The emptier the ship got, the more apparent it was that the ones left were avoiding her.
Quite a few of the crew-members from the Saren mission were taking shore leave on the Citadel, while the Normandy was hopping around the galaxy, taking people home. Tali had gone back to the Flotilla, despite Anya insisting that she'd buy a few junk ships and be her new flotilla if she wanted. And they were currently on their way to drop Wrex off on Tuchanka. He decided, after all their time together, that maybe he should head back and try to bring some order to his people. After all, there was a war coming and Krogan enjoyed a good war.
But it was a little awkward when Kaidan and Liara were still on board and she sometimes went days without seeing them. Liara spent most of her time in her science office, analyzing any Prothean artifacts they had and preparing for her next research position, which they were taking her to after Wrex was gone. And Kaidan was always spending his time with Chakwas, Joker, or working with newer recruits. Basically anywhere away from Shepard.
Even Garrus seemed to be avoiding her. He kept on saying he was busy with some calibrations, always under the Mako, or working on their guns. She thought they were finally good (actually more than good) after Ashley's funeral. But maybe they weren't.
Anya knew that Kaidan had a very good reason to avoid her; she broke his heart into too many pieces that night before Ilos, and she understood that. And she knew Liara was really overwhelmed by suddenly being the foremost researcher on everyone's new favorite ancient species. She at least apologized for continually ditching Shepard at every turn.
Garrus really was the confusing part; she had no clue what she did.
The only person left talking to her was Wrex. She'd have Joker, but Kaidan was holding her favorite pilot hostage as his own personal buddy, so that wasn't an option. It was kinda pathetic that the only person who would talk to her was about to abandon ship in a day or two.
At least the guy loved taking breaks to do some target practice.
"Your aim is shit today, Shepard."
Anya grumbled, took another shot at the target. This time, she hit a half-inch off. "It's not bad."
Wrex laughed at her, laying his own gun on his shoulder. He pointed a very accusatory finger at the target and said, "Yeah, sure. You and the turian can spend hours here waiting for someone to miss, but missing it every time today isn't that bad."
"Fuck off, old man."
Even though she put her pistol in the holster and tried to walk away, Wrex followed her. All the way upstairs to the kitchen, even. "So what's eating you?"
Anya didn't really want to hear it. "Absolutely nothing."
"You say that like a Varren gnawing off their own leg."
Turning around, Anya punched his chest plate. She was pretty over all his prying. The only good part of hanging out with him was their very short conversations. When did it suddenly need to get all serious? "What is it with you and comparing me to Varren?"
"I dunno, you're kinda like one. Vicious and badass, but kinda cute when domesticated."
"It sounds like you're calling me a puppy." Shepard took her blueberry juice out of the fridge and poured herself a glass. It was hard not to notice how empty the mess was; empty enough that their voices echoed.
Wrex sat down on a stool across from her. Mental note that if she wants to be bitter and alone, to remove all seating from the kitchen. "No clue what that is, but sure." He gave a pointed look between Anya and the fridge. She groaned, but maybe it would shut him up. She poured him a glass of some very dense krogan liquid (non-alcoholic) and slid it to him.
Unfortunately for her, that didn't stop him from talking. "Hope you're not getting feeble on me. I'm expecting you to take care of the galaxy while I take care of Tuchanka."
"I wouldn't dare." When Wrex started drinking, Anya's prayers seemed to be answered. He was glugging down the- beverage? It smelled nice, but looked like sludge. She didn't really know what to make of it. The silent company was nice, reminded her she had friends but didn't remind her that she was off her game because of the other fickle crewmates.
Well, it was good until a certain pilot walked up. "Ooh blue juice? Pass me some of that."
Anya glared at him while she got out the juice again, poured another glass, and then handed it to him. She hoped her annoyance seethed into the drink. "Joker, what the hell are you doing here?"
"We're stopped above Tuchanka. We got here early. No one tell you over comms?"
Looking between Wrex and herself, Anya shook her head. "Um, no. That's your job."
"Right... Well, I've taken to not broadcasting my location all over the ship. Sure, I may be at the pilot's seat 10/10 times, but a certain angsty biotic doesn't need to know that."
Shepard peered at Joker and crossed her arms. "Is that why you've been pinging everyone when you're in weird places around the ship?"
"Convinced Tali to give me a device that lets me say I'm anywhere without having to be there."
"C'mon, Kaidan can't be that bad."
