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Chapter One-

Oliver's POV

"Dad, do we really-"

"Yes, yes we do."

I groaned, rolling my eyes at him as we stepped out of my old Chevy truck. It looked straight out of Twilight. Bella Swan would like it. Dad said it was too loud. I thought it was perfect. We lived in a small town (another similar feature to Twilight...) in the middle of nowhere. I'm a 27 year old army veteran with PTSD, a hand tick, and a little husky pup for company. Dad was way too over protective of me. For gods sake, I could kill a guy twice as tall and buff as me with my hand tied around my back! I was so deep in my own thought that I didn't even notice dad was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hey, earth to Ollie, are you there son?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes again.

"Hey Houston, sorry I was just admiring the moon rocks out here. Beautiful!" I said with the same tone that dripped with sarcasm. Dad laughed.

"Ok, just checkin'," he said. "Don't want ya to float away into space, now do we?"

Har har," I said, not changing my tone. He laughed again.

"Now are you gonna help with the groceries or not?" He said, putting his hands on his hips. I sighed and went back into the car, grabbing a handful of paper bags from the middle.

"I just don't understand why I need a damn caretaker, I'm twenty-seven for fucks sake!" I stated angrily, swinging the bags around.

"Ok one, don't do that, you'll rip them," dad said, pulling the house keys out of his pocket with his free hand. "And two, who's gonna wake you up when you're having those nightmares, screaming, or if you shift and can't change back?"

"Dad! They don't need to know about my... condition!" I almost yelled. When he said shift, he meant at night. I forgot to mention that I was a Werefox. Yes, not a Werewolf, a Werefox. Wolfs are more common, and don't sell as good on the market. Foxes are more rare, and have more weaknesses. In turn, however, they are also stronger.

We were in the house now. I slammed the bags on the island counter and stomped back to my room, ignoring dads yells calling me back. I slammed the door to my bedroom and heard little scratching noises on the door almost immediately after. I sighed and opened it just enough for Huey, my husky pup, to trot in with his little paws. I closed the door again, this time quieter, and turned around. I looked down and saw Huey looking back up at me, his eyes, exactly like mine, were different colors. The left one was a beautiful ice blue, and the right was an adorable light brown. I has the same thing, the left eye ice blue, the right light brown, almost a honey color. I leaned down, picking him up, and nuzzled his nose with mine. I let the fox go. I felt my body being enveloped in warmth as it changed. When the change was done, my normal ears were gone, and big, soft fox ears were twitching on the top of my head. I could hear everything in a five mile radius. My nose had bumpy skin by my nostrils like a dogs nose. I could smell like I could hear: with pinpoint precision and accuracy. I could hear a car going down the road, smell the paint, the burn of the tires on the asphalt of the driveway up to our house. Was this the caretaker dad hired for me against my will? I heard the car stop and the engine turn off. I turned my head, ears twitching, towards the noise. It was a man, I could tell from the scent. There was something weird about this guys smell. It was sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. I changed back to my human form. It took energy to stay like this, and I was already exhausted. I passed out once, and when I did I shifted completely to Werefox form. I woke up about ten, eleven hours later, feeling better. I hoped I wouldn't have to stay like this for long. I heard the front door open, and dads voice welcoming someone, probably the guy with the weird scent. I could even faintly smell it from here in human form. What? Everyone had their own scent, but I could never smell it again in my human form! I was so deep in thought I didn't hear the footsteps going down the hall until they stopped right in front of my door. Huey barked, but then he began sniffing at the door. Then he started scratching at it. Weird. Someone knocked, and I heard dad on the other side.

"Hey, Ollie, he's here, come out already!" He said from the other side of the door. I sighed, walking towards the door. I unlocked it, opening it. I was immediately hit with the amazing smell, and I began uncontrollably sniffing the air. My hand began to twitch, and I could barely stop myself from sniffing in time before the door was fully open, revealing the most handsome man I have ever seen.