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Chapter Three-

Oliver's POV:

I looked at the man, Gabriel, blankly. I couldn't see colors, only black and white. His eyes were wider than moons. Oh gods I fucked up. Without warning, I shifted back. I saw him take a step back, though I didn't know if it was shock or fear. Probably both. Shit. I ran past them ( btw, he keeps his clothes on after he shifts, if you're wondering ) and into the house, slamming the door behind me. Just in time, too, because as soon as the door shut behind me, I began sobbing. I rushed to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I was bawling now, trying not to make any noise. I turned back to mid form ( with the human body and tail and ears ) and sat on my bed. I leaned back and let my tears fall. My ears were flattened against my head, tail between my legs as I silently cried. Eventually the tears stopped, though I knew they would start up again when I saw the inhumanly handsome man. Why did his dark brown eyes make me hard? The way he looked at me, his dirty-blond hair, his tan skin, everything about him made it seem like he was created just to drive me insane. I swung my legs over and onto the bed and scooted up to the pillow to free my blanket. Then I curled up under the sheets, pulling them over my head. It was warm, though I was still cold. I'm weird like that, even if it's a hundred degrees outside, I would wear a sweater like it was in the fifties. I don't know why, dads pissed about it. Suddenly, I felt the bed sink as someone heavy sat down in front of me. I locked the door, though... didn't I?! Then, without warning, I felt the blanket being pulled off of me. I squinted in the sudden light. When my eyes adjusted, I saw... Firise? Why was he here?! Was he not concerned about the fact that I just turned into a monster right in front of him?! How in the fuck did he get in here, I could see the locked door from here! I was dragged out of my thoughts when I felt his large, muscular arms wrap around me, pulling me into his lap. I immediately began struggling to escape his embrace, but stopped when he started to scratch behind my ears. I almost immediately started to purr ( yas, Werefoxes purr, deal with it ). I couldn't stop myself from nuzzling into his shoulder as I started to cry again. Fuck I knew it. He continued to scratch behind my ear, and I continued to sob.

"I-I'm s-so-sorry, *hic* I-I-I," I couldn't finish, just cried.

"It's ok, Baby," he murmured (such a funny word ) softly in my ear. I hiccuped again, pinching his shoulder at the name. Gabriel laughed.

"I don't feel pain, so feel free to beat me up anytime," he said calmly. I looked up at him unwilling, his scent was so good. That's when I realized that I've been sniffing wildly at the crook of his neck for the past few minutes. Welp, there goes my dignity. Straight out the window. Mine of which was locked, so he couldn't have gone through there.

"How did you get in here exactly...?" I asked.

"I'm a Vampire, so it really wasn't that hard, just open and close your door as fast as I can. Also I picked the lock." He said in the same calm tone. As if he hadn't just told me that he was a Vampire. I started backing up, looking scared.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you," he said softly. He stopped scratching my ear only to move down to my back. His other hand, which had been resting on the bed, snaked around my waist. He rubbed my back soothingly. If he though it felt good and calmed me, he was right. I nuzzled back into his neck, breathing in his amazing scent. So that's why to smell remained earlier when I had changed back. Suddenly, the smell changed, turning into a slightly floral scent that made me sleepy.

"I can control me smell, rather it be a calming agent or sickening," Gabriel told me. I went limp in his arms as I started to fall asleep.

"W-why ar-are you do-do-doing this...?" I asked to the best of my ability, I could barely move. All I could do was sit there and inhale the scent.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you," he said softly in my ear, his breath making it twitch. "I'm just giving you a dreamless sleep so you can rest." I relaxed completely at "dreamless". As I fell asleep, my last thoughts were: I'm gonna like this guy.