
Jered tucked his phone back into his pocket, "Looks like I have a reason to be excited," he turned around and faced a grinning Rainey, "So, what is this infamous spell you're talking about?"

The hovering embers ebbed away. She stepped forward, her heels clacking, "Something to deal with dead people, more specifically their soul. Which is why it's a tad bit forbidden. You don't just mess around with the natural order of the world and expect it to end well. But hey, it's all about power. And I believe you'll reach unprecedented heights. This is how much I'm investing in you."

"Hah, didn't you say Mana can't affect ghosts or demonic entities? Was that a lie?"

"Not at all. Mana at a low-level is powerless against those entities, buuuut... this spell is special, Jered. I've learned it before, I've experimented a lot with it, and I know its ups and downs," Rainey explained with a rare dignified tone.


A parchment popped up in her hand. Its edges were curled up from wear and tear, and its visage was yellow-ish, "Yes, it's not a tome. This is an isolated spell. It's not particularly difficult to learn, but you'll have to walk a path of bloodshed and hatred if you want to use this spell to the fullest," Rainey beamed at him, already expecting his answer, "If you're not afraid of being seen as an evil Magician, and being targeted by kingdoms, cults, clans, and other races. Take this. Walk down the same road I once did."

He didn't hesitate. He carefully grabbed the scroll.

"Remember... this spell is to be used moderately, and only against resentful spirits and demonic entities. There is a lot of slaughter behind this spell. A lot of innocent people died because of misled beliefs. I know you're different. Which is why I'm warning you... use this spell only if you're up against something that is evil. Don't mess around with the natural order, Jered."

"Don't worry. I know what I have to do," he said stoically.

[Do you want to absorb the content of this scroll? Y/N]

Of course, he couldn't absorb it in front of Rainey. The last thing Jered needed was for the nosy old woman to ask unnecessary questions, "Thank you."

"It feels so good to hear you being grateful!"

"Ahem," Jered cleared his throat, "I have another request. Well, it's not necessarily a request. I just need a piece of advice."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Did you take me for your mommy? I could be one if you want me to," she practically purred. Purred. Gosh, he had almost forgotten her penchant for innuendos and sex jokes. It was slightly unsettling due to her advanced age.

"Come on, I'm serious," Jered gave her a pointed look, "After my fight that day, I realized that no matter how many spells I have, I wouldn't hold a candle to any of the more experienced Magicians of the same level as me. I need to rectify that if I want to be better prepared next time. Do you have any suggestions?"

A sigh of disappointment rolled out of her, "Oh, so it was that. Hmhm. No amount of advice can make up for what you're lacking right now. Fortunately, I know of a place that can greatly help you," Rainey unlocked her phone, and sent a link to him via text, "I've never been there before; I don't fancy watching kids fight. But Jerry enjoys it. So here you go."

Jered's phone vibrated. He unpocketed it and checked the website she had shared with him. Once the page loaded, a title flashed on his screen, 'Arcane Underground Combat'. The webpage had a dark theme, and he could immediately see a set of dates and locations as he scrolled down.

'You want to fight? Sign up now for free!'

There were even videos and pictures of old fights, the name of the winners, and a ranking system. Not only that, but there was a monetary reward for those who won as well. It was exactly what he needed, "Rainey, I love you. This looks amazing! Thank you." Jered commented with twinkling eyes.

Rainey smirked, holding her cheeks coyly, "If you truly want to thank a mature woman like me, you can do it at my place. A dinner, some chianti, and then dessert. I still taste good, I promise."

He ignored her, "You're really a treasure trove! Alrighty, I need to go now. I'll make sure to return the favor, definitely!" he didn't give her room to interject as he walked past her in a hurry, and disappeared around the corner. Rainey pouted, dissatisfied. Even though she was old, she still had her needs. Still, Jered was turning out to be an amazing young man, and his accomplishments were only going to get crazier.

She really looked forward to taking him to the other side.

Chaos was on the horizon.


Jered perused the parchment as soon as he was back home. It was not lengthy, and the spell written on its aged surface was fairly easy to comprehend. He made it his goal to learn it before his rendezvous at Kenny's place. Jered—who prioritized his growth over anything else—didn't care about what shady methods he had to avail himself of to become stronger. He had been accustomed since he was a child that money, status, and power were everything. It was what drove the world, what drew people.

