❝what's wrong Jehyun? ❞
all he remembered after that was running out of the classroom with his bag and calling for his driver. and as unexpected as it seemed for him, he went to one of his mom's bank. he didn't mean to run away. he just wanted to avoid the question. not that his friends wouldn't understand but if they knew, espe ially Jin, then it wouldn't go well. Jin would force him to break up with Seojun.
❝this is uh... a surprise❞ the woman fiddled with the papers on her table, eyeing her son who looked like the world's greatest problem was bestowed upon him. ❝Jehyun? ❞ seeing that her son wouldn't respond, she went back to the financial reports she asked her staff to present her that morning.
Jehyun, who sat on one of the couches that the room provided, he had changed into regular clothes—courtesy of his mom's men who packed him extra clothing. he was conflicted. his friend texted him nonstop. they couldn't call him since they have class but it wouldn't be that long they would skip class and go to the first place that comes into mind, his mom's bank that he currently is. they wouldn't go to the police station since they knew he stopped working there ever since his mom arrived.
❝I'm going crazy❞ he didn't care if his mom hears him, which she didn't, that way she would feel guilty for ruining his perfectly normal and peaceful life. hell if she didn't come back then everything would be the same. ❝heavens I need help❞
❝then go to the bar and drink❞ his mom suggested which earned a shocked and concern look from Jehyun which she didn't see.
❝mom, I'm still 17❞ he reminded the adult. ❝I'm not legal yet❞
❝and yet I allow you to drink wine❞ his mom remark, finally looking up. she gave him a bored look. ❝Jehyun sweetie, if you go to the Emperador bar, you're allowed to drink. here—❞ picking up her bag on the floor, she opened it and rummaged for a few seconds before pulling out one of her black credit cards. ❝take my credit card and spend it all you want❞
Jehyun was about to retort when one of his mom's men, the one who picked him up, entered the room by slamming the door. he looked so disheveled like he was in a match or something.
turning his head to his mom who looked like she was about to blow, he turned his head again to face the man and motioned him to start speaking.
❝s-someone is w-waiting for sir j-jehyun❞ he panted, raising his pointer figure, meaning he would continue after taking a deep breath of air. ❝someone by the name of—❞
Jehyun only knew one person who would stick to that endearment, Seojun. face-palming, he turned to his mother who sat there frozen in her seat. the peppers she held were clutched so tight that they wrinkled. he isn't surprised. I mean, the person who was the reason for your son's death is in front of you without any sign of embarrassment and calling your now ONLY son. how would you react?
wanting to save his boyfriend, he got up from his place on the couch and carefully approached his mother. ❝mom... calm down❞
his mom scoffed in reaction. looking at the ceiling for a few seconds before darting her eyes at her son then to the celebrity. ❝Jehyun, calm down? calm down? how can I calm down when—❞
placing a hand on top of his mouth, Jehyun furrowed both of his brows before motioning the man to escort his boyfriend out of the room. he didn't want his mom to be the one to confront. he wanted it to be between him and Seojun.
❝hey! get your hands of me! ❞ Seojun tried to pry away from the hands of the man. he gave Jehyun an annoyed look. ❝lion cub what's with this!? ❞
❝Seojun❞ Jehyun still had his hand on his mother's mouth. ❝we'll talk outside❞
❝what the hell lion cub!? you made that man drag me out! ❞ Seojun fumed, slamming the cup of milkshake that Jehyun bought for his as compensation for having his mom's man drag, more like carry, him out. the boyfriend then pouted as he watched his lion cub ignored what he said. ❝Hyun what's wrong? ❞
Jehyun was thinking about ways he could tell Seojun about his brother. ask him if really was part of the reason. ask him if Seojun hated his brother that much that he would let people beat him up. ask him if he would still love him after learning that he's the younger sibling of LEE JAEHYUNG.
