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Chapter Seven

Gabe's POV

I woke up in the guest bed. I didn't remember coming here though. Last thing I remember was I had fallen asleep stroking Ollie's fur... wait... Ollie?! I jumped out of bed, ran to the door, and out into the hall. I ran down the stairs and into another hallway. I ran down that on to, and came up into the living room. There was a note on the coffee table. I walked over to it and picked it up.


I'm at work. Get off at 10:30. Try not to burn down the house while I'm gone, ok? PS- leave me alone while I'm at work please.


Gabe's POV

Work? I didn't know he had a job. Where did he work? I'm so confused. I looked out the window and saw that the only vehicle in the driveway was my dark green Tesla. I sighed and looked down at the note. He won't be back till ten.... ironically the last time I tried to cook I started a fire. Ha. I looked in the cabinets and didn't see anything I liked. Of course the one thing I liked was blood but let's not get into that. I went to the back door and slipped out, shutting it behind me. I took off my shirt and let my senses take over. A rabbit, a couple years away but to small for sustenance. A pack of wolves a mile or two away, though wolves blood didn't taste good at all. A car, driving down the driveway... wait! I heard the loud vehicle stopped in the front. I ran into the house just in time to see Ollie slip in through the front door. We looked at each-other for a second before Ollie's eyes traveled down my body. I had a six pack so I didn't blame him. He cleared his throat, standing up taller.

"I uhh, I left my wallet..." he said awkwardly, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away.

"That ok," I replied calmly. He walked to his room and came back a second later stuffing his wallet into his pocket. He smelled so damn good... why was he so nervous though? That's when I saw it... the little speck of blood on his finger. It looked like a paper cut or something like that.

Ollie's POV

I was so fucking stupid! Why would I come back without even putting a bandaid on the cut?! This is why I don't shift back until I was out of the woods! Damn stickers! I had gone hunting after I brought him to his room, and I hated that Fox form, so I shifted back a few feet in the woods away from the house. And look where it got me. Standing in front of a thirsty mosquito man with blood on my hand. Fuck. I'm such a dumbass. Self hate aside, he was staring right at my bloody finger. I chose that moment to make a break for it. I slammed the door in his face when he ran after me, murder in his eyes. This is why Foxes and Mosquitos don't mix. Fox blood smells and tastes better than anything else to a Vampire. Of course I have a friend who did research on it cause I wouldn't and found out that being bit by a Vampire was almost... pleasure on the Foxes part... right up until the "high" is over. Then it's just pure and utter agony. I was in my truck, driving down the road. I sometimes go into this... trance where I can do things, just not know I was doing them. It was weird. Pops said it was cause of the PTSD, but it could literally be anything. I sighed, staring at the long, winding road in fronted me. There were houses appearing on either side now. When I got into town, I pulled into my workplace: the bar. I worked as a bartender and a waiter. I was happy with my job: everyone (meaning my co-workers, bosses and some of the regulars) was nice, we all knew each others secrets, though only a few knew mine. I've worked here since I came back from war when I was twenty-one. It had good pay, 20,000 every three months, 4,000 for extra work, like cleaning the counter and blowing my boss eyyy I'm kidding. The owners/my bosses were a happy couple, John and Daniel Jolies (Jo-lie-es). My best friend/co-worker/sister from another mister, was Freaya Casilae ( Fray-ya Cas-el-aye). My frenemey/go-to doctor/part time nurse at the nearby clinic, was Veronika Lancikaya (Lance-ikay-ya). We were a family, nothing more or less. Freaya and Veronika were engaged, and I was going to be Freaya's best man in their wedding next month.

"ELLO!" Someone yelled in my face. I was in the locker room next to the bar counter, Daniel waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry..." I said, grabbing my work vest from my locker in the back. I pinned my name tag onto my chest and followed Daniel out of the locker room and behind the counter. We were a few minutes from opening. Suddenly I felt a hand lift up mine and turned my head to see Liam, another co-worker, with a napkin, wiping the blood from a finger. Liam was mute, but very kind. He pulled out a bandaid and gently wrapped my finger, looking up at me to see if I was uncomfortable. I gave him a kind smile and thanked him, and he returned to checking the dispensers. Freaya and Veronika came in holding hands, laughing. They saw me and Vee (Veronika) waved, a devilish smile on her lips. Freaya launched themself at me, wrapping their arms around my neck in a big hug. I laughed as she pulled away. The day was slow, not many people came in with it being a Monday. On my break, I went to the back to get my lunch. Like usual. At 10:26, I was dreading going home. Maybe I could ask if I could stay at Freaya and Vee's. I decided to go with it.