And he desperately needed that.

'Let Death father you,'

'From Life's bosom, you shall feed,'

'From the World's source, you shall consume,'

'And use the dead as nourishment.'

He closed his eyes.



Something stirred in his chest. It was cold, restless, and grew in intensity with each second. It was not painful, just uncomfortable. He reviewed the information he studied over and over, ensuring that he had completely grasped it. The sensation continued until misty, grey steam flowed out of his nose and mouth, revolving around him like a protective screen of smoke. His eyes fluttered open. However, changes had been made. His sclerae were painted black, while his irises were pale white.

Jered's mana pulsed hungrily, filling him up with primal energy and thirst for violence.

His Smell was augmented, and so was his Hearing.

He was in his best combat mode.

[You have learned the spell 'Soul Eater'.]

[This spell allows the user to consume a specific type of corrupted soul to enrich their mana.]

[This is a growth-type spell, with no level system attached. You have to meet certain conditions to evolve it.]

Once the notifications popped out, his condition did too. The mist around him vanished. His eyes reverted to their original color, his mana calmed down, and his heightened senses lowered. It was an amazing feeling, albeit slightly taxing. It looked like a spell that could easily go out of control if not reigned in. That was not much of a problem though, Jered was in perfect control of his emotions, or lack thereof.

He was finally prepared to deal with Carter, yet again—this time permanently.


Jasmine yelled from downstairs. She must have just gotten back home, "I'm here! Why do you have to yell?" he yelled back.

A thumping of footsteps rang out, then a knock on his door.

"Come in..."

The door was immediately swung open, "Jered!" his sister panted, her voice laced with concern, "I think something is happening to me."

That caught his attention, "Explain."

"Well..." she clearly didn't know where to start, "When I was at school with Ali before... I got kinda hungry..."

He narrowed his eyes, "And?"

"And... I don't know, I craved something, but I didn't know what. The food I brought with me tasted weird... and...and..." Jasmine bit her bottom lip, looking away. She had more to say, but for some reason refused to elaborate further.

"Calm down," Jered approached, placing a hand on her shoulder. However, her reaction was extreme. She scurried back, almost stumbling down from the haste. Her face was twisted into a frown, "Jasmine... tell me the truth. What's going on?"

There was no way it wasn't related to the Shadow. He had expected something would happen soon, but it had barely been a day. He had been mentally prepared for this, but now that it happened, he honestly didn't know what to do. Jasmine was visibly disturbed, scared of his touch, disgusted with herself. And even though she avoided getting close to him, she was there because she sought some sort of help.

"I... I..." Jasmine struggled to speak. A part of her didn't want to say it, either out of disbelief or for fear of her brother's scorn. Still, she trusted him. And if she couldn't rely on him, how was she supposed to control whatever was going on inside her? So she took a deep breath, paddled a few steps back for safety, and stared at him, "I almost hurt Ali. I-It was not intentional, I swear! B-But... she smelled so good and I was not feeling well. I couldn't eat, I was tired. She made me hungry, Jered. Really hungry. I felt like an animal..."

She leaned against the wall behind her, slumped down, and curled up. Sobs wafted out as she hid her face. Jered wanted to dig further into the matter, but what she said was more than enough. Cannibalism. The first name that bounced in his head was Jeffrey Dahmer. Not the first, nor the last, cannibal. Jered already had to ensure Jasmine wasn't found out by any arcane organization, but if she started eating people, his workload would become unbearable.

Jered didn't say anything. He just sidled up to her, and sat down. She sniffed, peeking at him from the safety of her arms. She couldn't understand why he was so nonchalant about it. He was uncharacteristically calm, and she had no doubt that gears were turning and whirring in his head, "Jered..." she breathed out, insecure.

He stared at her, his face a stoic mask. He tapped his chin, "This is a bit complicated. Hm, how strong are those urges?"

"Umh," she wrinkled her nose, "Not too strong, but the thought is there... even now."

He nodded thoughtfully, "Do I make you hungry?"

"Jered..." she whined.

"I need to know. Don't worry, regardless of what you say, I'll still stick by your side. I'm your brother, aren't I?"


He scuttled closer to her, tilting his head with an encouraging smile.

"Yes..." Jasmine pursed her lips inward, venturing an anxious glance at her brother, "You make me hungry."