❝Hyun... Hyun.. JEHYUN! ❞
flinching at the loud voice, Jehyun had to blink twice before remembering that he was with Seojun. all the thinking made his head ache. ❝yeah? ❞
❝lion cub❞ Seojun didn't understand why the younger was being distant and dazed. it was like yesterday he was being clingy while today he's being distant. a shift in mood to say the least. it made the gears in seojun's brain turn before he got a thought. ❝say lion cub, are you... pregnant? ❞
Jehyun showed a defeated look. what's there to expect from Seojun who thinks being moody is directly caused by a pregnancy. sometimes he wished the older owned a braincell or at least half a braincell. he pinched the bridge of his nose, he felt discouraged to say the least. ❝let's..... take a break❞
❝what!? ❞ slamming open the practice room door, Jayden didn't hesitate to barge inside and grab the depressed younger celebrity on the floor. he shook the younger for a good minute before narrowing his eyes. ❝what do you mean you two are on break!? ❞
Jayden couldn't believe that the two would consider doing that since the two had the perfect relationship. the sudden news shocked him so much that he fell of his office chair in his studio and rushing to the usual practice room that he shares with the younger.
❝I don't know Jay but that's what he said. he said that things are complicated❞ Seojun sniffed, wanting to cry but there was no way he was going to cry in front of the older. he may be heartbroken but he still has his pride. ❝what did I do wrong!? ❞
❝i don't know❞ the older let go of one hand and used it to ruffle with his hair. he forced his brain to think. one thought came. that couldn't be, he thought. ❝hey Jun, don't you ever get that feeling that Jehyun reminds you of someone❞ honestly speaking, the moment Jayden met Jehyun he felt a familiarity. it was like it wasn't the first time meeting the younger. not only that but his name rang a bell.
❝nope but why thought? ❞ Seojun asked, completely lost.
❝because I swear this isn't the first time we met Jehyun. I feel like we've met him before❞
Seojun blinked before swinging his head To the side and pushing the older to get away from his hold. he then crossed his arms. ❝Jay, we only met Jehyun this year❞
Jayden shook his head. he swore Jehyun looks familiar. ❝I don't think so Jun. there's something about Jehyun we don't know and—❞ he pointed a finger at the younger, ❝it's your job to find out about it❞
❝why me!? ❞ Seojun placed his hands to his side before placing one on his chest dramatically.
❝because—❞ Jayden gave him a serious look. ❝you're the top and the boyfriend❞
❝sir, sir Jehyun specifically told us not to let any visitors enter the house❞ the butler informed the three guests that barged into the mansion. he quickly ran in front of them and halted before showing a stopping signal with his hand. ❝again, sir jehyun—❞
❝we get it old man. Jehyun doesn't want to see us❞ the one with red hair grumbled before raising his voice. ❝but that doesn't mean we aren't barging in. if he won't invite us in then we'll drag him out❞
❝but sir if you do that then I will have to report you to the police for trespassing❞ the butler tried to stop them as they took taunting steps towards him. ❝s-sirs! ❞
❝oh shut it old man we've got better things to do such as asking why out friend decided to take a break with his boyfriend! ❞ pushing past the butler, the shortest one in the group started to fasten his pace towards the stairs were they skipped a few steps. the stairs were to long that it would tire you of you go one by one. ❝Hyun! ❞
❝sirs, I'm sorry but sir Jehyun asked no one to disturb him❞
heavens did they want to bust. why were there so many people stopping them from seeing their friend? at the games someone stopped them from entering if it weren't for hiro who founf a way to sneak in then they would still be at the front. walking in the front garden, they were stopped by one of the gardeners that spotted them. they were lucky that they lost him in the hedge maze, then they had to face the butler from before. but now they had to face the maid in front of them who was guarding their friend's room. heavens it was like Jehyun was in a total lockdown.
❝I'm sorry but who are you tell us that? ❞ Junghoon sassed, hands on his hips as he challenged the maid to answer back.
