Test Him

The small group of five were standing together, and watching the drama, when their phones pinged together!

Looking at each other, they opened their phones, and the beautiful smiles froze on their faces!

"Meet me in Bharadwaj mansion, in half an hour!" This was the message written on their phone screens!

Three of the men threw scornfull gazes towards the two young ladies, "See, we told you!"

"None of these disguises worked, one glance and she saw through these!" Rick supported Raghav, while glancing at the girl currently had her eyes fixated onto her uncle.

Two of the girls just shrugged off carelessly, "Huuuh, our purpose behind attending the party is fulfilled, and that's what matters!

When did we said that we wanna hide from her, or would be able to do so!"

Charlie nod her head in agreement with Meera, "Ufff, what an entry! Now I know how that man bewitched our girl!