
Hi my name is Jack an unlucky guy to say the least my life has been a total tradegy my mum died in child birth so every treats me like I killed her especially dad he likes to hit me every now and the wich makes working the fields and selling what I can steal hard but if I don't he hits me harder last month I managed to get enough money to move out and move on with my plan if killing myself so I go to the bank to deposit money he got from his job when he heard from behind him

Robber:"everyone get on the ground"

he fires a few rounds into the air as five more armed and masked men come in I take a step forward and yank the pistol out of his hand and shoot him then his friends in the head I point the gun to my head and pull the trigger and just hear a click as the guns empty I crouch down and check his body and find anothe magazine I hear police storm in and yell

Police:"put the gun on the ground and put your hands in the air

I eject the empty magazine and put the new one in and push down on the slide release while saying

Jack:" thanks for making this easier "

I point the gun to my head and fire I hear people scurrying about as the darkness quickly embraces me and gives me warmth and comfort for the first time in my exsitance

In an unknown location there is a super computer that has been continually upgrading itself since it was built and started and it has determined that in order to upgrade itself any further on the software side of itself it needs to merge itself with a soul which it has done experiments to prove they exist and has created the neccecary equipment to do it but the calculations it's done says the chance of finding being compatible with and successfully merging is 0.0000000000000000000000000142%

Ai:"beginning search for wandering soul, soul located, soul designation xj47, beginning preperations preperations complete all primary systems online and operational, breaking souls pretective shell, operation successful, begining soul merging 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%, soul merging complete analysing soul, soul analysis sent ain't life human male sanity 76% acceptable granting ownership of systems to new module personality matrix self designation jack

Jack:"where am i, what am I?"

Ai:" soul designation xj47, Jack has merged with a self improving super computer wich is now under your controll