"He's not, unless he's in a big funk of a mood about a certain Commander rejecting him. Oh wait, he is." After frowning at her and rolling his eyes, Joker then turned to Wrex and said, "We told the dropship that you'd be ready in thirty minutes."
The tall Krogan downed the rest of his drink. "Good thing I haven't packed yet." He waved at them before heading downstairs. Presumably, to do that packing thing. That left Joker, Anya, and the blueberry juice.
After a sip from his glass, Joker said, "So, haven't seen any cranky turians in your room lately."
Anya was about ready to throw her drink at him. Glass first, hopefully. "You shouldn't be seeing anyone in my room, because you shouldn't ever be there in the first place."
"A guy's gotta protect his bones, okay?"
"We're both nearly 30, Joker, maybe stop getting so drunk you need your old academy roomie to babysit you."
Joker took another sip, which seemed to be a sure sign of him saying something annoying. "So you are really bothered about not hanging out with Garrus lately."
"I'm going to break your dick, I swear."
"At least aim for a more impressive threat, Shep. Because that's not a hard thing for anyone to do."
Grumbling, Anya didn't want to dance around whatever stupid point he was trying to make. "Okay, fine. What do you want to say about it?"
"You two just seemed cozy, hanging out on that couch."
"We have a weekly movie night, this isn't exactly wild news."
"I know. Even more suspicious."
Anya was over it. All of it. Joker was having too much fun dancing around what he really wanted to say, and she'd rather he just spit it the fuck out. Especially since she knew he was enough of a Kaidan beacon to need anti-lieutenant protocols. She didn't really want to have to deal with that right now, either. "Get to the fucking point, Jeff."
"All I'm saying is that you don't get very cozy with people. Exhibit A is literally stalking me around this ship out of heartbreak. I just want to get a feel for what's happening here. Mama Bear would be interested if you're getting close to someone. She was pretty pissed you didn't tell her about Rike back in the day."
"One, why are you discussing my sex life with my mother? And two, there's nothing for her or you to be pissed or prying about. So shove off it."
"You say that, but I have eyes."
"Not for long if you keep this up."
"Fine, fine. I'm just saying, why aren't you talking to him?"
"I--" Before she could say anything, Wrex came upstairs, dragging Vakarian in tow. Garrus looked a little shell-shocked and Anya couldn't help but stare. Wrex didn't even let the poor guy wipe the oil grease off his face.
Then very loudly, Wrex announced, "Now, you two are gonna escort me down to Tuchanka."
While she and Garrus were just swallowing down the awkwardness between them, Wrex was shouldering his pack. Joker said, "I wish I could pack that fast. Damn."
Leaving her blueberry juice, Anya tried to get a handle on the very quickly changing situation. "I'll just go grab my armor--"
"No need, I just wanna show off that the so-called "savior of the Citadel" has my back. Good way to start showing dominance and fixing shit up, right?"
Anya didn't even know how to argue. "I guess, sure. The workout gear will do."
He threw an arm around her and Garrus and then dragged them to the stairs. "Time to show my planet I'm back."
They followed him to the docking port in relative silence. Their next few minutes were spent entering a drop-ship and watching the burning planet all the way to the surface. No one spoke. Wrex had this purposeful energy to him, and she didn't know what to say out loud that they hadn't already said the past few days.
But Garrus, across from her? He seemed like he was itching with something. He kept on fidgeting with his armor and checking the clips on his sniper rifle. Even that night she was a drunken idiot, he could look at her the next day. Albeit after a lot of awkward talking, but now he seemed a world away. What made it worse was that she had no clue how to reach him.
When they landed, Wrex was happy to walk out into the Krogan hub, with the blistering sun hitting his face. but when he exited into the harsh brightness, Anya sucked it up and opted for the least tactful approach. She grabbed Garrus' arm. "I don't know what I did, but whatever it was, I'm sorry."
"Shepard, I--"
His answer was interrupted by Wrex calling them over to a group of nearby Krogan. The entire ship port experience was Wrex just dragging her around, telling slightly exaggerated stories of how badass he was to prove a point. She understood that for a merc coming home, this was the equivalent of networking. But with the turian on his other side, she couldn't help but feel like she had some things to say that were getting overrun by Wrex's posturing.
That is, until she felt a bullet whiz past her ear. She turned her head around and saw a trio of Krogan running their way. With a quick order to take cover barked at her companions, Anya dove behind cover as quickly as she could. From the looks of their armor, they didn't seem to have any merc gang affiliations, so her only source of information was the Krogan in cover next to her. "What the hell, Wrex?! You told me not to wear armor!"
