Meeting Her

Sunil opened the envelope, and found some pictures inside, "Pictures?"

With utter annoyance, he pull out the pictures, and looked at them with disinterest!

He picked up the first picture in his hand, and glanced at it raising his brows. 

It was just a simple picture of a middle aged woman, probably in her early fifties!

What kind of joke is this, who the heck is this woman now? He asked himself not recognising the woman at all.

Who's this woman, huuuh? Seeming a bit familiar, but how! He glanced over at the other pictures and stared at the woman carefully, to slowly notice some familiarity, but still failed to understand who was the woman!

Or maybe, he totally forgot the person to even remember anything about her!

However, he finished looking all the pictures before finding a small piece of paper in between them.

Now what is it again? Sunil opened the paper to realise it was a letter.

Mr. Singhania,