She Kissed Who?

Jace's POV-

It was almost the Spring Fling and Riele and I would usually go together as best friends but we've haven't talked know the confession. Well this dance is going to be elite because Ella and I's are going to be the best looking couple. I'm really not looking forward to seeing Riele with Mason but I'm going to support him because I want this to be the best experience for Ella.

I know nothing about her besides that she went to camp with Riele and that they really didn't get along very well. If she's not going to tell me imma just find out on my own.

Mason's POV-

I was on my way to Riele's house so we could hang but I pulled over because someone was following me. I got out of my car and started walking to someone's random yard to be certain that someone was following me and then I stopped and turned around and tackled the person to the ground.

Mason "Ella?"

Ella "In the flesh."

I jumped off her and dusted off the dirt off my outfit.

Mason "Why the heck are you following me?"

Ella "I have something to tell you."

Mason "I don't want to hear anything from you!"

And I turned around and started walking back to my car.

Ella "It's about Riele."

I turned back around.

Mason "What about her!?"

Ella "I saw her kissing Jace!"

Mason "Your lying!"

Ella "Why would I lie? I'm as shock as you are!"

Mason "Riele lied to me after everything I did for her."

Ella "What can I say once a liar always a liar."

Mason "Don't even act innocent, but imma go enjoy your pity life!"

I left her there and my heart dropped to pieces, how could Riele lie to me after I trusted her. I was there when Jace treated her like crap but she still thinks I'm not good enough well I'm not gonna be anyone's liability she wants Jace she can have him I'm done.

Riele's POV-

I've been waiting at my house since morning for Mason but he hasn't showed up or sent any text messages, I was starting to get worried. I called him and it went straight to voicemail and I called again and he answered.

Riele "Hey Mason!"

Mason "What!"

Riele "You were supposed be here 7 hours ago!"

Mason "Well I was but I decided not to when you chose to lock lips with Jace the heartbreaker!"

Riele "What the hell are you talking about Mason?"

Mason "Riele I'm tired of the lies, when your ready to tell the truth I'm here, but I gotta go to bed."

I was so confused but it wasn't hard for me to realize this is something that Ella did. I couldn't take it anymore her trying to ruin my life so I got in to my running pants and shoes and ran to Jace's house. When I arrived I banged at the door and Jace opened it.

Riele "What the hell did your girlfriend tell Mason!"

Jace "I don't know?"

Riele "You better tell her to quit or when I will I'll break something on her you know how I get when I'm mad so put her in check!"

Jace "So how you been?"

Riele "Don't play nice Jace, I got to go!"

I ran back home and I really wanted to see Mason but he thinks I've been lying to him, he's literally the best thing that happened to since Jace and I and now he isn't talking to me. I'm not going to let Ella ruin my friendship with Mason.

Jace's POV-

Ella had texted me 20 minutes ago that she was coming over, but I really wasn't looking forward to company at the time but nothing I could say would make her not come over. All I was thinking about was what Riele said because there is now way Riele would lie to me she's never lied to me even if we're not in good terms. While waiting for Ella I called up Mason's phone.

Jace "Hey Mason!"

Mason "What!"

Jace "You need to forgive Riele."

Mason "She kissed you, even after you treated her like crap!"

Jace "Riele never kissed me if she did I would've told you! Who told you that anyways?"

Mason "Your nut case of a girlfriend!"

Jace "Listen to me Mason. Riele and I never kissed."

Mason "Why should I believe you!?"

Jace "When have I ever lied to you!?"

Mason "Your right, imma talk to her tomorrow."

Jace "I love you man!"

Mason "Yeah, ok."

I hanged up but it felt good to finally talk to my first ever best friend even after everything that has been going on. Ella had finally reached my house and I went to open the door, she went in for a kiss but I dodged.

Ella "Why didn't you kiss me!?"

Jace "Why did you tell Mason Riele and I kissed!?"

Ella "Because!! She's getting in between us

Jace "No she hasn't. Ella you need to leave her alone, please do it for me."

Ella "Fine, I'm only doing this because I love you!"

Jace "Repeat after me. No more lies."

Jace and Ella "No more lies."

Jace "Good. Now I'll give you a kiss."

I gave her a kiss and then I picked her up and took her to my room.

Ella's POV-

Imma turn everyone against Riele if it's the last thing I do!