

It was finally that moment. 

Hestia Wayne stands at the head of a long table lined with the most important people in Sentara. In her hand was a small vial with her latest invention inside.

"This," She says, "Is going to change the world as we know it."

She pushes a button on a remote and a projector hanging from the tall ceiling turns on, placing the letters "OV-3" on the wall behind her.

"OV-3, or Orinvirus is a virus designed by my most talented scientists to wipe out the human race." 

A man in a dark maroon suit stands "What?" He says, "Why would we want that?" 

"You didn't let me finish," Hestia glares at him. "There is a cure, and it has already been manufactured and released as a mandatory vaccine for all of Sentara."

The man sits and motions for her to continue. 

"The virus will be released into the world, and the only way they will get the cure will be to surrender to my new empire."

Everyone in the room nods and grins. This will be one of many times they have tried for world domination.

"How do you know that this will be a successful plague?" A woman in the first seat asks. 

Hestia clicks a button on her remote, turning the slide on the wall. 

"The same reason COVID-19 was so successful. You are contagious before you begin to show symptoms. In OV-3's case, the infected will be contagious for a week before they show symptoms. The virus attacks the Medulla section of the brain, causing total organ failure and rapid death."

"What about Sadeer and it's subhuman population?" Another woman in the far left corner asks.

Hestia smiles. "They will not be given the cure under any circumstances." She says.

"They will die out and the world will finally be free from their impression."

Everyone claps and praises her for her plan. It was foolproof. 

Hestia ends the meeting and walks down a long, black hallway into a laboratory labeled "Lab 2". Inside are countless scientists working solely on manufacturing OV-3. 

"How many vials are ready?" Hestia asks the head scientist. 

"Four." She says. "The fifth is on it's way."


Hestia pushes back a smile. For so long she has been working on the project of world domination. And now she has exactly the thing to do it. It will take death, but so does keeping an everyday piece. 

Her father, Gerwyn Wayne, was the one who put the section system together. He won't be happy when he sees the things she has done, but he is 102 years old and on his deathbed. So he will not be too much of a threat. 

"Lady Wayne," The lead scientist walked across the room back to her. "The fifth vial is complete."

"Good" Hestia says, "I will personally take them to the carriers." 

The Carriers were a selected group of people chosen for their skill and knowledge of the world outside of Sentara. They will be the ones who know where the best place to release the virus in each sector will be.

She walks into a room labeled "Prep 1".

There stand six uniformed personnel. Five fighter jets sit behind them. Hestia holds up the vials in her hand.

"These are the beginning to a new world." She says. "One without subhumans and completely under my government's influence." 

She passes four vials to four of them. Each of them turn and walk towards the jets.

"You two," She says to the remaining two. "Will go as a partnership to Sadeer. Eros does not like it when I send soldiers to her sector, so it will be difficult to get in. I want you to release it in the military training center. It should be densely packed with people right now"

One of the men, his bright orange hair shining in the sun, takes the vial and they both turn and make their way to the final jet remanding. 

"One more thing," Hestia calls out. "Make sure to single out anyone from the S-Squad. They are our biggest threat."

They nod and climb into their jet.