Chapter 46- Entry of Teja

Kaya POV:-

When a teacher told Teja to enter the conference hall, I heard some boys said, " Come on yaar, Teja entered the conference hall. We have to see her. Come, quickly. "

I turn and saw Tanish looking at them, and with his expression, I could tell that that boy is Akaash.

I saw two boys are running towards us.

One has worn glasses and one without glasses.

They both look handsome, and who has worn glasses is Akaash.

Oh poor Tanish, you have to face everything to fall Teja in love.

Then who is a friend of Akaash, bumped into a female teacher.

I know that teacher.

She is very strict. They are in trouble.

" What the hell? How can you boys never saw anything in your front whenever you run? " She yelled.

" We are sorry, mam. " Akaash replied.

" What the hell are you doing here? Go back to your class. You have to go to the auditorium when the time comes. " She ordered them, and they nodded reluctantly.

They go back to their class, and I controlled my laugh.

Oh, dear, Teja, Today everyone saw your true beauty.

Oh, I know, today you will realize your worth, surroundings, and passion.

I can not wait for this day's end.

So. that when you came home.

You will tell me everything.

But, I want this day to end steadily so that you can enjoy it.

" Aunt!!! " I heard someone called me.

I turn to see it is Tanish.

" Yes, Tanish. " I replied.

" I think you need to go now. " Tanish said, and I nodded.

" Alright, enjoy your day. " I replied and left.

I turn to see him, but he left already.

Enjoy your day Teja!!!

Teja POV:-

After I left the conference room, I came to my class.

I saw everyone looking so damn good.

" Good morning, everyone. " I yelled.

Then turn to saw me and they were shocked to see me.

Boys are looking at me with adoration, love, and lust, while girls are looking at me with one emotion jealousy.

I felt uncomfortable.

" Wow, everyone looks so good. " I complimented.

Boys got blushed but, girls are still looking at me with jealousy.

What is their problem?

They are looking so much better than me.

Why are they feeling jealous?


I don't care about them.

" Class!!! " I heard the voice of our chemistry teacher.

We turn and saw him.

" Good morning, sir. Happy teacher's day. " I wished him.

" Thank you, Teja!! " He replied with a smile.

Everyone wished him one by one, and I look at them.

I felt relaxed because they are looking so happy today.

They are enjoying their day with love.

I am lucky to see this much happiness as these happy days will never come back in my life.

You guys know the reason.

Soon, a few teachers came and gave us our batch with the name of that teacher we managed their class.

When they gave everyone their batch, they ordered, " In ten minutes, you need to reach the auditorium. "

I took my things with me as I sat on the bench for some minutes.

I am going in front of the library.

Suddenly, I heard, " Teja!!! "

I turn and saw my female science teacher, which role I am playing today.

" Hello, mam, happy teacher day!! " I said with a joyful smile and entered the library.

I greeted other teachers and wished them.

" Teja, you are looking fabulous. " Mam complimented me and hugged me.

I was taken aback by this sudden lovely gesture, but I hugged her back.

" Thank you, mam. " I replied honestly.

" Baby, let's take a picture. Madhu, takes our pictures, please. " She said to our other teacher Madhu mam.

Then we took our pictures, and she told me to took their picture, and I did.

" Mam, we need to go to the auditorium. " I said.

" Oh, yeah, I forgot about it. Teja, you go, we are coming too. " She replied, and I nodded.

I start taking steps in the stairs but, it was so damn problematic because of this Saari.

Slowly, I reached the third floor and saw only teachers are present here.

When I entered, I saw my middle-class maths, social science, and Sanskrit teachers.

I was going towards them when I heard a voice, " Are you a new teacher? "

I turned and saw a new teacher.

Before I could reply to her, my social science teacher cut me off with her laugh.

" Oh, no, Shivani, she is a student of this school. " She replied and came towards me.

That replied made her eyes widened and mouth open.

The Science teacher cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead.

I blushed.

Oh, God, what is happening, everyone today? Why are they acting strange today?

" G..Good...Morning, mam. H...Happy...Tacher's...Day " I replied in shuttering.

She laughed.

" Oh, God, Teja, dear, Where is the confident Teja today? " She asked.

" She is here, mam but, she was taken aback because of some reasons. " I replied.

" You are looking so beautiful today, beta. " She complimented me.

