Chapter Two

"Bryan! Bryan!" Someone kept calling me, the voices were loud but I felt it was all in my head maybe because I was lost in thoughts at that moment as I sat in my office.

Having everything one could ever dream of in life -The perfect face and body physique; like that of a model, which made me the dream man of every woman I came across. The perfect job; I was addressed as the youngest billionaire in the States.

All these and many more made me really popular amongst the elites in the society and continuously put me on the tabloids. I also had the perfect friend cycle; yet my life was nothing close to perfect. Something was certainly missing. My name is Bryan Brent and this is my story.

I hadn't noticed the presence in my office as the owner of the voice that's been ringing in my head, but when I looked up, a cold substance splashed across my face down to my shirt, drenching me.

"What the hell!" I shouted angrily and rose to my feet only to meet the eyes of the one person I swore never to have a relationship with - Mrs Mary Brent.

I was so shocked at seeing her that the shock robbed me of my speech; my blood was boiling as raw anger engulfed me. I was so controlling my emotions so I don't create an outburst.

"What in the world are you doing in my office?" I barked at her through gritted teeth, my hands clenched into a fist. She flinched backwards, startled at my actions as I rung Millicent immediately.

I was so angry and mad at Millie at the same time. I had given specific instructions earlier never to let anybody into my office because I didn't want to be disturbed.

I dabbed myself with the towel that was in my office as Mrs Brent gave me a smugly and annoying smile with her arms crossed over her chest; her expressions were only making it difficult for me to control my temper.

Millicent ran in scared and shuddering as she fell to her knees "I'm so sorry sir, I did everything to stop her but she insisted and I couldn't -"

"Oh please, enough of all this drama" Mary scowled at Millie, throwing her hands in the air exasperated as she took a seat. "Must I now get an appointment before seeing my son?" and she turned to me.

"It's urgent Bryan. The reason why I'm here"

"Do I look like I care about your problems? Was that enough reason to throw water on my face? You know how I hate your confrontations? Yet you keep doing them to get me upset" I yelled, still wiping the water off my shirt.

"Bryan, this is important" She retorted, rolling her eyes at me but I ignored her utterances.

"So why do you keep disrespecting and demeaning me? Need I remind you that this is my office, my company, my building and you had no right to go through my security, my secretary, my assistant without a formal appointment" I howled at her more this time.

Every muscle in my body was stiffened as a rock. I picked up my keys and stomped out of the office not wanting to be provoked further. I ignored every eyes and greetings as I got on my private elevator and arrived at my private suite.

Brentarc sat on a twenty story building in Beverly Hills, California. It had different departments. The administrative was on the second floor, my office was on the fifteenth floor and the private suite on the last floor. The suite was a complete apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and parlour.

Most times when I worked late and couldn't return to home, I slept there. My office complex was well guarded by tight and armoured security guards.

Arriving at my suite, I noticed I had forgotten to pick up the key card to the door. I looked at my hands and saw just my phone.

"Shit" I muttered, making a call and within few minutes, I couldn't believe who was right in front of me - My cupid from the previous night, with my key card in her hands. My tensed body relaxed almost immediately just staring at her.

"Mr Brent, here is your key card" she handed it over to me and flashed a smile.

My lips parted but I couldn't voice a word, this was the most beautiful woman I had ever set my eyes upon. This was my cupid, the woman whom my restless heart has been searching for, for weeks.

I stared at those hazel eyes of hers with dainty nose, pouting heart shaped lips that looked succulent from where I stood. The way she curled her dark brown hair toady, and let it fall behind her was stunning.

Moving my eyes over her body, it was like I was scanning for a code or something. She had a shapely figure. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished brown complexion. She was effortlessly endowed on every side.

I observed how the black gown and gold neck tie she wore looked magnificent on her body. She definitely was not human, possibly she was an angel sent from heaven, and she was charmingly beautiful I whispered out not caring if she heard me or not but she did anyways.

"Excuse me sir, did you say something?" She interrupted my crazy thoughts and I chuckled nervously, as her presence was having a huge effect on me, increasing my pulse rate.

"Oh! Of course not" and quickly collected the key card from her, opened the door and stepped into the suite before I realized my bad manners. I hadn't apologized for keeping her waiting nor did I thank her for bringing my keycard up to me so I rushed out only to find the hallway empty.

I could swear it wasn't up to a second I left her, how could she have disappeared again? I mumbled, my body slouched as I returned to the room hurriedly changing out of my wet clothes into a well-tailored navy blue suit with a white inner shirt.

Wearing of ties wasn't my forte unless I had very formal business meetings or dinner meetings; though I usually got complements often of how cool I looked whenever I wore one. So I just added a touch of red tie because I had a meeting with some new clients later in the day.

When I got back to the office, Mary Brent had left. She was my mother but honestly I wished she wasn't. What did she want from me, when she hardly cared about me or any other person other than herself?

The last time we saw each other, it was horrible. She's always had this dominating power and felt she could control my life and that of my siblings. I hated it when she did that.

Bryan, it has to be this way or Bryan it has to be that way. It was crazy that she always used our weakness as her point of contention and strength till she accomplished her goals. These made me detest her in so many ways because I couldn't be remain under her influence.

I went in for the scheduled meetings I had but I could not concentrate, my mind could not forget my cupid. I couldn't get her perfect face out of my head. I needed to find out who she was swiftly before I lose my sanity.

