Chapter 5


I had gone to the hospital to get my sprained ankle checked at the close of work. The doctor applied some ointments on it and wrapped it gently in a bandage. He then gave me some medications to help relieve the pains.

As the Uber pulled over in front of my house, my father was seated there glancing over his phone. I had only wished I was able to keep my embarrassment from the world but obviously it was not going to work.

"Hey peanut, what happened to your legs?" he came and helped me up the front stairs onto the porch.

"It's nothing much dad, Just a little sprained ankle. I will be fine. I just have to reduce physical activities for a while" I told him as he helped me up to my bedroom.

I was glad my mother was not around to see me this way. She would have lashed out. So all I needed to do was avoid her as much as possible even though I knew it was impossible. Better still tell my dad not to mention it to her or probably stay away at Nora's place till am all healed up.


I looked crazy as hell. I've not been able to put my thoughts together. I had barely even thought of food or eating anything. I was partially glad May had planned and invited me over for this dinner at their house. Well "their house", because she and Ollie moved in together so they literally live together.

On days where I had very personal stuffs, I preferred driving myself while on other days, Gerald and Morgan accompanies me.

I pulled into the driveway of Ollie and May's residence.  Their house was an all-white duplex. It was beautiful both exterior and interior. I rang the doorbell and waited a little before the door flung open. It was about few minutes to 7pm.

"Hey man, it's good to see you, thought you changed your mind". Ollie gave me a side hug as I walked in.

I rolled my eyes at him "changed my mind? You know I can't, even if I want to, your girlfriend will murder me and I mean literally" I teased him.

I walked into the kitchen where May was roasting the chickens. "Hey, boobear, I pecked her on her both cheeks. She threw her hands across my neck and hugged me warmly almost even kissing me as she stared into my eyes. I could feel Ollie's piercing eyes shooting missile through my back out to my chest.

"Hello"... Ollie waved his hands at us. "Boyfriend standing over here".

We chuckled and pulled apart. Then I  whispered to her "Are you ok?"

"Yea, she nodded making a puppy face….. "I just missed you" and just when I was about to respond she added "Stop staying away for too long boo; you know my heart can't take it".

I chuckled softly. "Yes boss, I got you and am sorry for making you miss me much" I said to her.

"Alright darlings, dinner will be served soon she said as I walked out of the kitchen with Ollie.

"Ok, Bryan, What was the meaning of that?" Oliver accousted me once we were seated on the couch.

I looked at him confused "I don't know honestly." And questioned him back. "What did you do to her?" I stared at him.

"Really, you're asking me what I did to her his tone rising, Listen up man; I will not deny the fact that I don't get jealous whenever you're around May. It's so difficult to understand that you guys are not intimate but just friends, I mean not to me but outsiders".

My eyes widened and my muscles tensed up. "What"? I said softly...

"Yea" he continued. "You know if I wasn't in the picture, I bet you two would have been a thing long ago".

"Oliver, please stop it – just stop talking trash. May is your girlfriend. She loves you very much and I know you love her too. For me, I guess I'm just the very good friend to the both of you. I can't betray you man".

He slapped his palms against his forehead hitting it continuously. "I know, I'm such an idiot for entertaining such thoughts. I guess am feeling too emotional today. I'm so sorry man, I trust you. Maybe I should go check on her".

"Yea" I nodded. "And get your emotions in check too" I added. Then he stood up and walked away. Dinner was served and we ate silently.  Although after eating, we saw a movie together before calling it a night.


"Babe I swear you're not going to believe what happened at work today I giggled as Nora opened her door for me.

Once I was in, I took my seat on the couch still giggling. I had earlier taking the option of spending the weekend at Nora's until am healed up. I called my mom and informed her that there was a case I was working on with Nora, so her place would be more conducive.

"Then tell me, because am so eager to know" Nora pleaded looking at my feet. "What happened to you?"

"Uhm, it's nothing serious. Just a sprained ankle".


"Yea" I nodded.  Then she shrugged "Ok, so what's the story"

"What story? This is not a story for your tabloid" I teased her. "It's the beginning of my love story" I grinned uncontrollably.

"Mich, honestly am getting impatient, so are you going to spill or not?" She eyed me.

"Ok….. Ok"…. I calmed myself so I could tell her. "Who is Mr. Brent? I stared at her.

"Pffft" She closed her eyes and thought for a while "You mean Mr. Bryan Brent?"

I nodded giving her a mischievous look.

"Well, He is the Chairman/CEO of Brentarc group. He is your boss- I mean your overall boss. And what's with that look on your face?" she commented.

"I breathed heavily and smiled "I bumped into my overall boss today" I giggled loudly.

"Ok" she chuckled, "so...….."

"We stared at each other for a very long time then he helped me up to my feet".

Oh, his hands were so soft to feel, I can imagine those hands all over my body. I swear I could melt in them.

"And..... Is that the story?" she asked with concern.

"Nah, am getting to the juicy part" I whimpered "He inquired about me and you know that thing that guys usually do with their eyes and lips when they meet someone they like?"

"Uhm. Sorry. What are you talking about? What thing?"

"Ah! Babe. Stop acting naïve" I yanked her arms and pulled her to sit beside me.

"Awn, she growled "Mich that hurts and pulled her arms away from me before she sat down.

She turned to face me. "So let me get this straight. You purposely bumped into your boss, and then you had eye contact with him while dirt ran through your mind. After then, he seduced you with his eyes and lips and now you think you he likes you and probably feel that you will soon be the girlfriend to a billionaire".

"Exactly" I cheered, "Except the purpose part because I didn't bump into him purposely, it was an accident. And he told me see you around Miss Jones and winked at me before he walked away".

"Oh, Michelle, I know you've really wished and dreamt so much about being close to Bryan and all of that. But am sorry to disappoint you. That's not how these things work. First of all, your social classes are different; Secondly, you work for him. I bet the last thing Bryan would want is an office romance with the press at his back. Thirdly,-"

"Nora...." I snapped at her. "Enough… I don't want to hear one more word from you again. Why do you always enjoy ruining good moments?" I hissed, stood up and walked away.

Nora followed behind me apologizing. "I'm sorry Mich, not my intentions to hurt you but you're my friend and I love you. I don't want you to hurt yourself by building castles in skies".

I got into the bedroom, jumped on the bed and coiled myself up. But she continued "Yes, Bryan is handsome, wealthy, good looking, famous and all of that but….It's not gonna happen. The Brent's family are very influential. Bet you never knew that the second largest business conglomerate in the country belongs to them- and I mean the  Alpha group. You can google it. They are literally helping our economy". She breathed with her hands rubbing her forehead.  "You just need to understand that ".

I forced myself to shut my ears so that Nora's words could not penetrate in any longer and closed my eyes to reminisce about just that moment. Even though nothing happens between us, atleast I got one memory to always remember.


Hi guys, hope you're enjoying the story.

What do you think of May's character?

Even though shes Oliver's girlfriend. Do you think shes nurturing feelings for Bryan?

What do you think of Nora's character?

Shes quite blunt and direct but she sure loves her friend very much.

Keep reading to find out.... its getting interesting

Stay safe ❤