
Hi, everyone!

I come from a far away land called Wattpad~ and have recently been invited to come and write here! I hope to produce some great, interesting stories that everyone can enjoy. However, I will clarify this story is more for 15+ range, due to language and some other specific content. Although! I will see about making some other stories that are for every age group, so... With all of that out of the way, read with caution and enjoy!~

What you might want to remember for the fanfiction:

Y/N (F/N L/N)

H/C (Hair colour)

E/C (Eye colour)

PH/N (Pro hero name)

Your age: 28

Your quirk: You can create an invisible shield around yourself or send out an invisible shock wave out, it generally knocks your opponent unconcious, if not.. You can always use the shield!

This story isn't real and is simply a fanfiction, also please don't copy the storyline.

This story may contain such things people find disturbing, so I will put a ⚠warning⚠ whenever one of those moments are coming.

You work as a pro hero and are one of the top heroes. When you're off work, you're either visiting Overhaul or working at a well-known cafe. Trouble between your relationship starts to stir when the League of Villains finds themself involved within this. Especially a specific blue-haired, sadistic psychopath.

Anyways~ Enjoy the story!

And don't forget to comment, whether it be praise or constructive critisism and please vote, if you can!