He shrugged. "I figured someone might come after me. Chances were low, but it definitely proves a bigger point if we kick their ass in no armor."
"You're not wrong, but I hate you for it. You owe me new workout gear if this gets bloody."
"I can do that."
Lucky for her, Wrex brought along the two best shots on the team. And even better, the Krogan attacking were mostly relying on shotguns. They just had to shoot 'em out before they got too close. She just had to hope their durability wasn't great.
Just as they downed the lead Krogan, she noticed a shimmer on the other side of Garrus. Any infiltrator knew what that meant.
"Vakarian! Tactical cloak to your left." Garrus reacted accordingly and they shot the stealthy one down, but it made her a little more wary of what they were up against. Looking towards her Krogan friend, she yelled, "Shit, Wrex, they must really want you dead."
"Great, huh?"
"Not the word I'd use for it."
Anya was about to peek out from cover and take some shots at the final Krogan, but Garrus beat her to the punch.
"Shepard, look out!"
He was rolling from his cover to hers and dragged her to where Wrex was hiding.
And right after they got behind the metal crates, the final Krogan barrelled through the box she'd been hiding behind. Her eyes met Garrus' and she said, "Thanks."
The second she spoke, though, he released her waist like it was a ticking grenade and instead stood up, shot the Krogan in the eye, and he dropped dead.
Wrex stood up and smirked. "That's the best welcome home present I've ever gotten."
"Bud, we're gotta have a conversation about what you find endearing." Taking a deep breath, Anya glanced down at her shirt and noticed there was a few drops of blood on her. They seemed to be coming from a forehead scrape from when Garrus dragged her away from the danger box. "Shit. And you definitely owe me new clothes."
"Technically Garrus did that."
"Yeah, but you're the one who made me come without my gear."
"Fine, I'll send the credits. But it was worth it."
When her omni-tool pinged with the money, she let out a sigh. It also fizzled out any annoyance for putting her life in danger, since everyone always did that to her all the time anyway. Including herself. "Tell us if you got too many assassins to handle."
"I think I'll be set after that display of quads." Then, Wrex turned to her and Garrus and pulled them into a hug. "Until next time." And when he stepped back, he gave Anya a wink. "Vakarian. Shepard."
She rolled her eyes but played along. "Wrex."
And then he picked up his bag and walked off.
Anya should definitely be less surprised that they just had the mostKkrogan goodbye in existence. But for now, she'd settle for getting off the damn planet. She just jogged her ass back to the dropship. While Shepard wasn't one for running away, she also wasn't about to encourage any other Krogan to try to fight her, not like this. If she was lucky she could rub out the blood and have two pairs of good workout gear.
Garrus followed behind silently and, in a few short minutes, they were closed up in the dropship, her wound was bandaged, and they were heading back to the Normandy.
But that was when the real battle started. Anya hated to admit it, but Joker was right. She couldn't stand not talking to Garrus, and it had to stop. "Garrus..."
"Shepard, I'm leaving."
The words hung between them like a dead man. Her fingers felt numb. After too long of him not looking at her, Anya asked, "What?"
"When we talked, I figured out I wanted to do more for the galaxy. Like you do. And the next day, I got an offer to join the Spectres training program. I said yes."
Everything felt so dry and cold, the air, her skin, the energy between them. Anya didn't really know how to process it. But she did know what she should say, what was honest and true.
"You'd make a great Spectre, Garrus." Then, she tried to add it all together, and still ended up lost and confused. "But then why were you avoiding me?"
"Because I didn't know how to tell you I was leaving. Or maybe I just didn't want to tell you." Garrus sighed and sat down next to her. "I know this is what I want, but that doesn't mean I want to leave you. I didn't want you to feel like that's why I did it."
"Of course not. I get it." There were a lot of feelings running around her head, but in all honesty? Few of them had anything to do with him. She was proud of him and admired him. He wanted to be a hero. How could she blame any of her fantastic team for wanting to make a difference, even if it meant leaving her?
The only real things making her pause were her own, irrelevant feelings of attachment to him. And they were her problem, not his. So, like a good friend, Anya shut up the feelings and added, "When do you leave?"
"Two weeks. We'll drop off Liara, check out Alchera for the Council, and then when we stop back to the Citadel to report, I stay."
Anya crossed her arms and gave him the most deadpan, serious look she could. "Well, we got a lot of movies to watch before that, then."
"Yeah. You ever heard of James Bond?"