It's A Jaguar!

Queen's Island...

The team of four men stepped forward while creating path by cutting the small plants & branches which were hindering them.

They had their eyes & ears open, and they observed their surroundings keenly! For the last seven hours they're walking, but still nothing caught their eyes.

Other than the chirping of birds, and other animals the jungle was totally calm.

"Raghav, what you think?" Rick asked plainly as they walked together!

Raghav threw him a confused look, "What are you talking about?"

"About this god damn jungle!" Rick gestured towards the countless tall, short, thin & big tress inside the jungle.

Raghav just shook his head, "I don't know! Well, I don't know what we would found, even if we will find out anything! But I have a wish!" Rick looked at him raising his brows, asking him through his eyes about the wish.