❝I'm sorry sirs but we only follow the orders of the master and her son. unless you are given a maid who would serve you, then you don't have the power to order us❞ the maid replied before taking out a wakie talkie from her pocket. ❝guard unit one Please head to the young master's wing. we have three stubord teenagers who—❞
❝what is going on? ❞ opening the door of his room, Jehyun caught the sight of the maid assigned to him, his three friends, and some guards who were running up the stairs. he turned to the maid. ❝didn't I say I didn't want any visitors❞
❝w-well sir, t-they were p-persist—❞
❝goodness stop stuttering. you sound like your having an asthma attack❞ Jehyun scolded angrily while rubbing his temples. his friend were shocked to see their usual patient friend angry much more because of a stutter. he then looked at his friends. ❝I'll let them in my room. prepare some drinks. I don't know what you should make but it should be ready after five minutes❞ he glared at the maid who stood frozen. ❝what are you waiting for? go! ❞
❝yes sir! ❞
❝what the... Hyun are you ok? ❞ jin watched as the maid scurry away, grabbing the maid that was just standing a few feet away from them. he the watched as Jehyun dismissed the guards that came to his room. he forgot how rich the younger was. ❝should we—❞
❝let's talk inside❞ opening his double doors, Jehyun motioned them to sit on the couches that decorated his room. he waited for his friends to get comfortable before sitting on the white recliner in his room. ❝what should we talk about? ❞
❝why don't you explain why you suddenly told Seojun that the two of you needed a break?❞ Junghoon answered, crossing his arms over his chest. he was worried with two, mostly Seojun who looked so heartbroken when he visited the company. he caught his own boyfriend try to help the younger.
❝like you said, we needed a break. I needed a break❞ Jehyun answered.
❝you could have said YOU needed a break. Seojun thinks that you want to break up with him❞ Junghoon told him before pulling out his phone from his pocket and started searching a video he got earlier of the celebrity and faced it to the younger. ❝look, he's heartbroken❞
in the video, Seojun sat on the floor of a practice room looking so dead. it hasn't been a full day yet he looked he like he hadn't got any sleep. not only that but her had a deep frown on his face. the video went on with Jayden entering the room and sitting down beside him. the two converse about the break and went for about five minutes. Junghoon had to skip it since their voices were hushed. the last part was Seojun sadly getting up and walking out of the camera shot.
Junghoon faced his phone back at him before turning it off. a frown on his lips. ❝he wanted to come with us but the company was forcing to go to this interview. Jehyun, I'm not sure about this but the company is planning on setting him up niommi❞
❝what the fuck! ❞ the Japanese exclaimed, slamming his hands on the center table as he leaned slightly forward. ❝why the hell would they do that!? ❞
❝because the public is getting curious! ❞ Jin too was worried. he caught his cousin on time talking with one her staff members about Seojun. ❝a picture in the web surface. it was him with i guess Jehyun downtown with lanterns. A few fans talked about it but it was good the company was able to take down the pictures but still, his fans and the public are curious about the mysterious person next to him❞
❝I still don't get why they think setting him up with that female dog is helpful❞ hiro voiced out, huffing in anger.
❝they don't know he's bi❞ Jehyun said.
❝gay actually. seojun's first love is Jehyun here❞ Junghoon corrected with a smile on his face. ❝but! we shouldn't stray away from the real reason why came here. Hyun, why did you ask for a break? ❞
❝because he killed my brother❞
❝what!? ❞ the three friends exclaimed, jumping from there seats and standing up. they couldn't believ that their friend could commit murder. Jehyun glared at them and motioned them to go sit down again.❝how!? ❞
❝two years ago, my brother Lee Jaehyung committed suicide because of him❞ Jehyun explained, letting a tear fall which he wiped away quickly.
❝wait! ❞ something crossed Junghoon's mind. ❝you're Lee Jaehyun!? ❞
the youngest nodded his head. biologically his name is Lee Jaehyun but he changed it to Jehyun after his brother's death.
❝what do you mean he's Lee jeahyun? ❞ confused, hiro turned to jin for explanation. take note that hiro entered the group during the summer. ❝you're name isn't Lee Jehyun? ❞
❝biologically no but legally yes❞ Jehyun replied. ❝I changed it after my brother died❞
❝you had a brother? ❞ hiro asked in confusion, not completely catching up. he turned to his boyfriend who sighed.
❝Jehyun had an older brother❞
❝why had? ❞
❝because he died you idiot❞ clicking his tongue, Jehyun didn't hesitate to hit the older with his fist.
❝but that doesn't explain why you wanted a break with Seojun. it's been two years hyun❞ Jin said Which earned a look from the other two. ❝i was able to catch hyun's brother just so you know❞
❝who wouldn't need a break when you learn that your boyfriend bullied your brother which resulted him in killing himself❞ Jehyun snorted. he knew his friends would really get it, minus Junghoon since he has an older brother, but loosing an older sibling hurts so much. especially when the two of you are super close. ❝I can't bring myself to stay with him knowing that he drove my brother to death❞
❝ I know Seojun was a bully back in the days but I don't remember him driving someone like that❞ Junghoon couldn't believe what he was hearing. yes, Seojun bullied people before but he's a changed man now. he shook his head. ❝are you sure it's him? ❞
Jehyun nod his head. ❝LA turn on the TV and play video 1!❞
for quick information, LA is a house system that the rich buy for their mansions or villas. LA is owned by Vile technology incorporated and was launched five years ago. although not available for the general public, the LA house system has branched into virtual calendars, and gadget assistance.
the TV flickered on and a video started to play. it was the same video that Jehyun watched a few days ago. Jehyun turned his head away from the TV, tired of watching it for the hundredth time. his friends on the other hand had their mouths dropped as they watched. Junghoon in particular then frowned. he honestly couldn't believe Seojun was that, especially to jehyun's older brother who was a good friend to him.
by the time the video ended, Jin had shed a few tears while hiro felt conflicted. Seojun was his friend, a partner in crime when it comes to annoying Chen, he couldn't figure out if he should defend him or if he should lash out on the celebrity.
❝I-i don't understand❞ Jin shivered at the sight of Jaehyung being bloody. ❝s-Seojun is different❞ he turned to Junghoon who he knew knew the celebrity longer.
❝I-i don't understand as well Jin. sure Seojun bullied some people before but he changed after the bullying scandal happened❞ Junghoon replied, ruffling his hair as he got even more. confused. just else was Seojun hiding from them. he suddenly got up and shakingly walked to the door. ❝I-I'll go talk to him❞
❝what? no! ❞ hiro shouted, standing up and walking to Junghoon. he didn't hesitate to grab the older by the collar. ❝do you think he'll confess he did it? of course not! especially when he will know that Jehyun is related to it! he'll keep on denying it! ❞
❝what do you even know about him!? ❞ Junghoon shouted back, tears were threatening to fall down his face. ❝Seojun may be bad but he can't ask people to beat someone up. I grew up with Seojun and I know he wouldn't have it in him have people beat someone up! ❞
❝but look at how it went. Seojun asked people to beat up jehyun's older brother. it's obvious he was being bullied! do you know how much it affected jehyun's life!?❞ it was Jin's turn to stand up. he then pointed to Jehyun who grew quiet. ❝Jehyun suffered so much after that! his mom was affected! everybody was affected Junghoon! ❞
❝but that was the past! ❞ Junghoon argued back. ❝Seojun is at fault but you can't let the past block you from your present! ❞
❝what do you even know about the past and present!? Junghoon you wouldn't know what if feels like loosing someone forever! ❞ Jin seethe, wiping the stray tears.
❝of course I would know! ❞ Junghoon scoffed aggressively. ❝we lost the same cousin jin❞
❝but you weren't there! you don't know her like I do! ❞
❝jin, no one knows about her. even noona forgot about her. what do you expect Jin? ❞
❝noona never forgot, she chose to forget! do you know how it took a toll on her!? she almost died! ❞
Jehyun had to close his eyes. everything was spinning—his room, the voices, his thoughts, everything. he just wanted to close his eyes and forget about his problem. he wanted to cry but he couldn't. ❝I'm sorry❞
❝what was that Hyun? ❞ not catching anything the younger said due to the two shouting friends, hiro went closer to Jehyun who looked so dead. ❝hy—❞
❝I'm sorry! ❞ Jehyun had to throw his head back. ❝I-I can't take it anymore❞