The rest of the day went by quickly as I remembered I had an outing to make with my guys so I picked my phone and dialled Ollie. He picked up at the second ring.

Ollie: "Hey, what's up man"

Bryan: "I'm good, are we still on for tonight at Dash?" He paused for a minute like he was recollecting.

Ollie: "Oh, I almost forgot, let me wrap up things at work, go home and freshen up. I will meet you there say eight-ish"

Bryan: "Ok, but remember, no company" I stressed.

Ollie: "C'mon B, you know my girlfriend will never let me hangout without her especially when she knows that her boo bear is going to be there"

Bryan: "Just May, I can handle then" I whispered, he chuckled as hung up.

Apparently, this was supposed to be a guy's night out only, I don't just understand why May always tagged along to ruin our intimate moments. I hope she doesn't try to set me up with any other ladies tonight. I thought out loud, trusting Autumn must hinted her about her last escapade with me.

It actually didn't go well. I just needed the distraction that night but Autumn obviously wanted more from me. And when I wasn't showing any interest in her, she became paranoid and created an outburst that ruined the night.


It was almost 8pm when I drove into the cozy VIP parking lot of the Dash club house. With my personality, it was practically impossible to avoid reporters, the press and the tabloids.

I had lost count on how much my name had made headlines in their stories. Sometimes, I wondered how they usually got their information - both true and false, and then twist it just to sell their stupid stories.

That's why as much as possible, I always tried disguises and hanging outs only at nights, even though one can't entirely rule out the very desperate ones like Allison Benson.

I opened the doors of my Porsche 911 GT2 RS and stepped into the parking lot wearing a blue pencil jean trouser with a black shirt and a black face cap to ward off the reporters peradventure I ran into any. For the records, I always felt good in casuals.

Walking into the lounge through the VIP entrance, a short stouted man with big belly wearing a black suit approached me with a wide grin "It's nice to have you here today, Mr Brent"

"Thanks George" I smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

He led me to a private space in the lounge where my friends were already sitted. May jumped on me, throwing her hands across my neck. "Boobear I missed you", she screamed placing a warm kiss on my both cheeks. I was startled at first because she took me unawares but then I later hugged her too.

May has actually been a very good friend to me. When we first met, she could have sworn I was going to date her but since I had a girlfriend and Oliver wasn't committed then, I had to match them up together.

Although sometimes, people think we were in a relationship because of the way we acted around each other.

I exchanged handshakes and side hugs with Jake and Oliver taking my seat in between them. We drank and chatted randomly for about two hours before I finally told them about my mother's visit.

May had drunk too many drinks and fallen asleep, her head resting on Ollie's laps. She was without doubt a light head.

"When did she get back from the United Kingdom?" Jake asked a bit confused.

"You're forgetting she literally lives there" Ollie replied.

"Actually she did live there because I heard that she's back to America"

"Back as in back, after how many years?" Jake emphasized the words staring at my face intently as he sipped drink from his glass.

Well, my mother actually moved to London after the death of my father ten years ago. Though she usually visited because of the company she was in charge of but right now, she had fully relocated back to the States and somehow, her return got me worried unconsciously.

"Did you hear what she had to say?" Ollie asked.

"No, I was so infuriated that I stomped out of the office without even looking back".

My friends were really surprised that she would come see me in the office because of her ego and also how rough things had been between us in the past years.

"Well, Bryan" Ollie stared at me while his hands were gently stroking May's hair "I know she's not the most likeable of persons but I wished you stayed to hear her out".

"The bitch practically drenched me in water that was why I left the office - to change into something else" I said with a frown "Besides what possible business does she have to do with me?"

Ollie shrugged his shoulders; answering my question "I've got no idea, but just give her a call and find out because something that will make her come to you must be very serious"

I thought about it for a while. Oliver was right. "Ok then, will do that in the morning when I get to work" I said and we switched topics.

"So Bryan any news on our mystery lady" Jake asked with a grin spread across his face. They both looked at my face for any reaction but there was none.

"Oh come on, please tell us you didn't let her disappear for the second time" Ollie's eyes were pleading. I had earlier informed them about the encounter with my cupid but not in details. So now they needed the juicy details, but I was a bit embarrassed to narrate it.

"Well, I tried but when I rushed out of the room she was long gone. I just felt it would look ridiculous running all over my building like a lost puppy" I arched a brow with a sad countenance.

They stared at me with pity in their eyes depressing the atmosphere "Ok, guys enough... stop with the disappointed faces" I chuckled lightly "It's just a girl and I could get any if I choose to"

"You're missing the point B. she's not just any girl but the one your heart craves for. You could have just taken the shot and ignored your damn wet shirt" Jake commented, slightly frustrated.

"Which obviously looked sexy displaying your biceps and inks" Ollie joked, as we all laughed before putting up a stern facial expression. "Seriously Bryan, you're looking more miserable with each passing day....I love you bro. So please find her" he placed his hands on my shoulders squeezing lightly.

"Yea.... and quick" Jake flashed an annoying smile, concurring to what Ollie sad and teasing me further "Where's the Bryan we used to know?"

"He's right here" I winked at them and we all laughed out loud, taking another shot of drinks when my phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was Millicent. I excused myself and walked out to answer the call.