Chapter 51- Unexpected!!!

Tanish POV:-

I am so proud of my girl. She did something new that no one will able to forget our class.

She is taking everyone with her. She is so unique, innocent, and cheerful person.

She may be a conservative person, but she thinks of everyone. That is what made her unique.

I love her more.

" Thank you so much, Teja, for your presents. Did you make it yourself? " Principal asked.

" No, sir. Our whole class made it with me. These shields, trophies are made of thermocol. We used some sparkles and lord Saraswati pictures and a specific title for you all. " She replied, and our class smiled as we all know she is lying. She made it all herself, and no one helped her as she didn't want to spoil the gift.

" Wow, thermocol. Your class is creative as these are not like these things have made of thermocol. " The principal replied honestly.

" Thank you, Teja. Anyone else? " The principal thanked her and gave the mike to someone else.

Then the event goes on.

We drink punch, soft drinks, and some snacks as waiters are serving everyone.

When the speech session ended, the principal came again as some teacher handled the mike.

" So, it's time for me to announce our king and queen of this party. What do you think? " The principal said, and some cheered, and some hooted.

" So our king of this party is Tanish Kashyap. " The principal announced, and I smiled arrogantly.

Everyone clapped for me as I go to the stage.

" And now this time for announcing the queen of this party which is... Teja Narayan. " The principal announces, and I smiled.

Yes, she is the only one that I deserve.

I turn my face towards Teja and saw her shocked as never in her dreams she thought she become my queen for today!!!!

But, Ritik gestures to her to come to me, and she started to walk towards the stage slowly.

Everyone cheered, and I smiled wholeheartedly.

Teja POV:-

When the principal announced that I am the queen of the day, I was shocked as I become Tanish queen for a day.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. My stupid heart is beating so faster than I believe someone near me listens to my heartbeat.

Ritik gestured me to go to the stage, and I started to walk. Slowly.

When I reached the stairs, Tanish came and showed me his hand.

I put my hand into his and felt sparks.

Oh, God, did my body is playing some tricks?

We come towards the principal, and he put the crowns on our heads.

I smiled, and he said, " Congratulations to you guys!!!! Now, it's time for your couple dance. "

Everyone hooted when the principal announced our first dance.

I felt like I am living a fairytale life.

( Don't worry, dear. Just Enjoy!!! )

Tanish took us to the center of the auditorium, and music starts playing.

We start dancing as he put one hand on my waist and took my other hand on his.

I put my other hand on his shoulder, and I realized today he has muscles.

We are enjoying ourselves without caring about others.

I am so happy and feeling love.

But, I felt sad that I couldn't accept this love as I want to achieve my goals.

Srishti POV:-

This b***ch.

She dared to took what is mine.

I hate seeing them together in love as everyone is enjoying their dance.

Teja, you whore you are so dead today.

After your insult, I will kill you with my bare hands.

Just, you wait, b***h.

I thought and gestured that waiter for getting ready.

When their dance end.

DJ starts other songs, and we all start dancing.

I came towards Tanish, and we start dancing together. But, I saw his attention is not towards me.

I followed his direction and saw Teja.

She is drinking a drink which I made especially for her, and the waiter gives me the signal.


Teja, you b***h, the party is going to be joyful now.

Teja POV:-

When I completed my drink, I felt I need to go to the washroom.

I left the auditorium and come to the ground floor.

I did my business and washed my hands.

Suddenly, I felt hot. I thought maybe it's because I danced.

So, I washed my face.

But my whole body started burning.

I saw my image in the mirror and see I am biting my lips seductively.

Oh, no, I am drugged that I felt hotter when I washed my face.

I need to reach my home at any cost.

I left the washroom with trembling feet.

I was about to fall on the floor when I felt two hands wrapped around my waist.

I turn and saw Tanish.

No!!!! No!!!

These made things worse.

" Teja, are you okay? " He asked, and I kissed him on the lips as the drug started to take its effect.

He became shocked because of my sudden kiss, but he started to kiss me too.

I started touching him but, he caught my hands.

" Teja, what is wrong with you? " He asked, and I did not reply to him but look at him lustfully.

Akaash POV:-

When the principal announced that Tanish and Teja are the king and queen, I felt disappointed.

But I can't do anything about it.

I felt jealous that I can't do anything to make her mine.

But I am happy too that my first crush and love is Teja.

They danced together, and I saw how Teja looks at him.

I am sure today that Teja loves that bastard.

I respect her decision.

Sometime later, I saw Teja left the auditorium, and Tanish followed her soon after.

Curiosity got me, and I followed her, leaving Anjali.

I reached and saw Teja kissed Tanish.

My heart has crushed seeing her kissing Tanish, and I left immediately.

Tanish POV:-

When I saw Teja's eyes dilated and she made gestures of seductress.

I understood that she is drugged.

I picked her in bridal style and took her in my car.

She started kissing my neck, and I felt hot as I stopped my one-night stand after meeting with Teja.

But, I have to control myself as she is not in her right mind.

I can't give her what she wants as I know her.

She regretted those things that happened between us.

She is not that type of girl.

Oh, God, things are getting exciting!!!

What do you think will happen?

Does Tanish and Teja will become one or something unexpected will happen?