"Hey Freaya?" I went up to her nervously.

Yeah Ollie?"

"Can I stay at yours tonight?" She never questioned my motives before and gods bless her for not starting now. She didn't need to know about my blow job yesterday from a Mosquito.

"Sure! I need to look for dresses tomorrow too, maybe you could help!"

"Pfht, I'd pay for your dress. Of course I'll help" she looked thankful, and we went back to her house, me and Freaya in my truck, Vee taking their white Buick. Freaya wanted to talk about the wedding preparations, and Vee didn't know about anything like that, so she happily agreed. A half hour later, we pulled into their house. It was a two story with an attic. I stayed here often, whether it was during the time every few months that shall not be named, or just needing time away from dad, or Freaya and Vee inviting me to dinner. We parked and walked past the Buick, onto the porch, and into the house. I put my hand out and facepalmed Vee, hiding behind the door and trying to scare me. She sighed and put her hand around Freaya, pulling her into the dining room for dinner. I helped Vee get out plates and forks, while Freaya lates out the takeout Vee got on her way home. After dinner, which was spent on wedding plans, I went up to the attic, where I always slept. I've stayed here often enough to have my own change of clothes, a small bed that my feet hang over at the edge, a little tv, and a charger port, plus charger. As I payed down, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I left Gabriel and didn't look back, all because of a little mistake made by both of us. He was thirsty and it wasn't his fault. I was laying on the mattress for a good couple hours when I decided to go back. I checked the time and it was one in the morning. Damn. Standing up I looked at my notifications and saw a number I never put there labeled: "Gabe•the•babe". I chuckled, until I saw what he said:

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to jump at u like that... I was thirsty and was about to hunt but I smelled u outside and went crazy. Plz forgive me, I'm so so sorry"

I can pick u up from work if u want... that was the only sentence I could think of that didn't sound like a creep... 😅"

"U there? I didn't scare u that bad did I?! I'm so sorry 😢"

"Please text me back"

"I'm full now, it's safe. I promise u"

"U ain't coming back r u?"

"Welp, good night, sleep well. Plz text me back when u get these."

I was dumbfounded. One, how did he get into my phone? I had a six number passcode! And two, did he really care for me that much? I typed back, not wanting to worry him further.

"Sorry, my phone was on silent. I'm at a friends house, about to come back now. Don't worry, I'm safe. And don't be sorry. I understand not being in control of yourself. I'll be back in a few hours or so. I'm sorry for being reckless. I should have cleaned the blood before going back inside." Send.

I got a reply almost instantly.

"It's ok, I'm glad ur ok. I can pick u up if u want, and pick up ur truck when we get home. Plus I'm pretty sure my cars faster 😏"

"Oh stfu. My truck is perfectly fine."

"So u want me to pick u up🤨"

"Uuuggghhhh, fine. Come and get me."

"If you can find me 😚"

"Don't be so smug, turn around 😉"

I gasped and spun around, and saw him. He had a smirk and waved at me. He winked as well. I ran downstairs and out the door, right into his arms. I looked up, only to be reminded that he was much taller than me. I blushed and felt that familiar tightness in my pants. I seemed to feel it on his thigh, cause he looked down and gave me a knowing smirk. He then picked me up bridal style and carried me to his car. In the car, he set me down on the passenger seat and buckled me in, loose enough not to choke me but tight enough to restrain me. I watched him get in on his side and start the car. Driving away, his hand slowly crept up to my knee, down my thigh, and over my growing erection. He palmed me teasingly and I moaned, despite my best efforts to keep quiet.

𝗜𝗺𝗮 𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗜𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 😙 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗔𝗻 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗮𝘆!