at the same area. ❝let go of me! stop tha—argh! ❞

❝not a chance lion cun❞ Seojun clicked his tongue before motioning to one of the trainees.❝hit him all you want but don't kill him. do anything for all I care and make sure no one knows about this and you❞ he turned to another one. ❝take a video of this and send me a copy❞

❝sure thing boss❞

the young Seojun smirked, turning in his heel, not after he spat at jaehyung's face. he didn't flinch nor look back as he heard the older's grunts of pain and shouts of help. no one will be coming since all the trainees are taking extra time practicing. ❝go easy on him ey! ❞

Jehyun felt hot tears flow down his face. he watched as his older brother was beaten into a pulp, how he would spit blood and groan and grunt in pain. this explained why his brother went home that day all bloody, saying that he got into a small accident while training. accident shit, he was beaten up by Seojun.

❝no! ❞Jehyun ceased to believe that his boyfriend was the reason why his brother died. he couldn't also be the bully that his brother once mentioned. his brother never said names but Seojun.... Seojun had to be in the video. ❝T-this can't be! ❞

getting off his bed, he ran to his desk and started to hastily open the drawers, trying to find the note his brother left. the one that the police found. finding it behind some boxes, he quickly brought it up and reread its contents.

to my dear little bro jehyunie,

I'm sorry if I can't see you walk down the stage during your graduation. I'm sorry if I wouldn't be there to see you have a family, see you achieve your dreams. I'm sorry if I broke our promise in going to the US together with mom. I'm so sorry.

I know I should be strong but big brother can't take it anymore. I can't take all their beatings, the mean. words, everything. I can't continue living with a demon. I was that close to my dream jehyunie, so close that I couldn't believe that it slipped. don't get made jehyunie at that person who pushed me into this. we don't know what he's going through so don't get made once you know. and if you do end up knowing who he is then try to talk to him. ask him why he did this to me. don't hold the grudge for me jehyunie.

And tell mom I love her. watch her for me hyunie while I also watch her from here. don't let her cry hyunie. make her smile since you're the only son now. please jehyunie....

I will love you till the afterlife little bro, jehyunie