Jace’s Doppelgänger

Riele's POV-

It was finally a day back in school, not that I was happy but the more I'm out of school the dumber I get so it was a matter of time. At least I had a day to calm myself knowing that my #1 best friend was probably screwing with Ella Anderson (The Demon). My therapist had taught me that if I'm going through a tough situation, I should breathe in and out for one minute and it's not my place to say that it actually works but if you are asking me I'll suggest it.

My mom had gotten me a black, soft, and thick Nike sweatpants with a matching hoodie. It's so comfortable so I chose to wear it to school but there was an issue because I really needed a ride to school but my only option was my mom.

Mom: "Riele. Baby, how you getting to school?"

Riele: "uh..uhh..cou-couu-could you drop me?"

Mom: "Calm down. Of course I'll drive you!"

My mom really only agreed to driving me because she wants to do more Mother Daughter bonding but she was 10 seconds away from my hellhole of a school and as she was pulling up she glanced at me and I gave her the resting bi*ch face and got out.

Mom: "Bye Sweetie! I love you."

Riele: "MOM! BYE!"

I started speed walking before anyone noticed that that crazy lady was my mother. Jace had fled by me by the blink of my eye. This is the perfect time to talk to him to at least set things straight a bit. Jace was looking a lot different here like nerd different.

Riele: "Hey Jace, What's up with the new look?"

Mason: "uh..umm... I'm not Jace."

Riele: "I get it, your mad at me but we need to fix us."

Mason: "Do you need some help?"

I was more confused than ever, why was Jace denying himself just to get out of talking to me. I looked over my left shoulder then grabbing onto Jace with my right hand. I noticed Jace walking towards me from the side where the gym is and I thought, wait if I'm holding Jace, then who's that?

Riele: "What the hell! Two Jace's? OMFG THERE ARE TWO F*CKING JACE'S!"

I fainted right on the hard wooden floor.

Mason: "I think we scared her!?"

Jace: "Duhh. She's literally on the ground what more evidence do you need?"

Mason: "IS SHE DEAD!?"

Mason: "Because I don't know how to cover a murder!"

Jace slaps him 3 times and another time just for his satisfaction.

Mason cheeks flustering red.

Mason: "Why did you... SLAP ME  4 TIMES!?"

Jace: "Because you were going crazy!"

Mason: "Probably because we've might of killed a girl!"

Jace: "Damnit Mason! She's ok, alright. She's ok!"

Mason: "Fine!"

Jace: "Now help me carry her to the nurse's office."

Jace's POV-

We had carried her to the nurse's office, hoping that we didn't cause serious injuries." But it was so hard to keep calm when you couldn't get any FRIGGIN PEACE AND QUIET!" Jace screamed. Mason rolls his eyes simultaneously. "Applause to you my dorky cousin Mason Norman. You've finally completely broke me!"

Jace's Doppelgänger Cousin (Mason Norman)

"Cousin she's waking up!" Mason said with excitement.

I jumped out from my seat and ran to her bed while Mason followed in my footsteps.

Riele's POV-

"I had a nightmare that there were 2 Jace Normans. Imagine if that was true?" Riele said with mock.

"Not to be the killer of your imagination, but i'm afraid it's true!" Mason explained proudly.

I let out a loud scream. Hoping that someone will realize that I'm in a double trouble situation like literally but my body felt at ease as soon as Jace interlocked his fingers with mine.

Riele: "Jace is this the real you?"

Mason: "I'm real to actually!"

Jace: "SHUT UP! Yes it's the real me Riele."

Riele: "Then who's he with the goggles?"

Mason: "I perfer "nerd glasses" please and thank you."

Mason: "Oh. And I'm Mason, Jace's cousin and his 99% doppelgänger!"

Riele: "Nice to meet you Mason. But what's a deppeldanger?"

Mason: "Um..you mean doppelgänger?"

Riele: "Yeah, Whatever."

Jace: "A doppelgänger is person who looks exactly like a celeb, but aren't related in any way."

Riele: "But. Aren't y'all related tho?"

Mason: "Yeah, but we don't like the term twins, so we say doppelgänger instead."

Riele: "Could I steal Jace away for a little bit!"

Mason: "Wouldn't bother at all!"

Jace thwacked his forehead

Mason: "OWW!"

Riele's POV-

I grabbed Jace's hand an yanked him out of the office completely. I looked at him figuring out the right words to say just so I don't sound like a dork.

"Riele I know what your going to ask but I still need a little bit of time to think on my own." Jace admitted sternly.

I said ok and I grabbed my things and headed to my 1st period class. That I was already 30 minutes later for.

Skipped to the End of the Day

Jace's POV-

It hurt my heart lying to Riele but I couldn't tell her that I have feelings for Ella other than her. She was already suspicious about us the day she saw us come in to my room together. The more things I hid from her the more closer our friendship was deeper in the sewer. I driven past her house like 4 times already and I can't think if I should either just tell her or wait for our friendship to hit the end of its break but when she realizes she no longer cares or has feelings for me. I sat in my car for about 20 mins thinking about what to write and when it finally came to me, for some reason I felt passionate and relieved. When I finished the letter I knocked on her door and slid the letter under the door, then jumped back in to my car and left.

Mason's POV-

Dear Diary,

My cousin literally treats me like crap now that we're older, but the age of 13 he loved me and my corkiness. I guess getting older really does change a person. Me I never dated in my life or ever kissed a girl or maybe a guy. I've literally been known as the dorky virgin most of my high school life, but I consider myself lucky because I'm a senior. Being a senior means being a boss but it's hard to boss when people find you a laughing stock but if your like me and have been bullied your whole life your considered one of the lucky ones. Jace has always been the center of attention and has always gotten all the girls.

Just this one specific girl that I want to get to know more and that's Riele. There'a just something about her that I don't think anybody has noticed besides me. Jace has told me a few things about her but he always seemed to try and brag to me the fact that she's his "best friend" I couldn't care less if she was his girlfriend, enemy, and even his sister, because there was something about that girl that is completely different from the rest and I'll found out what if it's the last thing I do...