Chapter 12: New beginnings

Four months after the end of the War

I'm in my chambers taking care of Danny and I's child. We have a little boy who was born on a sunny summer, so we named him Apollo Blaze, and today is special for our family for Danny is to officially become the King of MoonHaven and marry me we will finally be able to make our family official by the laws of my people. Silvia comes in with an army of maids to get me ready for this special day. One of the maids carefully takes Apollo from me. And the others busy around me are moving around me and moving me into different positions so fast I can barely see what they are even putting me into even though I know what it is. It's my wedding dress. When they finally finish, I'm in a white dress that reaches the ground, even with me standing on a stool. It has lightly tinted colored flowers on the train of the dress. The sleeves are off the shoulder. My hair is in a crown braid around my head with a crown of flowers braided into it. They then place the vail on my head along with my crown. They have also dress Apollo dress up for the occasion. They then take him to the throne room for the wedding. After waiting for what seemed forever, Jack comes in and smiles at me, saying, "milady are you ready?" I just nod, the nerves getting to me. He takes my hand then we walk into the hallway where all my retainers are and a few solders. We walk through the winding halls all the way to the throne room. I stand in front of the large wooden doors. My retainer first step in one by one, so do I—music ringing in my ears. When I come face to face with Danny, the rest of it just blurs for the rest of the ceremony. The next thing I remember is holding Apollo in my arms on the balcony with Danny at my side. The people of MoonHaven are below cheering and chanting. A new beginning has begun for us all, and we're ready for it.

The next few weeks are spent relaxing with my new family, the one I made and the one I'm going to protect. Today is Danny, and I's last day to relax without worrying about the kingdom's problems. We are resting by the riverside with Apollo. It's a beautiful sunny day. Danny is on the riverbank trying to fish. He's determined to do so because he wants to cook it on the fire. But it is almost noon now, and he has been trying since dawn when we got here. After a little bit more waiting, I'm too hungry to wait any longer. I stand up with Apollo in my arms and walk over to Danny, handing him our child. I cast a spell that raises three fish out of the water then set them in the basket next to Danny. Take our child back with a quick kiss saying, "sorry, I'm hungry. Will you please cook these for us?" he shakes his head with a smile as he gets up from the bank, taking the basket of fishes with him to our little resting place near the bank. Then begins working on a fire to cook the fish on.

Two Years Later

I'm walking through the castle of MoonHaven. Today is the two-year celebration of the fall of the Dark Warlock. Even though I feel uneasy about it, it was just too easy after all those years of suffering. As I'm walking through the castle, I hear a cry coming from down the hall. I start walking faster to find the source of it. When I finally get to the source, I see that it is my little boy Apollo Blaze. It looks like he fell and skinned his knee. I finish walking up to him and scoop him up in my arms and say, "what happened, baby." Through tears and weeps, he says, "I fall on dat." He points to the crumpled up carpet. I smile at his improving speech kicking the rug back in place. Then say, "how about we go look for your dad and get some lunch that always makes things better." Danny has taken over many of my roles as queen so that I could raise our child. Apollo then nods his head, forgetting that he fell.

As we walk through the halls, I hear Danny talking to our retainers, and I go in. the retainers then look to my son and me and bow, saying in unison, "milady, young prince." Apollo always lights up when he sees his father. He practically jumps out of my arms to go to his father. Who has always tried to make time to see his son and me. I smile and say, "he wanted to see if you would have lunch with us in the gardens." Danny smiles, then Apollo speaks. "da I fall in all," Danny replies and says, "did you get a booboo?" Apollo shakes his head, yes, showing his dad his knee. Danny sets him down on his desk and looks at it, and says, "let me see no cuts, no," Apollo says, "what?" Danny replies, "Luna, My dear come look, I thig I see something." I smile, walking over. I say, " ah, yes, I see it." Apollo says, "mama, what." We then start tickling him, and the room is filled with laughter. Even at a time like this all, I can think about is how long will this last.

When night comes, we are holding a celebration for the fall of the Dark Warlock. Apollo is running around with the children from the village, playing in the courtyard. The banquet is also being set up by the castle maids. Richards is ordering them around, ensuring that it is perfect. As I am walking around, I start to feel ill. I just ignore it, making sure everything gets prepared for the celebrations. I then see Danny holding a bunch of flowers in his arms. I smile, walking over to him. He hands me the flowers in his arms. I then start to have a bad feeling. Something is about to happen, and it won't be good. I give Danny a look that he knows all too well, and he says, "Find Apollo, I'll get the soldiers ready." I run off in the direction I saw him earlier.

I'm holding my dress up to my ankles so that I may run to find him quicker; I then hear a crash. I look behind me, and I see fire, and I smell blood burning in the wind, children crying all around. I then hear Apollo crying out for me. I follow the sound to where he is, and I see an enemy soldier holding him up by the arm. I conjure my staff. I yell at the man, " let him go, or so help me." The man laughs and says, " Luna, the great queen of moon haven." I keep the soldier distracted as I make the ground soft beneath his feet. I am trying to get him to let go of my son before I make my attack. My little boy is crying out for help, and all I can think is 'help is coming, baby mommy is here, you'll be safe soon.' The solder sinks, and it throws him off, letting go of my boy, and he runs behind me. I raise my staff above my head clouds start to swirl around the castle thunder rolls in the sky above us, lightning cracks through the sky, then strike the ground and hits all the enemies. They all fall to the ground as it begins to rain, and Apollo is crying from the fear he just experienced. I sink next to him and hold him tightly in my arms, assuring him everything will be alright. I then hear Danny, "there you are" he comes running. I hear the clanking of his armor, and when he reaches us, he holds both of us in his arms as Apollo cries. A new beginning has begun for us. Maybe even one day, a new enemy that my son will have to face himself, but I hope it never comes to that.