" Thank you so much, mam. " I replied honestly.

Soon, my middle school teacher came towards me and complimented me, hugged me.

I didn't even see that every girl is looking at me with jealousy.

We heard the announcement, and I saw almost every teacher and 12th class came to the auditorium.

I came to the near stage and sat on the bench, which adjusted beside the near stage.

Soon, one teacher announced.

" Until our principal and our vice principal come to the auditorium. Has there anyone who wants to say something to their teachers on the stage? " She asked.

No one replied, and I saw that.

Everyone wants to say something but hesitated.

" Has there no one, come on, students? " That teacher taunts us, and I had enough.

I raised my hand.

She saw my hand and said, " Teja from class 12th A is going to say a small speech. "

I walk towards the stage. Even I am hesitating inside.

I don't let anyone my nervousness.

I took the mike from her hands, and she gave me a sarcastic smile.

Why is she behaving like that? I didn't do anything bad to her.

" Hello, Good morning, everyone. First of all, I would like to thank you to Mrs. Poornima mam, who gave us the chance to share our feelings with our teachers on this day. " I started my speech.

I turn my face to everyone who looked with curious eyes.


Then, I saw our principal and vice-principal mams entered the auditorium.

Well done!!!

" I would like to thanks my teachers who teach me in my 12 years of this school. Thank you so much. Whatever I am today because of you. You helped me a lot through it would be direct or indirect. Even every teacher who bore our silly mistakes our naughtiness. Thank you so much. If you are not here, we don't know if we can achieve those things. We achieved. " I said honestly.

" I am thanking you on behalf of every student here who learned something from you. " I said, and everyone smile.

" This teacher's day is just the day to express our feelings that how much we loved you. Thank you. " I said and bowed respectfully.

I gave mike back to the mam and come downstairs.

Everyone clapped in my little speech, and I felt glad.

Our program starts with some students gave their written speeches.

They are those who became principal and vice-principal of the day.

Then our principal gives their speech which everyone laughed at because of his jokes.

But, in the end, he gives a brilliant speech.

I am impressed with his choice of words.

I want to give a speech like him someday.

With that, our program ended, and he told us to take our classes we assigned.

I know my first period is free. So I decided to take the class where no teacher is present.

So I took the round and found the 8th class section.

I entered, they stood up in respect and said, " Good morning, mam. "

" Good morning, students. " I replied with a smile.

" As I know, you don't want to study today. So, we can talk about the carrier. Are you interested? " I asked as I want to win their curiosity.

" Yes, mam. " The class replied happily, and I smiled.

Well done, Teja!!! I encouraged myself.

" Alright, what are your ambitions? " I asked, and some of them raised their hands.

" Why am I see a few students raised their hands? Are others didn't have any ambition? " I asked, and they nodded.

I sighed sadly.

" Do you want to know why we have to decide our ambition early? " I asked, and they shook their face in no.

" Alright, I will tell you. " I replied.

" I chose my aim when I was 2. I want to become a doctor. " I said, and they look at me with awe.

" Are you serious, mam? "One of them asked.

" Yes, but I had some mistakes in my past. Do you want to know about my mistakes? " I asked, and they nodded.

" I never found the steps of my ambition like how much money I needed in my course, what stream I have to choose when I completed when I passed my 10th, and many more. " I replied.

" Because of my carelessness, I was in some problems but, I was lucky that I managed them. " I said, and they are looking serious, as they are listening to my words carefully.

Before I could say something, I was cut off again by some male.

" Hello, mam. " I turn and saw an art student who is a volunteer.

Yes, those students who do not have interested to become a teacher, those are volunteers who are going to help us in management.

" Yes, sir. " I replied in a professional tone.

He took aback by my professional tone.

" Do you need any help? " He asked.

" No, sir, I am alright with them. " I replied honestly, and he nodded and left.

" So, where were we? " I asked the class as he left.

" Mam, you are talking about your mistakes. " one of the students replied.

" Thank you, dear. " I replied with a smile and, that girl blushed.

Oh, God, So cute.

And I talk with them for the entire period and ring the bell when the period is over.

" So, the class, did you understand everything? " I asked, and they nodded happily.

" Good, if you ever need any help, you can come to my class. " I said and left.

Wow, 1st period went well.

I thought.